Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Automation webinar for the System Integrator!

The International Society of Automation (ISA) and MAVERICK Technologies, ISA’s Premier Strategic Partner for Systems Integration, will present “Front-End Loading (FEL) for Control System Migration,” a free, non-commercial, non-product-oriented, 90-minute webinar on 29 May 2014 from 12:00 p.m. until 1:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time.

Three experts will discuss the challenges, problems and common mistakes involved in a process control system migration, and explain how using front-end loading (FEL) practices help smooth the migration process.

Speakers include Nick Sands, manufacturing technology fellow at DuPont Protection Technologies; Matt Sigmon, director of DCSNext at MAVERICK Technologies; and Charles Skeen, program manager, chemicals, at MAVERICK Technologies. To register, visit ISA/MAVERICK FEL webinar.

FEL is the process of conceptual development for projects in the process industries and other applications. It includes robust planning and design early in a project's lifecycle at a time when the ability to influence changes in design is relatively high and the cost to make those changes is relatively low. Though FEL often adds a small amount of time and cost to the early portion of a project, these are minor compared to the alternative of making changes at later stages.

The webinar will consist of a two-part presentation, followed by an extended question-and-answer session. Attendees will be able to enter questions on the WebEx window on their PC screens.

Part 1 of the webinar will cover common mistakes in migrating from one control system to another, including incomplete or inadequate attention to safety instrumented systems, batch control, I/O interfacing, communications, cybersecurity and control system requirements. Part 1 also covers the consequences of these mistakes such as escalating costs, delayed schedules and staffing issues.

Part 2 of the webinar describes FEL procedures, how to use them in a control system migration project, and how proper FEL practices improve and aid project scope, scheduling, budgeting, and resource planning and execution.

New release improves design and operational efficiency!

Honeywell Process Solutions has launched its latest version of Experion® PKS Orion, featuring advanced capabilities that allow industrial plants to implement automation projects faster and more efficiently, while making it easier to manage daily operations.

Today’s global business environment requires organizations to be more flexible and responsive to the changing supply and demand conditions. It is critical for industrial facilities to achieve their automation objectives both on time and within budget, while minimizing operational costs.

Experion PKS Orion helps industrial plants meet those needs while leveraging process knowledge that makes project teams more flexible and efficient. The new system now employs a distinctive portfolio of scalable capabilities for innovative project execution and system management.

“Experion PKS Orion represents a shift in project implementation strategies based on new approaches such as virtualisation, Universal Channel Technology and using the cloud to design projects remotely,” said Frank Whitsura, vice president, Honeywell Process Solutions. “The project workflow, when implementing process control and safety systems, can now be adjusted to shorten schedules and minimize risk through every phase of the project.”

Experion Virtualization Solutions and remotely configurable Universal I/O cabinets allow for late-stage design changes and better hardware management. Capabilities like Experion Collaboration Station and Experion SCADA’s superior Human-Machine Interface (HMI) provide teams with the ability to share information across geographically dispersed locations and simplify operations over thousands of assets.

Experion PKS Orion is the only industrial process system using Universal Channel Technology to allow instant, remote configuration of both process and safety I/O—without additional hardware—permitting the use of standardized cabinets. Universal I/O modules reduce equipment requirements and footprint, and can be quickly configured for multiple channel types.
The new Experion SCADA radically simplifies configuration over thousands of assets and improves operational performance with an enhanced HMI. Equipment-based configuration requires minimal effort by using best practice templates containing not just the SCADA points, but the entire operator interface. In addition, dashboard style presentation and task-based filters focus attention on what’s important.

Experion PKS Orion is also the first system to use blade server technology for advanced virtualization capabilities. Leveraging virtualization, upfront hardware requirements can be delayed so hardware is more current when the project is handed over.

With the Experion Collaboration Station, users can display both business and process information in a common view supporting faster resolution of routine or abnormal situations. Additionally, Honeywell is the only automation vendor to incorporate Abnormal Situation Management (ASM®) Consortium principles in its SCADA design for superior HMI and situational awareness.

Related interoperability improvements providing engineering and operations flexibility include: expanded options with Profibus PA and Ethernet IP, modernization of legacy controllers while protecting our customers’ intellectual investment, and unified operations with Distributed System Architecture (DSA) Events and System Alarm Routing.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Large Ex d housings manufactured from robust light alloy!

New, cost-efficient aluminium housings have been introduced by R. Stahl with Ex d ignition protection that protect standard industrial electrical components in hazardous areas. The 8250 series is designed for stand-alone wall installation and can be used in zone 1/21 or 2/22 hazardous areas (gas group IIB). At the moment Stahl offers two models with internal dimensions of 250

Three further models with internal dimensions up to 540 x 360 x 300 mm will follow until the end of the year. The spacious enclosures can accommodate motor starters with performances up to 45 kW and bulky control technology. While the flameproof enclosures are an economical solution to provide for safe use of the industrial components, the housings are still easily accessible for installation work and reconfigurations: the lids can be hinged at any side, open wider than 180°, and can be equipped with captive screws if required.

Electrical components can be mounted either directly on profile rails or on mounting plates. Through a CAD-optimised design, the housing’s weight was reduced by 15%. Moreover, its copper-free aluminium alloy also ensures exceptional robustness, allowing for use in different regions throughout the world. The material is seawater-resistant. Depending on the housing’s mechanical features, it will tolerate environmental temperatures between -60 °C and +70 °C. Rated IP66, the 8250 series is also dust-tight and withstands strong water jets. The new aluminium housings are available with or without drill holes and can be equipped with an optional powder coating.

• Stahl products are marketed in Ireland by Douglas Control & Automation.

Supervision software!

ARC Informatique has introduced its latest SCADA solution, PcVue 11. Released in late 2013, PcVue® 11 integrates new tools that simplify application development, maintenance and enhance data viewing and processing.

A simpler way for development and maintenance
PcVue® 11's new libraries, templating and configuration environments will significantly reduce application development time. Application developers now have access to several thousand new images and animated objects (motors, valves, pipes, conveyor belts, displays, etc.) as well as many predefined, instantiable, templates that natively integrate the behaviour of the objects they represent (variables, alarm pop-ups, symbols, processing operations, thresholds, etc.).

PcVue® 11 also features sets of libraries for specific fields such as BMS (heat exchangers, air handling systems, heating systems, lighting, etc.) and electrical distribution systems (circuit breakers, fault detectors, dynamic coloring, etc.).

PcVue® 11 integrates three configuration tools to reduce application configuration times – Application Architect (templating), Application Explorer (configuration and diagnostics) and Smart Generator (automatic application generation). In version 11, Application Explorer enhances diagnostics operations by displaying data flows within PcVue® as well as between PcVue® and external components. Smart Generator imports data from external sources (PLC programs, CAD software, etc.) so that applications can be generated automatically. Configuration data are synchronized and configuration errors are reduced in a single step.

Enhanced viewing and processing of data
PcVue ® 11 provides operators with tools that facilitate the monitoring and controlling of their processes.

Its Web-based schedule manager features a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.
The new, fully integrated, DataExport module statistically analyses data (min./max., average, duration and recurrence of faults, energy metering) and presents this data in an Excel spreadsheet.
Lastly, the TouchVue® solution enables programming-free access, through a smartphone or a tablet computer, to the process information in any PcVue® application and notifies users when alarms are triggered.

Along with WebVue®, a Web client that allows programming-free Web-based control of PcVue® applications, this module rounds out the PcVue Solutions® mobility offering.

PcVue® 11 – open and interoperable
PcVue® 11 supports more than 150 protocols. In the case of energy-management applications, PcVue® 11 conforms to the IEC 61850 standard, and its driver is DNV KEMA certified. IEC 60870-5-104 and DNP3 are also available.

PcVue® supports the BACnet® and LON® communications protocols for building automation and control networks. It also supports all standard IT technologies such as OPC Client/Server, SNMP, SQL Server, Windows Server and virtualization (VmWare® and Hyper-V®). PcVue® 11 is an ideal solution for a host of applications, including building management systems, energy management systems, electricity production and distribution, renewable energies, industry, infrastructure, transport, and water treatment and distribution.

Multi-network connectivity or demanding & high-performance industrial devices!

The Anybus CompactCom range of embedded communication solutions from HMS Industrial Networks have provided automation devices with connectivity to any fieldbus or industrial Ethernet network for more than a decade. With the new Anybus CompactCom 40-series, HMS now introduces a new technology generation.

Built on solid and proven experience
The existing Anybus CompactCom 30-series (based on their NP30 network processor) has been installed in millions of automation devices and systems around the world and is tailored for general purpose automation such as AC drives, weigh scales, valves, barcode scanners, sensors, HMIs etc.
The new CompactCom 40-series is based on HMS’ Anybus NP40 network processor and is especially suitable for high-end industrial applications that require fieldbus or real-time Ethernet connectivity. Offering close to "zero delay" between devices and real-time networks, the 40-series is ideal for high-performance applications such as servo drive systems, which require fast network cycles and synchronization capabilities.

The CompactCom 40-series will support all major industrial networks, and the first release in April 2014 includes connectivity to EtherCAT, POWERLINK, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET and PROFIBUS.

The same hardware for all Ethernet networks.
Like all CompactCom solutions, the 40-series covers all types of industrial networks — traditional fieldbuses as well as industrial Ethernet. Device manufacturers that choose to use CompactCom get access to all networks through one single development project, during which the user simply integrates the generic Anybus interface (hardware/software). After this, any CompactCom 40-series product can be connected, offering instant connectivity to industrial networks.

The CompactCom 40-series extends the level of flexibility even further since it uses a common reprogrammable hardware to support several Ethernet networks. For example, it is possible to install the CompactCom 40-series Ethernet hardware into an industrial device and simply download ready-made firmware to connect to the desired network (for example POWERLINK, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET IRT or EtherCAT).

Three form factors – Chip, Brick and Module
  • Anybus CompactCom comes in three different form factors offering different levels of hardware integration to automation devices:
  • CompactCom Chip: A full network connectivity solution on a single chip for integration into the user’s PCB design.
  • CompactCom Brick: Ideal for users who have limited space or want to add their own choice of network connectors.
  • CompactCom Module: Complete and interchangeable communication modules that offer the fastest time to market.
“With the Anybus CompactCom 40-series, we can offer a complete communication solution suitable for both general automation devices and high-performance applications," says Leif Malmberg, Product Line Manager, Embedded, at HMS. “Users get the performance and accuracy they need for demanding applications, and the flexibility to adapt to different networks by simply downloading a new firmware.”

Pressure calibrator for high accuracy transmitters, pressure switches & gauges

A pressure calibrator has been introduced by Fluke which is ideal for calibrating high accuracy transmitters, pressure switches and pressure gauges. The 719Pro Electric Pressure Calibrator offers one handed pressure calibration and includes a full functioning loop calibrator that sources, simulates and measures mA signals.

The large backlit screen on the Pressure Calibrator displays three parameters at once: pressure measurement from the internal or an external sensor, sourced/simulated/measured mA values, and temperature using an optional RTD probe.

The instrument is available as three models – to 30psi (-0.8 to +2 bar), 150psi (-0.8 to +10 bar), and 300psi (-0.8 to +20 bar) pressure ranges: these ranges can be extended by attaching any of 29 optional Fluke 700Pxx Pressure Modules. The 719Pro offers ideal accuracy (to ±0.025%) and performance for reference class transmitter calibration. The 719Pro features a unique integrated electric pump offering one handed pressure calibration. It allows the user to program target pressures for pumping, eliminating the danger of over-pressurisation.

An easy-to-use function enables easy testing of pressure switches, while a precision pressure adjust vernier enables easy and accurate pressure calibration. Pump cleanout ports reduce pump failures from moisture and fluid damage.

The Fluke 719Pro comes complete with test leads and alligator clips, a fluid trap to mitigate against fluid damage, an accessory hose kit, an NPT to ISO adapter, user manuals and a carry case.

Monday, 28 April 2014

New video explains mission to protect from gas and flame hazards.

Oldham, an IST company, has released this new corporate video to showcases the company's employees, manufacturing facilities, state-of-the-art products and the core values that have sustained the company for more than 100 years.

While Oldham is known for producing high performance, high quality gas detection equipment used globally in many industries, the background and history of the privately-owned company are largely unknown. This video gives a full picture of the company and its mission to protect people and property from gas and flame hazards.

The video, shot at Oldham’s manufacturing headquarters in Arras (F), and at the plants of various European customers, reveals the expertise of Oldham’s employees, how the company’s core values guide employees to fulfill their shared mission, and how customers rely on the expertise of these employees to protect their people and sites.

Second instrument franchise announced!

Anglia Components has been appointed Britain and Ireland distributor for Pico Technology, award winning manufacturer of PC oscilloscope and data acquisition instruments. Pico Technology was named last week as a winner of a Queen's Award for Enterprise, Britain's highest accolade for business success, for its achievements in International Trade.

L2R: David Pearson, Technical Director, Anglia; Paul Allen, Distribution Sales Manager, Pico Technology; Sarah Porter, Marketing Manager, Anglia.
Kieran Winstanley, Distribution Sales Manager, at Pico Technology, sees the partnership as a great example of two innovative companies joining forces and pioneering a new business model to the benefit of their customers. “Anglia is already a valued supplier to Pico Technology, and we have an extremely high regard for their technical support and their logistics and service. Appointing a component distributor is a new approach for us, but Anglia convinced us that they could fill a gap in our network. They have a strong team of highly qualified FAEs and an effective online sales channel backed by stock for same day shipment. Pico Technology and Anglia already work effectively together, and we have high expectations of this new dimension to our relationship. ”

David Pearson, Technical Director of Anglia Components added, “We are excited about extending our instrument portfolio by adding a world leader in the field of PC–based test equipment and data acquisition. Pico Technology products are already well known and popular throughout our customer base. We can now help our customers make the right choice of test instrument by offering on-site demonstrations by our FAEs. If necessary, we can ship their chosen instrument to them the same day from stock. “

Ready for the IEC 61439 switchgear & controlgear systems standard!

Design engineers should be aware that the the IEC 61439 switchgear and controlgear systems standard will take effect from November 2014. This standard also applies to wall mounted control panels as well as floor standing power distribution assemblies.

For the smaller control panels with current ratings of below 630A, the ratings of the busbar system and controlgear components must be de-rated in line with the standard. A key feature of the standard is the calculation of the maximum internal temperature of enclosure.

To assist the design engineer Rittal can supply Therm software that will calculate internal temperature and Power Engineering software that can design the panel layout in line with the standards.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Design toolbox expands control design capabilities!

Maplesoft™ has announced an important update to the MapleSim Control Design Toolbox, an add-on to MapleSim, the advanced system-level modeling and simulation tool from Maplesoft. The MapleSim Control Design Toolbox allows engineers to take advantage of the greater flexibility and analysis options available through the use of symbolic parameters. This new release extends the functionality of this toolbox with more control algorithms, options for automatically selecting the most suitable algorithm and parameter values, and extensive improvements to existing features.

The updated MapleSim Control Design Toolbox
allows engineers to design a greater variety
of controllers and controller-observer systems
while leveraging powerful analysis options
 using symbolic parameters.
The Design Toolbox now includes additional control algorithms that operate on a wider range of systems and the ability to construct closed-loop systems so that users can create controllers with feedback. It offers a more complete set of algorithms for PID control, including automatic tuning of the controller. It also provides automatic computation of design parameters, such as poles and weighted matrices, for state control feedback design. These enhancements allow engineers to design a greater variety of controllers and controller-observer systems such as linear-quadratic-Gaussian control (LQG).

“With the MapleSim Control Design Toolbox, customers can easily perform traditional control tasks, but they also have the added flexibility that comes from having access to the symbolic power of MapleSim,” says Dr. Chad Schmitke, Director of MapleSim Development at Maplesoft. “By including symbolic parameters, researchers can gain insights into control problems in ways that are simply not possible with other tools. In addition, educators can use this approach to give their students valuable insight into the theory behind control design, giving them the understanding they need to tackle challenging problems, in school and out in the field. This new release increases those abilities by significantly expanding the scope of problems this toolbox can solve.”

The new MapleSim Control Design Toolbox is an add-on to the recent release of MapleSim, MapleSim 6.4.

Submersible subsea load cells excel under pressure!

With over 20 years experience designing and manufacturing submersible and subsea load cells Applied Measurements have sensors functioning worldwide, from a few metres below the surface to 10 kilometres underwater (depth or pressure equivalencies). These submersible and subsea sensors operate precisely and reliably 24/7 in applications including underwater structure lifting systems, ROVs and offshore power generation.

Many of their load cell designs are based on standard products with modifications to allow operation in underwater environments; O-ring seals, welded housings and moulded subsea connector assemblies ensure high integrity even at great depths. The most common models are our CCD column type compression load cells; DBCL in-line tension and compression load cells (image shown), which cover higher capacities from 1 tonne up to 1000 tonnes+; and our DDEN load cells, which are suited to lower capacities from just 250N/25kg up to 20kN/2000kg. These modified subsea and submersible load cell designs have been used in subsea structure lifting systems, offshore power generation and ROV exploration.

They also offer their STALC3 submersible load cells, which feature pressure compensation to ensure that the environment has a minimal effect on load cell performance. These products are designed primarily for use inside tri-axial chambers used by geotechnical testing laboratories, however, they have also designed customised fixtures that allow their use in a wide range of underwater applications including ROV development and subsea component pressure testing.

All subsea load cells can include the ICA series of miniature analogue amplifiers or the DCell miniature signal digitiser. Their small and compact size allows them to be fitted inside the submersible transducer, providing a conditioned and calibrated output directly to match existing instrumentation.

Where Applied Measurements specialise in the design of customised sensors to suit specific applications, we have served many unusual requirements so we’re always keen to help with any enquiry and relish the challenge of technically complex measurement scenarios.

Speeding cable-to-cable connection!

Harting has expanded its Han® B industrial connector product portfolio with the addition of Han® Hood Link: a new locking system that speeds cable-to-cable connection by allowing the connection of two standard Harting 16B hoods while simultaneously achieving an IP 65 degree of protection.

A key feature of the new connection is that it is made from a resistant elastomer which provides optimum protection against external mechanical forces, as well as good resistance to oils and gases. When used in conjunction with a specially contoured design, it achieves locking and sealing in a single action. As a result, housings can be quickly assembled and disassembled with minimal effort - all without tools.

A further product variant also permits housings to be locked together with both bulkhead and surface mounted housings.

This type of simple and robust locking element is particularly useful in concert and stage installations, since it minimises the risk of connectors falling from heights and the associated damage to the locking device on impact. This impact can be prevented by the elasticity of the new Han® Hood Link, which enables external mechanical forces to be absorbed. It also allows cables in machinery to be pre-assembled quickly and conveniently.

Measuring temperature for 75 years!

Krohne Inor, the temperature centre of excellence within the Krohne Group, has had major influence on the development of temperature transmitters. Founded 1939 in Malmö, Sweden, Krohne Inor celebrates its 75th birthday this year.

Print advertisements from the 1940s and 2014
The company was founded as Inor AB by Austrian Alfred Brakl who emigrated to Sweden in the 1930s. Focussing on temperature assemblies from the beginning, it started as a sales company for temperature assemblies and associated components. In the following years, Brakl expanded by setting up an assembly and matching services for temperature products. Not satisfied with what was available on the market at that time, he decided to develop his own temperature transmitter in the 1960s. From his idea derived a milestone for temperature transmitters: in 1974, INOR introduced the first temperature transmitter that could be built into the connection head. Since then, the design of the head-mounted transmitter has become an industrial standard and helped to extensively promote the name INOR as an innovator.

Progress was also made in the field of temperature assemblies: with temperature assembly starting in the 1950s, it already comprised numerous variants at that time. The company has gained wide experience in the areas of manufacturing standard and special variants, processing and machining different materials over the years, as well as designs and process connections of industrial temperature assemblies. The quality management of Inor was accredited to EN ISO 9000 already in 1995, since 2002 it is also accredited to EN ISO 14001.

In 2006, Krohne acquired Inor. Known as a manufacturer of flow and level measuring instruments, the company based in Duisburg, Germany, was looking for an expert company in the field of temperature measurement to offer its customers a broader portfolio from one source.  Inor became Krohne Inor and since then focusses on the extension of the temperature product portfolio and the internationalisation of its business activities. By combining both names the strong brand name INOR was accommodated.

In 2011 the company moved to its current location in Malmö where the urgently required space to enlarge production and assembly lines was available. Today, products and services of KROHNE INOR are available in more than 100 countries worldwide. Examples for the success of the efforts are major orders such as the equipment of the Solana CSP in Arizona, USA, with more than 1,100 measuring points. Among special high-temperature assemblies and accessories, the order comprises 1,148 OPTITEMP TT 51, a SIL2 HART transmitter.

• Krohne products are marketed in Ireland by DWN Instrumentation! 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Expansion of Oil, gas & energy industries powers A&C market in CIS.

Upcoming brownfield and greenfield projects in the oil and gas and power generation industries will sustain the demand for automation and control solutions (ACS) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Among the countries in the region (Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Moldova), Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan will remain market hot spots as scheduled oil and gas exploration activities as well as the anticipated modernisation of the industrial automation sectors pave the way for ACS adoption.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Strategic Analysis of the Automation and Control Solutions Market in CIS Countries, finds that the market earned revenues of €321.4 milliom  (US$443.8 million) in 2013 and estimates this to reach €405 million (US$559.2m) in 2017. While programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and safety instrumented systems (SIS) will continue to dominate the market, the distributed control system (DCS) segment is expected to witness the highest growth rate.

“As awareness increases, industries in the CIS are deploying ACS to bolster production volumes, optimise manufacturing processes, decrease operational costs, and boost returns,” said Frost & Sullivan Industrial Automation and Process Control Research Analyst Maryna Osipova. “Advanced solutions that offer asset management capabilities and enable the processing, displaying and archiving of information are particularly making a mark among end users.” 

One of the key challenges in the CIS ACS market is the lack of a well-qualified workforce. Innovative ACS systems require professional engineering resources for installation, operation and repair services, and the shortage of skilled assets affects project performance and customer service support for ACS products.

Another restraint is the economic downturn that has compelled customers to tighten budgets, resulting in the temporary shelving of present projects and the delay of future ones. High inflation rates further curb the purchasing power of customers and limit investments in automation.

Expanding into the region will help ACS producers overcome cost concerns from end users to an extent through geographical proximity and product customization activities.

“Building sound relationships with original equipment manufacturers will allow ACS service providers to deliver flexible solutions and carve a niche for their products in the competitive CIS market,” elaborated Osipova. “In addition, ACS suppliers must customise solutions to not only meet emerging customer needs but also add value to their offering and widen their reach in the region.” 

If you are interested in more information on this study, please send an e-mail to Julia Nikishkina, Corporate Communications, at, with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company e-mail address, company website, city, state and country.

Seasoned leader for European vice president position!

NI has announced the promotion of Robert Morton to Vice President of Europe. As Vice President of Europe, Morton is responsible for NI sales, marketing support and general and administrative operations in the greater European region.

Robert Morton
“Since joining NI in 1994, Robert has driven revenue growth, defined sales and support structures and recruited high-performing teams to serve customers, and I look forward to his continued leadership,” said Francis Griffiths, Senior Vice President of Regional Sales and Marketing and former Vice President of Europe.

Morton has held leadership positions across sales and engineering, including leading the northern European region as Sales Director. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester and an Honorary Doctorate of Science from Kingston University in London.<

Force measurement seminars!

Kistler Instruments are offering a 25% discount on all bookings made before the 31st August for its one day seminars held at two locations in England, on the 7th October  Corsham, and the 9th October at Gaydon.
The seminars will be held on 9th October 2014 at The Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon, Warwickshire and on the 7th November 2014 at Guyers House Conference Centre, Corsham, Wiltshire.

The 25% early booking discount will apply to the £200 single delegate fee and the reduced multi-delegate rate for all bookings made and paid for before the 31st August 2014. The delegate fee includes all course material, refreshments and lunch.

More information or to book contact Sharon Turner

The seminars, designed to provide an introduction to piezoelectric sensor technology for instrumentation engineers, will cover the theory of piezoelectric sensors and the practical application of piezoelectric measurement in both laboratory and industrial environments. Relevant to all those responsible for designing and building instrumentation and measurement systems, especially where long term reliable operation is a priority. A major quality of piezoelectric sensors is the ability to monitor highly dynamic impact or combustion events, often under harsh operating conditions.

Although piezoelectric sensor technology has many advantages over other types of sensor technologies, a clear understanding of piezoelectric measurement is essential for the full benefits to be obtained under real world conditions.
The subjects to be covered include:

  • ➢ Design, principles & benefits of piezoelectric sensors.
  • ➢ A practical exercise on fitting & mounting force sensors.
  • ➢ Charge signal conditioning and system integration.
  • ➢ Calibration and measurement.

The Internet of Things and air monitoring!

Jim Mills, Managing Director of Envirologger, was recently invited to speak at the Freescale Technology Forum (FTF) in Dallas (TX USA). The ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) was the central theme of the Conference, which sought to identify the potential for wireless ‘smart’ systems in applications as diverse as the remote control of domestic appliances with smartphones to space robotics and personal medical devices.

"Wireless technology may be used to monitor
almost any remote sensors." Jim Mills
With 18,000 employees worldwide, Freescale is a leader in embedded processing solutions for the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. From microcontrollers and microprocessors to sensors, analogue integrated circuits and connectivity, the company’s technologies are employed in many of the devices that we use every day.

Developed with the embedded engineer in mind, the FTF events drive innovation and collaboration amongst the global developer community, drawing nearly 60,000 attendees worldwide since their inception in 2005. The Dallas Conference was attended by around 2,000 engineers and speakers include Freescale’s CEO and senior management with guest presentations from some of the world’s leading technology innovation companies, including General Motors, Oracle, ARM, etc.

The guest speakers were invited to demonstrate that the IoT is already being employed successfully in a wide variety of applications and Jim Mills was asked to show delegates how Envirologger has web-enabled much of the Britain's air quality monitoring network. Jim outlined the ways in which Envirologger exploits Freescale technology to provide real-time access to remote monitors for air quality, traffic, meteorology and noise. “The Envirologger Gateway can be connected to just about any monitor, collecting data and passing it to our cloud-based servers,” he explained, adding: “We have also built Freescale technology into the wireless nodes that we have developed, which can be connected to individual sensors.”

During his presentation, Jim provided a live demonstration, featuring a global map showing the locations of Envirologger monitoring stations. For the purposes of the demonstration, Jim had configured carbon dioxide monitoring points at Freescale locations in both Scotland and Dallas, from which both historical and live data could be viewed.

Commenting on applications for the IoT Jim said: "We are seeing strong growth in the market for environmental monitoring and our customers are constantly finding new ways to exploit the value of live data.

"In essence, our customers need data, so with monitoring information stored in the 'cloud' we are finding that more and more customers prefer to rent data rather than purchase equipment and run it themselves. In addition, by web-enabling the data, users are able to provide information to an enormous number of people, which massively increases the value of the data."

All of the FTF presentations were filmed and are available online here. Jim's presentation can be viewed 50 minutes into the presentations on the second day. They have also conveniently extracted this presentation as a single YouTube video which we have included below!

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Combat cyber-threats with specialist training!

SolutionsPT is continuing its proactive response to the growing threat to cyber security in British manufacturing by becoming an authorised training provider for Tofino® Security Products, (now part of Belden.)

Earlier this year SolutionsPT became a Certified VAR Gold Partner for Tofino’s Industrial Security Solution. Tofino, as our readers will know, is renowned in the industry for cyber security protection within control networks. Tofino’s flexible architecture enables users to create security zones – Zone Level Security – throughout their control network to protect critical system components. (See more on our ICS & SCADA Page on Tofino's part in the battles against Stuxnet and its siblings!)

SolutionsPT is now helping fight the battle against cyber-threats by providing training aimed at maximising the potential of Tofino’s Industrial Security Solution, which includes the EAGLE20TM Tofino Hardware.

The one day course is designed to deliver a fundamental and in-depth understanding of the Tofino Industrial Security Solution by equipping users with the knowledge to install and configure Tofino within a manufacturing network to enable users to extend Cyber Security down to the control network and securely track network devices and easily create firewall rules.

Mike Lees, Hardware Manager at SolutionsPT said: “We are dealing with specialist security solutions designed specifically for the industrial IT market. It is therefore important that we educate our customers to use them effectively and ensure best practice is met, to make certain they are getting the best return on their investment, especially as security is such an ever-increasing issue in our industry”.

Courses will deliver a fundamental and in-depth understanding of the Tofino solution to users in IT, system administration, operations and engineering departments.

Delegate numbers are kept purposefully low so that individual needs and specific industry and company issues can be addressed fully.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Dew-point, moisture & gas analysers certified safe!

Michell Instruments has recently gained IECEx certification for its Exd range of moisture, hydrocarbon dew-point, oxygen and binary gas analysers. Adding this certification to the range means the analysers now have approvals for installation in hazardous areas around the world.

The complete set of approvals for the Exd range now include:

  • IECEx – globally accepted and required by Australia and South Korea
  • ATEX – required in Europe
  • CSA – harmonised certification applicable in both USA and Canada
  • TC-TR Ex – required in the CIS zone (Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus)
  • Ukraine EX

Michell also have experience in delivering complete analyzer systems conforming to Brazilian hazardous area certification, INMETRO.

The new certifications apply to Michell’s Condumax II Hydrocarbon Dew-Point Analyzer, Promet EExd moisture in process gases analyser, Liquidew EExd, which analyses moisture in petrochemical liquids, the XTP601 oxygen analyzer and the XTC601 binary gas analyzer. This means that all moisture and hydrocarbon dew point applications, around the world can be covered by these analysers.

• Michell Instruments are marketed in Ireland by Instrument Technology.

Code readers for shiny surfaces!

Reliable readings on reflective surfaces using polarisation filter

A new series of camera-based code readers now comes equipped with special polarization filter technology, which significantly expands the devices' application area. This is because the barcodes and Data Matrix codes are often located on shiny, reflective surfaces, which can significantly interfere with the read operation. The new code readers are reliable at suppressing these kinds of reflections and even enable fast, reliable readings on metallic material.

OPC120P - the code reader for highly
reflective surfaces
The new OPC120W and OPC120P Series 1-D code and 2-D code readers from Pepperl+Fuchs cover an exceptionally broad range of applications. The OPC120W models offer an excellent cost-benefit ratio and are all-rounders suitable for a host of standard applications at standard speeds. The OPC120P model is perfect for more difficult tasks: It can handle high-speed applications with movements up to 10 m/s or 100 readings/s, and is equipped with unique polarization filter technology. Reliable code reading is guaranteed on highly reflective surfaces, such as metals, plastics, PCBs, under films, and on curved surfaces. Dr.-Ing. Tim Weis, Product manager Industrial Vision Components, Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH adds, "Other highlights offered by this device include a rotary encoder input for path synchronization and the ability to read barcodes up to 200 mm in length through multiple image capture. The high depth of focus enables readings over a long distance without needing to make parameter changes. Moreover, the code readers are available in a range of interfaces that include PROFINET, RS232, and Ethernet."

The OPC120 Series devices read the DataMatrix, Code 2/5, Code 39, Code128, EAN13, and Pharmacode code symbologies. In addition, they can detect varying textures, expiration dates, and the presence and position of logos. The code readers are characterized by many other features: These include outputting the code quality, automatically saving fault patterns, formatting the output string, and the match code function. These functions can be applied to up to four separate regions of the captured image. Its wide variety of features and protection category IP67 mean that the new code readers are suitable for a broad range of applications and industries.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Video promotion of automation publication for your iPad!

Just over a month ago we reported InTech Plus, a new mobile app from the ISA, for the Apple iPad that enables automation professionals to rapidly access, scan and digest a diverse range of technical and educational content—and utilise valuable tools and calculators—through a highly interactive and inviting format. (InTech steams into your iPad! - 13/3/2014).

Now they have produced a short and snappy video to extol its virtues and advantages. Enjoy!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

State-of-the-art safety upgrade for stainless steel rolling mill!

ABB's new safety PLC has provided the platform for Sandvik Materials Technology to add zoned safety guarding to a large cold rolling mill at its Sandviken plant in Sweden. The mill is a key part of the production line for precision strip steel at the plant.

Sandvik's cold rolling mill has been upgraded a number of times throughout its life - including recent changes that added servomotors, and new machine control using ABB's standard AC500 PLC and touchscreen operator interface panels.

The latest upgrade adds safety PLC modules from ABB's AC500-S PLC to the machine control system to enhance the safety of the 20m-long mill with a networked architecture using the PROFIsafe protocol over PROFINET to provide independent control of six separate safety zones. The zoned arrangement means that parts of the machine can remain operational while an operator gains safe access to some other zone - where safety is assured by disabling power.

Some 50 safety PLC I/O channels are employed to link to gate switch and light curtain guarding, and emergency stop buttons. The I/O also monitors pressure switches to sense that hydraulic power is disabled so that maintenance can take place, and controls power supplies to the motor drives. Safe speed control is another aspect of the safety control provided by the new PLC - to ensure that hands or fingers cannot be trapped between the mill's belt and rollers.

Sandvik chose ABB's AC500-S safety PLC for this application because of good experience of the standard non-safety AC500 PLC architecture on both this machine and other machinery control projects. The AC500-S safety PLC also offered Sandvik the possibility of using floating point numbers, which simplified the safety programming required for this project for tasks such as calculating speed.

The fact that the standard version of the ABB PLC was already used on the mill measurably simplified the safety upgrade. This is because the safety PLC hardware shares the same look and feel as standard AC500 PLCs allowing safety and non-safety functions to be mixed in the same system. This compatibility includes identical dimensions to CPU and I/O modules, and the same mounting and wiring scheme.

The new dual-processor safety CPU module and the safety I/O channels have been integrated alongside the machine's existing AC500 PLC - which controls a total of six DC and AC drives and motors. The DC motors drive the main steel belt and rollers. The AC motors adjust roller position to achieve the desired pressure during strip steel processing. The standard PLC also links with four operator interface panels from ABB's CP600 series.

Programming the safety solution was made simple by the fact that ABB's integrated PLC development tool, Automation Builder, included support for safety PLC programming in its CODESYS-based integrated development environment - and support for the PLCopen Safety Library. ABB also provided its own safety code analyzer tool, SCA, which verifies the safety programming rules.

The familiarity of the programming environment and the sophistication of these tools helped Sandvik's developers to quickly understand safety PLC programming concepts. This allowed them to develop the enhanced machine safety architecture in a very short time - meeting the company's tight timescales set for this upgrade project - and quickly bring the enhanced mill into operation.

This project also took place before ABB had actually launched the AC500-S safety PLC. Prior to commercial release, the new PLC was extensively field tested in a large number of pilot applications. Sandvik was one of ABB's pilot customers and developed this safety control system before the product and tools were formally launched. This was made possible by good support from ABB's product development team. Since this application, Sandvik has gone on to use the safety PLC on three other machine refurbishment projects.

"We were very pleased to find such an easy-to-apply solution for adding state-of-the-art protection, in the form of the ABB's safety PLC - which integrated directly with the machine's existing PLC," says Torbjörn Pettersson, an engineering development specialist with Sandvik Materials Technology.

"The fact that ABB could supply the spectrum of machine control components required for this project, from the non-safety and safety variants of the PLC, to the operator panels, motor drives, contactors and safety hardware, both simplified and speeded this upgrade," says Jonas Rehnberg of ABB Sweden. "The modularity of the new safety solution also means that it is now very easy to upgrade or modify safety functionality in the future, to enhance the safety of the mill even further, or to integrate additional aspects of the production process."

The safety PLC - the AC500-S - is a recent addition to ABB's well-known AC500 PLC range and features a dual processor architecture that complies with SIL3 (IEC 61508:2010 and IEC 62061)/PL e (ISO 13849-1) functional safety levels. The integrated AC500-S safety PLC can run even if the non-safety PLC is stopped for maintenance. This means that personnel can still easily move within the machine during the maintenance phase, because the safety PLC will continue monitoring the state of the machine's safety sensors and executing its safety function.

Basic pressure sensors

Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors, Compensated, Unamplified, TBP Series have just been announced by Honeywell. These new sensors are designed for customers who require a simple, high quality, cost-effective, basic performance, mV output sensor that is compensated and unamplified so they can do their own amplification while retaining maximum resolution.

“The new TBP Series are designed to be flexible to meet the varying needs of our customers,” said Jacqueline Leff, senior product marketing manager. “Their small size and numerous package options simplify placement on crowded PC boards, a wide pressure range allows for use in applications requiring higher pressures, and their low current consumption allows for use in battery applications.  Additionally, customers can count on a fast response for quotes and samples, and a supply chain that is available throughout their development cycle.”   

The TBP Series, used to measure gauge pressures, may potentially be used in medical applications including hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, wound therapy and blood pressure monitoring, and industrial applications such as HVAC transmitters, air movement control, environmental control, leak detection, pneumatic controls and other commercial applications.

Gauge pressure sensors are referenced to atmospheric pressure and provide an output proportional to pressure variations from atmosphere. They are intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic gases, such as air and other dry gases, and for non-corrosive, non-ionic liquids when the silicone gel coating option is selected.  The TBP Series are designed and manufactured according to ISO 9001 and are ROHS compliant.

The TBP Series Basic Board Mount Pressure Sensors offer a wide pressure range (1 psi to 150 psi, 60 mbar to 10 bar, 6 kPa to 1 MPa) and an operating temperature range from -40 °C to 125 °C (-40 °F to 257 °F) and a 0 °C to 85 °C compensated temperature range.  Their size of 7 mm x 7 mm (0.276 in x 0.276 in) is very small when compared to most board mount pressure sensors, simplifying installation.  The TBP Series have an unlimited shelf life after the packaging is opened, can be calibrated within one hour after reflow solder, and are compatible with modern lead-free, no-clean solder processes.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Prototype wireless systems faster, significantly shorten time to results!

National Instruments has announced an integrated software defined radio solution for rapidly prototyping high-performance, multichannel wireless communication systems. The NI USRP RIO platform is built on the NI LabVIEW RIO architecture and combines a high-performance 2 x 2 multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) RF transceiver capable of transmitting and receiving signals from 50 MHz to 6 GHz with an open LabVIEW programmable FPGA architecture.

Wireless engineers can use this technology to rapidly prototype real-time wireless communications systems and test them under real-world conditions. They can also prototype more capable wireless algorithms and systems faster and reduce time to results using the only complete platform to take full advantage of a graphical system design approach. The USRP RIO family delivers high-performance, real-time processing capability with the Xilinx Kintex-7 Series FPGA, low latency with the PCI Express connection to a host computer and small size (1U half wide, 19 in. rack mountable).

USRP RIO is ideal for a wide range of application areas including 5G wireless communications research, active and passive radar development and exploration, communications intelligence, connected smart devices and more. NI USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) is already a popular platform for research spanning industry and academia as it empowers researchers to rapidly iterate on designs via programmable software. For example, a recent Lund University announcement highlights a 5G research application focusing on massive MIMO – a technology being considered for 5G communication.

Mag meter for industrial applications!

Badger Meter has introduced the M1000 electromagnetic flow meter, an addition to its accurate, high-performance ModMAG® M-Series® family. Combining a general purpose detector with an amplifier representing the next generation of electromagnetic flow meter signal processing, the M1000 is available in an easy-to-use, "no frills" package with a streamlined feature set for use in a wide range of industrial applications.

The M1000 electromagnetic flow meter achieves an accuracy rate of ± 0.3 percent and its rugged design ensures exceptional reliability in demanding environments. The meter features a non-intrusive open flow tube that virtually eliminates pressure loss, and with no moving parts to impede the flow stream, maintenance is kept to a minimum – even in less than ideal fluid conditions. The M1000 also offers superior vibration resistance when mounted on vehicles. A wide selection of liner and electrode materials provides maximum fluid compatibility and minimum maintenance over a long operating period.

Brooke Lange, product specialist, Badger Meter, commented, "The M1000 electromagnetic flow meter was specifically developed for industrial water/wastewater, machinery plants, commercial vehicles and batching process applications. Its measuring pipes are lined with material approved for use with drinking water per the NSF-61 standards. Plus, rugged construction and resistance to vibration make the meter ideal for truck-mounted operation for process fluid in the hydraulic fracturing industry."

The M1000 electromagnetic flow meter is available in 1/4…8 inch sizes and has a flow range of 0.03…12 m/s. The meter is best suited for bi-directional flow measurements of fluid > 5 µS/cm (> 20 µS/cm for de-mineralized water). The amplifier includes an LCD display and is housed in a weather-resistant, NEMA 4X (IP66) enclosure, which can be integrally mounted to the detector, or if necessary, mounted remotely for an optional NEMA 6P (IP67) enclosure. The available power supply is 92…275V AC (9…36V DC).

Badger Meter has broadened the M1000 communication connection protocols to include Modbus® RTU, RS232, RS422 and RS485 options. In addition, the meter offers a Data Logging feature kit for advanced analytics.

Wireless transmitter delivers two process variables in a single installation!

The Rosemount 3051S MultiVariable Wireless Pressure Transmitter, is designed to directly measure two process variables in one installation so users can gain greater insight into their process without increasing installation costs.

The more devices there are in a facility, the greater the required cost and time investments for installation, scheduled maintenance and downtime. Now users can simplify installation and maintenance routines with the 3051S MultiVariable Wireless Pressure Transmitter. Because the transmitter measures differential and static pressure, users can reduce pipe penetrations and impulse piping along with their associated costs. The static pressure sensor is available as either true gauge or absolute, which allows for reduced maintenance and calibration costs.

Backed by Emerson’s proven experience in Smart Wireless field instrumentation, users have instant visibility to their measurements through a non-intrusive, WirelessHART® monitoring system. With these wireless transmitters, users can monitor more assets throughout their facilities with greater than 99% reliability and at 40% to 60% cost savings over wired installations.

The Rosemount 3051S MultiVariable Wireless Pressure Transmitter delivers a decade of maintenance-free performance with a 10-year stability specification, making it the most cost effective and reliable way to monitor assets while reducing installation costs.

Distributor appointed for Ireland & Britain!

The new Britain and Ireland distributor for Roxburgh, Deltron Enclosures and Deltron Connectors is Anglia Components . The three brands are manufactured by DEM Manufacturing, one of the best known manufacturers of EMC filters, connectors and enclosures.

From Left to Right, Tom Downing – Product Manager, Deltron; Kerry Higham - Commercial Marketing Manager PEMCO & Lighting, Anglia; Darren Fuller – Sales Manager, Deltron; Diane Kilminster – Marketing Executive, Deltron; Graham Bridger – Marketing Director, Anglia
Darren Fuller, Sales Manager for DEM Manufacturing said, “Anglia offers a unique combination of top class technical support backed by a strong online sales resource. Their Field Applications Engineers have the relationships and expertise to engage in depth with customers, and design in appropriate solutions. These customers can then visit Anglia Live to order samples and obtain detailed availability information.”

He continued, “Anglia has demonstrated its commitment to us by putting in place good levels of stock to service their customers. We are confident that Anglia will be a productive marketing channel for our brands, bringing us new opportunities and taking us to design and purchasing professionals in markets we don’t currently serve.”

Commenting, Graham Bridger, Marketing Director IP&E, of Anglia added, “The DEM name is highly regarded and is synonymous with quality. A single agreement brings Anglia customers three industry leading ranges from a top UK manufacturer:  Roxburgh EMC / RFI filters, Deltron die-cast enclosures, and Deltron Connectors professional audio connectors. These new ranges further fill out Anglia portfolio and broaden the choice we offer to our customers.”

All three brands are being supported by an extensive stock profile held at Anglia’s  warehouse, and available online for same day shipment through Anglia Live. Anglia will be supporting Deltron Enclosures standard range of general aluminium die cast enclosures, IP rated enclosures; IP65 enclosures, IP66 enclosures, IP67 enclosures and IP68 enclosures, and industrial and heavy duty options suitable for harsh environments. It will also offer Deltron Connectors DIN and XLR plugs and sockets, phono and jack plugs, 4mm banana plugs, crocodile clips and a variety of electrical connectors suitable for instrumentation and speaker applications. Roxburgh industrial filters and general EMC filters, including IEC inlet filters, will also be supported with stock.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Fieldbus users event in Britain!

The Fieldbus Foundation UK Marketing Committee (FFUKMC) is finalising its plans for the first of its 2014 schedule of end user events – a FOUNDATION Technology Study Day to be held in Stockport on Tuesday 13 May, 2014.

With a morning session focused on an introduction to FOUNDATION technology, a lunch break with tabletop displays and additional presentations, and an afternoon session offering a more advanced programme, delegates will be able to tailor the day to suit their own requirements. Delegates may choose to attend either the morning or afternoon session or they are welcome to attend both. There is no charge to attend and the lunch and lunchtime sessions are open to all delegates.

The event will be held on Tuesday 13 May at the Emerson Process Management offices, 
Arden Business Centre, Horsfield Way, 
Bredbury, Stockport, 
Cheshire SK6 2SU. 

Delegates are invited to register their names, company, email address and session preferences with the UK Committee email address:
Following registration and coffee, the morning session, from 10.00-12.30, will include an introduction to FOUNDATION technology and solutions, and an insight into the lifecycle economics of the system.

The afternoon session, from 13.30-16.00, will present a more in-depth programme of presentations and practical workshops with a focus on supporting a FOUNDATION installation through asset management; device replacement; calibration and recommended maintenance practices.

All registered attendees are invited to the complimentary lunch during which Fieldbus Foundation member companies will be available to discuss and demonstrate their FOUNDATION products and services.

Also available during the lunch break are update presentations on FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management (F-ROM) and FOUNDATION for Safety Instrumented Functions (FF-SIF).

New for the Stockport Study Day will be a round table discussion about the ‘Roles and Relationship of IT and Security” which is will be open to all attendees and will offer a forum to debate solution networking and data security issues.

Richard Barnes, chairman of the FFUKMC is looking forward to welcoming current or potential end users, system integrators, EPCs, and all personnel with an interest in FOUNDATION fieldbus systems or a need to gain an understanding of the technology. “The FFUKMC has tried and tested this new approach to its end user seminars – we understand the need for differing levels of information to suit individuals in differing roles within the process automation enterprise. The study day format which we adopted for our recent events in London, Aberdeen and Middlesbrough allows everyone to gain high quality information whether it’s at an introductory level or an advanced level. We’ve also listened to feedback from previous attendees and have introduced new topical elements into the agenda”. He continued, “There will also be several opportunities throughout the day for networking with other users and potential users, as well as industry experts and suppliers of the systems, devices and components that make up a FOUNDATION system.”

Cyber-secure experts become partners!

Ultra Electronics, 3eTI, a leading provider of certified, cyber-secure network solutions for critical information systems, infrastructure and industrial automation, is an ISA Promotional Partner.

Through the partnership, 3eTI and ISA will work together to leverage 3eTI's core cybersecurity capabilities for the benefit of ISA members and customers, providing critical infrastructure protection (CIP) of their industrial networks and industrial control systems (ICS).

3eTI has launched its SecureICS initiative through its well-established work and relationships with the US government and other large organizations. 3eTI and ISA will soon issue a series of reports addressing the current need for enhanced operational security of ICS to mitigate industrial cyber vulnerabilities and attack vectors, and to provide defense-in-depth ICS cybersecurity. 3eTI’s security specialists and executives will also share their findings on security topics in a blog to be launched this summer.

The partnership enables:
  • 3eTI and ISA to work together in providing ISA members and customers with access to 3eTI’s vast cybersecurity resources, including publications, case studies, seminars, consultation and more.
  • The presentation of 3eTI cybersecurity seminars, which will be provided free of charge to ISA’s worldwide members and customers.
  • 3eTI, as a thought leader in ICS cybersecurity, to explore new avenues and campaigns to improve understanding of industrial cybersecurity among ISA members and customers.
  • 3eTI to sponsor and present at upcoming ISA technical symposia and events, including 57th Annual ISA POWID Symposium, 2014 Water/Wastewater and Automation Controls Symposium  and 2014 Process Control and Safety Symposium.
For more than 20 years, 3eTI has assisted the US military in improving the security of its critical networks with proven and reliable cybersecurity products and services for industrial networks and systems. The company offers certified security solutions tailored to critical infrastructure, from analysis and protection systems extending from the enterprise to the PLC to embedded controllers and other devices. Its tools and products interoperate with existing control systems for true fail-safe security.

“As a global leader in developing security standards for industrial automation and control systems—and having played an essential role in the development of the US Cybersecurity Framework—ISA is on the frontline of protecting global industry and infrastructure from the serious risks posed by cyberattack,” says Jennifer Infantino, ISA's Manager of Marketing, Communications, and Corporate Partnerships. “By partnering with 3eTI, one of the industry's proven leaders in highly secure communications networks for the military and government markets worldwide, we can bring added marketplace visibility to this urgent challenge and provide our members and customers access to a broader, integrated set of industrial cybersecurity solutions.”

“3eTI’s mission is to help protect industrial systems from increasing risks due to a rise in published vulnerabilities, wider connectivity, and adoption of open standards that can expose networks and critical edge devices to serious exploits," said Benga Erinle, President of Ultra Electronics, 3eTI. "We are very excited about this promotional partnership and look forward to educating the ISA community through our SecureICS initiative and the importance of implementing risk-based, end-to-end security for future operational growth.”

The ISA Corporate Partnerships Program offers companies a customized, tailored approach to sponsorship within the organization. Partnership packages include year-round promotion, prominent association-wide access and recognition, and turnkey service from a dedicated team of professionals. Companies can bundle ISA products and services with marketing opportunities, providing a more streamlined approach to corporate sponsorship. For more information about ISA’s Corporate Partnerships Program, visit the partner section of the ISA website.

Compact weighing module for peripheral systems!

Fast, accurate measurements of weights and forces

The new Siwarex WP321 from Siemens is a compact, versatile weighing module for the distributed I/O Simatic ET 200SP. With its freely configurable design, Siwarex WP321 is ideally suited for platform scales, for filling level measurement in storage silos and bunkers and also for weighing tasks in potentially explosive areas up to zone 2.

With its compact design and flexible scope for application, Siwarex WP321 provides a high-speed, accurate solution for measuring weights and forces, with a resolution of up to +/- two million parts and a measuring rate of ten milliseconds.

The narrow module width of just 15 millimeters permits flexible, individual weighing applications within even the smallest of spaces. Customer and industry-specific solutions for weighing processes are quickly and simply implemented with the aid of the project engineering package and the “ready-for-use” application. This allows the scale parameters to be simply accessed and edited using a special function module from the CPU. Using the Siwatool software, the scale is parameterized and commissioned directly on site. Three freely definable limit values provide additional process reliability in application. Back-up files can be created by the user, simplifying the exchange of modules for repairs or servicing, and simultaneously enhancing plant availability.