Thursday, 31 March 2016

Rapid and reliable pipeline leak detection.

Krohne is to present a webinar "Rapid and Reliable Pipeline Leak Detection" on April 20, 2016, 10:00 AM EDT (15:00 CET). It focuses on the differences between commonly used leak detection systems and those combining several leak detection methods. Target groups for the free webinar are all industries that operate liquid and gas pipelines such as chemical, petrochemical, and oil & gas.

Pipelines are among the safest and most efficient means of transport available, and leak monitoring systems are a necessary part of their safety concept. While demand for pipeline leak detection and location systems is increasing, general knowledge about these systems is limited, as presenter Daniel Vogt explains: “Negative statements about sensitivity and reliability such as ‘only catastrophic leaks are detected’ or ‘permanent false alarms’ can still be heard regularly. They may result from bad experience in the past, unrealistic expectations, or a combination of the two. Attendees of the webinar will learn that modern leak detection systems do allow leak detection without false alarms, even when operated under dynamic (transient) conditions.”

In particular, Krohne’s PipePatrol E-RTTM method for rapid and reliable leak detection is presented: the capabilities of this model-supported, statistical classification method in an operational environment will be demonstrated, using field data and a sample case taken from the chemical industry. Also, key factors for successful implementation and operation are shown.

Registration Here

#PAuto #Webinar #Oil @KROHNE_USA

Diaphragm metering pump.

Rugged Diaphragm Metering Pump for Precise Chemical Feed.

Blue-White’s ChemPro® diaphragm metering injector pump is equipped with a variable speed DC motor, offering smooth and quiet chemical dosing, with no hard pulses. A full stroke every time prevents vapor lock.

It’s fitted with Blue-White’s patent pending DiaFlex® single layer PVDF diaphragm. The all PVDF provides excellent chemical compatibility. DiaFlex® exhibits zero breakdown or delamination, resulting in a reduction of required field maintenance and downtime.

Intelligent electronics permit connection to SCADA systems (Modbus TCP, ProfiNet, Modbus, Profibus), and other remote controllers for dosing control; the firmware is upgradable.

Additional ChemPro® features include: Exclusive DFD (Diaphragm Failure Detection) system alarm; UV protective LCD cover; turndown ratio of 100:1; Feed rates to 40GPH, with a feed rate resolution of 0.1%, pressures to 175PSI, 2 year warranty; NEMA 4x washdown / IP66 housing.

@BlueWhiteInd #PAuto

Solenoid valve for extreme conditions.

The existing ASCO 327 Series solenoid valve has now been made suitable for use in temperatures as low as -60°C, considerably increasing its application options for our customers in the process industry.

Formerly suitable for use down to -50°C, this extension to the temperature range results in a reliable solution for Arctic and Polar conditions, which are increasingly common environments in Oil & Gas exploration. This ATEX certified solenoid valve is already a popular solution in the process industry, thanks to its proven high performance and robust construction. It also offers CUTR and IECEx certifications.

This additional feature has been achieved thanks to the inclusion of a Fluorosilicone (FVMQ) seal which provides exceptional temperature resistance. This, in combination with a higher spring force and a power consumption of 5.6/5.7 Watt AC/DC, provides excellent sealing properties and a long life expectancy.

Customers will benefit from the same high performance, long life and safety certifications always promised by the 327 Series, even in Arctic/Polar conditions. The total temperature range of the 327 Series now covers -60˚C up to +90˚C.

The new feature is available on a range of 327 Series valves with a wide selection available via Express Fast Ship delivery.

 @EmersonProcess @ASCOValve #PAuto 

New corporate design.

With the publication of its annual report for 2015, Softing is gradually introducing its updated corporate brand, which is being expressed primarily through a new logo and tagline.

“Softing’s growing internationalization and the recent expansion of its range of expertise and services have made it necessary to reposition the company,” said Dr. Wolfgang Trier, CEO of the Softing Group, explaining the motivation behind the change.

In cooperation with the renowned brand strategist Günter Käfer, the new brand identity was developed reflecting the company and its enlarged portfolio of services. The resulting brand positioning, which applies to all divisions, will also be expressed through new communication elements.

“Since Softing was founded over 35 years ago, its appearance has remained largely unchanged. The new lettering has made the logo more technical and modern without damaging its recognition value. Furthermore, the bright blue symbolizes our technological core expertise and two key values of our brand personality: service and loyalty,” said Wolfgang Wende, Senior Vice President Corporate Marketing.

The logo can be supplemented with the tagline “optimize!” depending on the use case. This communicates the condensed value proposition of the Softing corporate brand. The tagline is an appeal: Upcoming trends such as the Internet of Things, connected cars and Industry 4.0 have prompted efforts to more comprehensively improve the efficiency of equipment and processes, meaning that companies will be under even more pressure to optimize in the future. In order to cope with this, reliable information and the efficient exchange of data are essential – and Softing is a competent partner here.

 #Softing #PAuto #automotive #IoT

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Distributed control system uses ProfiNet.

Emerson Process Management, working with MYNAH Technologies, has expanded customers’ network possibilities and application options by adding PROFINET protocol abilities to the DeltaV distributed control system (DCS) - further opening plant floor integration to DeltaV users.

The addition of PROFINET saves DeltaV users time and effort by enabling direct connection between the DeltaV DCS and plant floor devices such as motor control centres, variable speed drives, and PLCs in process automation businesses. Taking advantage of PROFINET, users do not need to use a protocol converter to connect to the system.

DeltaV S-series VIM2 Card
PROFINET joins a wide range of DeltaV Ethernet-based protocols, such as Modbus/TCP and Ethernet/IP. The new capability is easily added to the system via both M-series and S-series Virtual I/O Module 2 (VIM2) interfaces.

The PROFINET driver supports simplex VIM2 modules deployed with standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) network equipment. For enhanced reliability and availability, simplex VIM2 modules can be deployed with an external switch that handles media redundancy network topology via Media Redundancy Protocol (MRP) and also behaves as the ring master.

Saving time and increasing safety, the VIM2 interface and firewall function allow a high level of access without sacrificing control system security and integrity. The VIM2-based PROFINET architecture enables users to optimise expansion activities or perform maintenance operations on applications in remote locations using a laptop with vendor-specific diagnostic tools - all while constantly monitoring applications from a centralised network.

“PROFINET is a growing bus protocol choice in process industries,” said Emerson Process Management’s chief strategic officer Peter Zornio. “The DeltaV system has a strong history of interconnection to busses of all types with seamless information integration for end users. MYNAH has been a great partner in attaining this achievement, and the addition of PROFINET will help our customers reduce their integration costs.”

“We are excited to work with Emerson to bring this technology to DeltaV users worldwide,” said Nobin William, vice president of technology at MYNAH. “The VIM2 Industrial Ethernet driver product family provides cost-effective, high-performance integration between DeltaV and an incredible number of plant floor devices. The PROFINET driver extends this integration capability to new markets and new users.”

@EmersonProcess @MYNAHTech #PAuto

Turnkey temperature monitoring system for wallboard production .

Fluke Process Instruments has launched a new, complete turnkey solution for real-time temperature monitoring and documentation of wallboard manufacturing processes.

The TIP900 system is an efficient quality control tool designed to help manufacturers quickly set up their line and improve yield. The infrared temperature measurement system creates highly detailed thermal images of the boards as they leave the dryer. Analyzing these, the system software detects moisture and density variations and identifies any faults, such as clumps or voids in the plaster core, paper blows, edge burns, or overlapping boards.

The thermal images and any flaws are instantly displayed on a touchscreen, allowing the line operator to adjust the dryer for maximum board quality. Tolerances for rejects, alarm settings, and report generation are user-configurable. The dust-proof and Ethernet-enabled TIP900 system allows for remote access to all thermal images and graphs of all processed boards. The LogViewer database stores all recorded data. It can be searched with customized filters, enabling trend analyses and long-term traceability.

@FlukeCorp  #PAuto 

App to explain Ex markings.

The “EXCovery” app for mobile devices, developed by explosion protection expert R. Stahl and provided free of charge, explains the exact meaning behind ATEX and IECEx markings by providing a quick and instructive breakdown of the information encoded on the labels of explosion-protected electrical devices.

Operators, electricians, and machine or system engineers can now simply consult their own smartphone or tablet computer to ascertain the exact conditions of use for ATEX- and IECEx-certified hazardous area equipment. The app analyses the portion of the marking specified according to the IEC 60079-0 standard, which is included in the certifications of both ATEX and IECEx devices.

After the short string of characters from the nameplate of an explosion-protected device is entered, EXCovery processes it and clearly displays the marking’s dust or gas atmosphere designation, the device’s ignition protection type, gas group and temperature class if applicable, and equipment protection level. In addition to decoding specific certifications, the app also serves as a repository for reference information. EXCovery provides instant access to information that can be crucial in the field, e.g. guidance on what to observe when dealing with certification markings, and a wealth of other fundamental explosion protection know-how, e.g. on key terms or the zone concept.

All special characters used in markings are available in an extra on-screen pane for very quick and comfortable input of certification strings. The EXCovery app is now available for Android and iPhone and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and iOS app store.

• Stahl products are marketed in Ireland through Douglas Controls & Automation.

 #stahl #PAuto #Ex

IoT is key to asset management.

A Global survey of leading utilities from ABB, reflects increased importance of integrating information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT)
A global survey of over 200 executives at electricity, gas and water utilities increasingly believe that IT-OT integration is a key component of any effective asset management strategy. Some 80 percent held IT-OT integration for asset management as valuable. 58% of respondents either have, or are planning to have, a strategy leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) for asset management and 55% reported the importance of asset management has increased over the past 12 months.

Interconnecting things, services and people via the Internet improves data analysis, boosts productivity, enhances reliability, saves energy and costs, and generates new revenue opportunities through innovative business models. The industrial internet and cloud services also offer the benefit of bringing world-class analytics within reach of smaller production facilities. For over a decade ABB has been developing and enhancing process control systems, communication solutions, sensors and software that support the concept of the Internet of Things, Services and People (IoTSP).

“Now more than ever, utilities see the need to bring together once disparate technologies and systems to better understand their increasingly complex asset base and share those insights with the people across the organization, in order to improve planning, productivity and safety,” said Massimo Danieli, Managing Director of the Grid Automation business unit within the company’s Power Grids division. “This is very much in line with ABB’s focus on IoTSP, as part of our Next Level strategy, and our comprehensive portfolio puts us in an ideal position to support our customers in integrating the worlds of information and operational technology.”

Respondents to the survey see numerous benefits in this integration. On a scale of 1-5, they ranked better long-term planning (4.86) as the highest priority. Increased staff productivity (4.43), improved safety (3.98) and better use of capital (3.68) rounded out the top five.

@ABBgroupnews #PAuto #Utilities @ABBUKInst

Vision technology forum success!

The second British Vision Technology Forum held by Stemer Imaging at The Silverstone Wing on the 3rd of March proved to be a huge success. With more than 300 registrants, a seminar program of 50 presentations over 5 tracks and a mini exhibition featuring more than 30 machine vision technology suppliers, the event was characterised by its vibrant atmosphere.
Mark Williamson, Director – Corporate Market Development at Stemmer, said: “We were delighted with every aspect of the event. Attendance levels were excellent and we were pleased to welcome many new faces since over 50% of the visitors had not been to one of our events before.”

“The format provides plenty of flexibility for attendees to choose exactly which presentations they would like to attend yet leaves plenty of time to have a cup of coffee and visit the exhibition area”, he continued. “It was very rewarding to see many groups of visitors engaging in conversation throughout the day, taking advantage of the chance to network with each other and the vision specialists that were on hand. Many people commented on how useful these discussions were”.

“Each presentation typically attracted around 20 – 25 delegates, but some proved to be extremely popular with more than 40 attendees”, concluded Williamson. “The 6 ‘hands-on’ sessions for 3D imaging and the creation of machine vision applications using either smart cameras or multi-camera imaging software were once again fully subscribed. Each session had 18 places complete with individual hardware to work with, yet we also accommodated some extra visitors who were happy to sit in and listen even though they couldn’t take part in the practical activities! As a result of this we are now running an extra 2 day training course later this month on Machine Vision Solutions from Teledyne DALSA at our new customer centre in Tongham. We are also grateful to our suppliers for the support they provided for the Forum”.

@stemmerimaging #PAuto 

Multi purpose LIMS.

The Matrix Gemini LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) from Autoscribe Informatics can be deployed in a variety of ways to meet the costing and data security requirements of different users. This versatile software can be deployed either as enterprise software, or on remote servers to change the costing model. The dual web/desktop user interface provides the level of flexibility needed to accommodate most requirements.

The well-established enterprise deployment model sees the software installed on the customer’s own server, for a one-off perpetual licence fee with data also held on the customer’s server(s), usually behind a corporate-wide firewall for maximum data security. This is particularly popular in highly data-sensitive industries such as medical diagnostics and pharmaceuticals, where the potential cost of data loss would be immeasurable.

For customers who prefer to spread the purchase costs using an operational budget rather than the one-off fee capital expenditure, there has been a lot of interest in Cloud-based LIMS, with data also being stored on Cloud-based servers. To meet this requirement, Autoscribe can arrange for Matrix Gemini to be hosted on tried and tested specialist third party servers, typically spreading the cost with a quarterly on-going licence fee.

Autoscribe Informatics Managing Director, John Boother, commented: “The latter model has the benefit of reducing the upfront costs for the software, and if data is also stored in the Cloud, there are no in-house LIMS-related costs associated with IT infrastructure and support. Crucially, however, this model still allows the user access to the full capabilities of Matrix Gemini, with its built in configuration tools that allow the system to be structured to meet the exact customer requirement from single user to multi-site global organisations. While the concept of Cloud-based LIMS and Software as a Service is comparatively new, we have had customers happily using this model for around seven years.”

 @AutoscribeLtd  #LIMS #PAuto

Process viscosity analyser.

ViscoSure from PAC, combines the proven oscillating piston technology with tight temperature control, to provide viscosity analysis with unmatched precision. With internal temperature control without using the traditional external oil bath, the ViscoSure requires little to no maintenance bringing maximum instrument uptime and low cost of ownership.

The fast and reliable measurements allow for precise and continuous adjustment of the process, while maintaining a high correlation with ASTM D7483 and ASTM D445 test methods.ViscoSure

Performance, reliability, and precision are critical for viscosity measurements in bottom of the tower applications. ViscoSure is the only viscosity analyzer designed specifically for these complex applications:

  • Asphalt: (135°C): With its fast cycle time, it replicates lab results in real time, avoiding the process of sending material to the slop tank to be adjusted and retested.
  • Heavy Fuel Oil (50°C): ViscoSure helps refiners reduce overblending of costly diesel.
  • Lubrication Oil (40°C/100°C): ViscoSure makes it possible to fine-tune the process performance to improve output, reducing the bottleneck that can occur on the dewaxing unit of a lubricant line.

The patented sample conditioning system (SCS) optimizes the instrument’s performance and protects the analyzer from process disruptions which reduces downtime.

“The ViscoSure is a game changer, when it hits the market, particularly in the black products. such as asphalt, it will make an impression” says Alex Lau, chairman of ASTM’s Coordinating Subcommittee on Quality Assurance and Statistics.

#PAC #PAuto 

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Inline analyser system for edible oil and fat processing.

Optiquad-EOF 4050 W, from Krohne,  measures directly in the pipe: analysis is achieved via an optical window mounted in a standard Varinline measuring section. The readings of FFA, TPM, POV moisture or dirt are provided instantly for process control or dynamic control loops via four 4...20 mA outputs. Depending on the application, measurement of anisidine value (AV) and iodine value (IV) are possible.

Compared to conventional laboratory methods used to obtain these values, Optiquad-EOF 4050 W reduces the need for sampling, sample transport and handling, and the associated sources of error and costs.

The optical spectroscopy analyzing method allows for a wide range of use in edible oil applications, such as oil extraction, oil refinement and frying processes up to oil recycling, as well as fat processing. For example, the continuous inline measurement of FFA content in frying oil helps to minimize the addition of fresh oil: the FFA value can be kept below a defined limit whilst allowing to maintain a high level of quality. It also provides a wide measuring range, e.g. 0…98% for FFA, and an accuracy of RMSEp: ±0,03% up to ± 1% FFA, depending on the measurement range.

Optiquad-EOF 4050 W spectroscopic analysis system consists of the analyser unit (protection rating IP65/NEMA4X) and the operating unit, an industrial PC with touch screen display for parameterisation and automatic calibration in a stainless steel housing (IP65/NEMA4X), optionally built into a switch cabinet. It uses up to four measuring methods (transmission, scattering, fluorescence and refraction) with up to 12 wavelengths from ultraviolet to infrared. The underlying calibration is calculated automatically from reference data specific to the application. Optiquad-EOF 4050 W is the successor of Optiquad-FFA 4050 W.

• Krohne products are marketed in Ireland through DWN Instrumentation.


Automatic test equipment with plug-in modules.

 The ELR 5000 modular, programmable DC load - the latest addition to the Intepro family of power system automatic test equipment (ATE) has been announced. Housed in a 6U, 19” rack enclosure, the ELR 5000 can accommodate up to 10 completely self-contained, fully-programmable DC load modules with 320W nominal power, each. 

The modules can be used separately or in parallel, providing up to 3200 Watts. Up to 93% of the load power is returned to the source, offering exceptional energy savings in production test of DC power sources.   

The ELR 5000 Series offers three common regulation modes: constant voltage, constant current and constant power. Modules are offered in two input voltage/current ranges: 0-80V/0-25A and
0-200V/0-10A. Each module is equipped with touch-panel controls and a built-in sequence generator. A USB port provides flash-drive access to upload and save test sequences. An Ethernet/LAN port enables remote control of all functions via SCPI language or Modbus protocol.

“Our new ELR5000 provides a unique combination of fully-programmable, modular loads in a compact rack-mount system with the added benefit of energy recovery,” said Gerard Sheehan, Intepro's Chief Technical Officer. “Recovering the load energy reduces energy costs. It also offers a cost-effective alternative to the expensive cooling systems used by conventional air- and water-cooled loads to dissipate energy as heat.”

Intepro Systems offers electronic loads as stand-alone units or as complete test systems. Maintenance contracts and onsite calibrations are also available for its test systems.

 @InteproSystems #TandM #PAuto

Feed-Through data connectors for panels.

Cliff Electronics now offers its system integrator and panel building customers increased flexibility of control panel design with the introduction of Matt Black Metal versions to its wide range of rugged nickel plated diecast aluminium fascia XLR Feed-Through Data connectors. Cliff’s Metal Feed-Through connectors diecast mounting fascias reinforce the high quality, performance and prestige image of this new product range.

Also available in a plastic housing, their growing range of feed-through connectors  are packaged in the widely used 24mm diameter XLR connector format and provide Digital and Optical Feed-Through connectivity in formats including USB3 to USB3 in all gender changing configurations - A-A, A-B and B-A.

Other models in the range cover all popular data and Ethernet connectors including USB 2.0 and 3.0, LC and SC fibre (Duplex & Simplex), UTP and FTP RJ45s in both Cat6 and Cat5e (shielded and unshielded), USB “gender” changers, Toslink, RCA Phono and HDMI and blanking plates. Further options will continue to be introduced throughout 2016 and custom design enquiries are welcomed.

All versions, metal and plastic, share the same features and dimensions and offer a complete range of very cost effective audio, data, and fibre connectors, all of which can both front or rear mounted into industry standard 24mm XLR connector mounting holes. The new FT Series are simple to mount into any panel designed to accept XLR connectors including instrumentation, control and rack panels, wall-plates, etc. For ease of assembly the Cliff FT Series are available with standard or countersunk mounting holes. Bezels are available in 7 colours to identify the function of FT connectors when fitted to a control panel

The FT Series offers true feed-through connection, allowing standard cabling to be used to connect at both front and rear, eliminating the need to solder or terminate the connections and simplifying and speeding up assembly.

Cliff’s FT series has already found widespread use in a multitude of system integration applications for custom I/O solutions. Typical applications include broadcast, AV installations, systems integration, home theatre, automation, solar power and a growing range of industrial applications including instrumentation, industrial control and data acquisition

John Hall, General Manager of Cliff Electronics, comments; “We continue to find new opportunities to grow our Feed-Through connector range and as we respond to new customer enquiries we continue to find new and unexpected applications. We have been supplying connectors to the music and pro-audio markets since 1964 and we are very pleased to find our market leading range of cost effective Feed-Through connectors continue to find new industrial and professional markets.”

Industrial cybersecurity appointment.

Krish Sridhar has joined the aeSolutions' Industrial Cybersecurity Group as their Senior Business Manager. Krish will be based out of the central New Jersey (USA) area.

Krish Sridhar
Krish Sridhar is a subject matter expert on cybersecurity solutions applied to industrial control systems. He brings over 20 years of industry experience with process automation, high availability architectures, industrial networks and application software. Krish has executed many cybersecurity risk and vulnerability projects for chemical, specialty chemical, and CFATS-compliant companies per the NIST framework and ISA 99/IEC 62443 standards. His particular expertise and experience is focused on developing and designing holistic cybersecurity programs for industrial control systems leveraging proven IT technologies and industry best practices.

“I am thrilled to have Krish join our Industrial Cybersecurity team”, states John Cusimano, aeSolutions’ Director of Industrial Cybersecurity. "Krish is highly respected in the industry for his ability to help industrial organizations develop ICS cybersecurity programs that are compliant with industry standards yet tailored to align with the organization’s unique operational requirements and risk management system. Furthermore, Krish has a proven track record in helping organizations conceptualize and implement effective and sustainable cybersecurity solutions.”

In his new role with aeSolutions, Krish will manage the planning and implementation of cybersecurity programs spanning multiple disciplines and sites while building relationships and developing new business opportunities with key clients. Krish will work closely with various stakeholders within organizations to develop detailed implementation protocols, procedures, and guidelines to help manage the lifecycle of a cybersecurity program.

#aeSolutions #PAuto 

Switch supports faster network deployment.

Advantech’s Industrial Connectivity Group (ICG) has launched their first switch which supports IXM device management technology. IXM, provides engineers with the ability to assign a fixed range of IP address to many devices at the same time, and also provides them with the ability to simultaneously copy the same switch configuration across multiple switches. Once the ‘master’ has been configured, IXM can be launched and within seconds all other IXM compatible switches will be populated with the same settings. This function saves up to 90% of the configuration time not only speeds up the configuration but also ensures that mistakes aren’t made.

Key Functions:
1. IXM provides auto IP assignment, mass firmware upgrades, mass and flexible restoration of configuration files.
2. Communication with NMS (Networking Management System) via SNMP.
3. PoE (Power over Ethernet) model supports IEEE802.3at with two 24~48VDC power inputs and P-Fail relay.
4. Supports Advantech X-ring and X-ring Pro technology
5. Supports IPv4 and IPv6

IXM: Faster Network Deployment
The latest trend in modern industrial environments is the fast deployment and flexibility of a networking topology. Upgrading firmware and setting the configuration of a large number of devices is a challenging job for both IT and SI (System Integrator) professionals. As a global leader of industrial networking technologies, Advantech is pleased to introduce the world’s very first series of Managed Ethernet Switches to make networking deployment and configuration more efficient. IXM technology on the EKI-7710 is the solution to fast network and configuration deployment.

IXM technology for EKI-7710 series switches provides a cross management and fast deployment function allowing switches to upgrade their firmware and restore configuration more efficiently.
In order to allow more rapid networking deployment, IXM technology supports both mass firmware upgrades and flexible configuration restoration via a web GUI. The EKI-7710 comes with a jumbo frame function which supports packets up to 9216 Bytes. The benefit of jumbo frames is that they can carry more data in a packet. This makes it ideal for video surveillance.

EKI-7710 Managed Ethernet Switches use the highest quality components to be able to operate in a wide range of operating temperature from -40 to 75°C and Level 3 EMS protection against electromagnetic interference.

@AdvantechInfo #PAuto

Friday, 25 March 2016

Compact data acquisition system.

The Memograph M RSG45 Data Manager, from Endress+Hauser, is a compact device that can serve as a data acquisition system for small process control applications. The RSG45 acquires up to 14 discrete and 20 universal/HART analog inputs from process sensors, displays sensor data on its 7-inch multicolor TFT screen, records the data internally, performs math calculations and alarm checks, and transmits the data to a PC or any control system via Ethernet, RS232/485, Modbus, Profibus DP or PROFINET digital communication links. Data can also be stored to a device plugged into the USB or the SD port.

Inputs to the RSG45 include 4-20mA, 4-20mA with HART, voltage, RTD, thermocouple, pulse, frequency and current. The base unit can accommodate up to 14 discrete inputs, 2 analog outputs and 12 relay outputs. Up to five I/O cards can be added to the base unit, allowing up to 20 universal/HART analog inputs.

Data is stored in tamper-proof internal memory, on an SD card or on a USB stick—all of which fulfill the security requirements of FDA 21 CFR part 11. An integrated web server allows browser-based access to the unit via laptops, PCs, smartphones, tablets, handheld maintenance devices and remote systems.

The built-in Advanced Data Manager includes packages for mathematics, alarm functions, batch management, wastewater + RSB (rain spillway basin) applications, and energy calculations.

With the mathematics package, measured values of the inputs or the results of other math channels can be linked mathematically. Custom formulas with up to 200 characters can be created using a formula editor. The Telealarm function can activate relays in case of alarm conditions, and can also send emails or SMS messages to alert personnel of process alarms or other important process events.

Batch management software allows users to reliably record and visualize process data. User-definable or externally controlled analysis intervals can be configured for up to four batches simultaneously. Batches are assigned batch-specific values and the measured data, start, end and duration of every batch, along with the current batch status, are displayed on the device. At the end of the batch, a batch print-out is automatically sent to the device’s USB or network printer, or can be printed out on a connected PC.

The energy package allows users to calculate the mass and energy flow in water and steam applications on the basis of the flow, pressure, temperature or temperature difference input variables. Other energy calculations are also possible for glycol-based refrigerant media.

The RSG45 has a HART gateway function that allows direct access from PC configuration software to the field devices connected to the unit without the need for an additional HART modem or a loop interrupt. This allows configuration of the field devices to be done easily and quickly from the control room. With this feature, detailed instrument health status is available as well. This helps simplify maintenance and troubleshooting.

The RSG45 is a panel-mounted device with an optional 316L stainless steel front panel and touchscreen. The stainless steel front, along with mounting the unit in a pressurized enclosure system, makes the standard device appropriate for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Since the RSG45 is protected against contamination, it fulfills hygienic requirements in the food & beverage and the life sciences industries.

The RSG45 has UL and ATEX approvals, meets IEC 60529 and 61010-1 requirements for protection and safety, and is available in an ATEX Ex p hazardous area version.

@Endress_Hauser  #PAuto 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Calibration best practices at Space Center.

The International Society of Automation (ISA) and its Strategic Partner for Calibration, Beamex, Inc., have opened attendee registration for Calibration Best Practices: Interactive Workshop, which will be held Thursday, 18 August 2016 at the Space Center Houston in Houston (TX USA)

The jointly sponsored workshop will explore the latest insights, trends and best practices for process plant technicians and engineers seeking to improve calibration quality, safety, accuracy and efficiency. Instructors will discuss day-to-day challenges and how best to solve them through new and innovative strategies and advances in calibration technology—all designed to save time while achieving quality metrics and improving safety. 

Admission to Space Center Exhibit included
Workshop participants will benefit from a highly interactive learning approach, providing the practical skills and know-how needed to improve daily maintenance processes and tasks. The day of personalized instruction includes:
  • Hands-on temperature and pressure calibration training
  • Automated switch-testing demonstrations
  • Instrument calibration competitions (with prizes!)
  • An open forum to ask experts about complex calibrations
“ISA is excited to be co-hosting this unique event with our partner, Beamex,” says Jennifer Infantino Halsey, ISA’s Director of Marketing & Communications. “For several years now, ISA and Beamex have worked together to educate our members, customers and other professionals within the automation community on calibration techniques and technologies. This event is particularly valuable and attractive because it emphasizes hands-on skills training for real-world application and because it’s offered in such a stimulating and fascinating scientific environment.”

Limited numbers
Access to this event is limited, so interested persons are encouraged to register soon. The registration includes access to all presentations, breakfast and lunch as well as admission to the Space Center Plaza exhibit, including the full-scale engineering mockup and other artifacts of NASA’s Orion spacecraft and a stellar science show.

In addition to offering extensive education programs, a museum of space artifacts and exhibits, and space attractions, the Space Center Houston serves as a gateway for touring the NASA Johnson Space Center.

The calibration workshop will conclude at an all-inclusive evening networking reception at TopGolf, a local entertainment and event venue. 

 @BeamexGlobal #PAuto #TandM #Calibration #ISAuto

Wirelessly-monitored storage tank PVRVs.

Emerson Process Management has introduced the Enardo 850/950 series of wirelessly-monitored pressure vacuum relief valves (PVRVs) that provide safety and emissions control by managing the pressure in storage tanks in the oil and gas, chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries.

“Until now, PVRVs have remained unmonitored, with no feedback loops commonly seen in other pressure control devices. As the tank’s primary pressure control device, this wirelessly-monitored solution can be invaluable,” said Steve Attri, product manager for Emerson Process Management.

The pressure in storage tanks fluctuates due to changes in temperature, liquid level, or both. A PVRV opens and closes in response to these pressure fluctuations to ensure that safe pressure levels are maintained. However, because these PVRVs are located on the top of storage tanks, they are difficult to monitor. Site managers are increasingly looking for ways to increase safety and efficiencies. Emerson’s new wireless solution enables immediate response to prevent problems related to safety, emissions, and the quality of a tank’s content.

@EmersonProcess  #PAuto 

Flare process control.

CyboSoft has developed a flare process control solution that can effectively control the flare vent gas heating value to meet EPA regulations. An MFA flare control system has been running in a plant for 1.5 years and achieved substantial economic benefits for the customer.
EPA is ramping up its enforcement actions to investigate illegal air emissions by industrial flares. Since EPA will want to see the flare net heating value data from the previous 5 years when they issue a Clean Air Act (CAA) section 114 letter, it is very important for all flare operators to install a real-time heating value sensor and control system to comply with the limits and save records.

CyboSoft CEO Dr. George Cheng said, "We have the technology, products, and experience in flare control and want to help the industry effectively control this complex and difficult process."

Most refinery and chemical plants operate flares to burn off waste gas for operational and safety reasons. The vent gas heating value of a flare must be monitored and controlled based on EPA 40CFR60.18 rules. For steam-assisted or air-assisted flares, the net heating value of the gas being combusted must be 300 Btu/scf or greater. When the waste gas heating value is below this limit, supplemental gas such as natural gas must be added to assure sufficient combustion and minimal emission. The MFA control system diagram illustrates a flare process and its key variables.

There are online calorimeters on the market that can determine the heating value or Wobbe-index of a gas in real-time. However, adding a heating value (HV) control loop can be a challenging task due to the following reasons: (1) There are large and varying time delays in the HV control loop; (2) The HV process is nonlinear in different operating conditions; (3) Multiple waste gas streams in a plant are sent to the flare stack, where stream flows can vary widely causing big disturbances to the heating value; (4) The HV of each waste gas stream may change widely under operating condition changes; and (5) Nitrogen is often used as purge gas to keep positive pressure in the vent pipe, making the process more complex.

"The flare process is difficult to control using conventional PID controllers. On the other hand, model-based control can be costly to develop and maintain. CyboSoft's Model-Free Adaptive (MFA) control methods and products are well suited for this application and we are confident to say that it is the most cost-effective and robust control solution for flare processes," Dr. Cheng added.

• See the case study Model-Free Adaptive Control of Flare Heating Value Process here.

@CyboSoftGCG #PAuto 

Smart environmental monitor.

AcSoft Health & Safety has recently added the Greenbee ® Environmental Monitor from Azimut Monitoring to its portfolio of market-leading products. This cost effective Smart City environmental management system offers ease of installation, almost zero maintenance and low energy consumption.

AcSoft’s Greenbee® environmental monitor offers multi-sensor and permanent measurement. It allows simultaneous monitoring of various outdoor environmental parameters on a convenient 24/7 basis. These include noise, odour pollution, climate (temperature, relative humidity and wind speed and direction), photochemical and PM1 particulate matter.

The Greenbee® system is self-powered on solar panel and buffer battery, requiring no wiring. A special fixing mechanism means it can be easily installed on any upright stand.

Utilising a variety of Smart Technology, Greenbee® communicates via GPRS and continuously transfers collected data to Azimut Monitoring’s secure servers. It is linked to various web applications for relevant and contextual data exploitation.

A secure web portal called Agora allows data browsing for in-depth and long term analysis, whilst WebTV is a dynamic and optimised interface for screen display or website integration to facilitate promotion of environmental initiatives.

A warning can be transferred by SMS or email where there has been a threshold overrun for optimum reactivity in abnormal situations. Greenbee® can provide downloadable tailor made reports in CSV or html format through FTP link or collaborative platforms.

Azimut Monitoring’s Didier Dufournet comments: “We are delighted that AcSoft is now offering our popular Greenbee® Smart City environmental management system in the UK. Economic downturn resulted in a major drop in public funding for environmental monitoring solutions - considered expensive in terms of investment and operation. At the same time, awareness of the health risks associated with exposure to various noise and air pollution nuisances has continued to increase.

“However, the recent emergence of Big Data and Smart City initiatives has meant that environmental protection monitoring applications are now being successfully applied on a local and regional scale. This trend led to the development of our Greenbee® monitor.

“Importantly, it doesn’t offer over specified accuracy. It does boast ease of installation, low energy consumption, reduced size and weight, and close to zero maintenance requirements. It has already proved successful in monitoring high nuisance activities such as airports, construction, racing circuits and ports, as well as urban environmental management like noise observation, festivals and public safety.”

 @Acsoft_Sound #PAuto #Environment

Process Oxygen gas monitoring.

Quantitech has prepared a comprehensive White Paper on the measurement of Oxygen gas in furnaces and other industrial processes.

Click to download
Quantitech’s Craig Day says: “Oxygen gas concentration measurements are essential for the effective management of many industrial processes, providing an important indicator of combustion performance, fuel usage and process safety. In many processes, oxygen measurement enables process operators to monitor the progress of chemical reactions; thereby enabling optimisation of product yield.”

The White Paper explores the benefits of oxygen monitoring and examines the technologies available for continuous oxygen monitoring. These include Zirconia and Paramagnetic sensors and Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS).

The relative merits of each technology are discussed and a number of applications for oxygen monitoring are discussed. These include: waste incineration, furnace control, sulphuric acid manufacture, process heaters / FCC regenerator off-gas in refineries, and re-heat furnaces and hot rolling mills in the iron & steel industry.

 @Quantitech #PAuto 

Explosion proof cabinets for field instrumentation in process plants.

Intertec has launched a new range of explosion proof cabinets to protect field instrumentation operating in hazardous areas.

Ex p explosion proof cabinets 
According to Klaus Dieter Meyer of Intertec, “There is a growing need for Ex p field protection cabinets and enclosures in the process sector. Analyzers are getting smaller and plant operators are keen to site these as close to the process as possible, in order to shorten sample lines and thereby improve the accuracy and speed of results processing. Our ability to create Ex p cabinets and enclosures of virtually any design and complexity provides system integrators with a very flexible and cost-effective solution.”

Available in a diverse range of standard sizes, as well as in custom shapes up to walk-in shelter size, the cabinets are certified for use in Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas. They are ideal for housing forward-placed analyzer equipment in industrial process facilities such as petrochemical/oil refineries and fertilizer production/storage plants, and also provide the possibility to install non-Ex rated analyzers and instrumentation inside Zone 1 or 2 classified environments.

Intertec’s pressurised explosion proof (Ex p) cabinets are constructed from GRP (glass reinforced polyester) composite materials. These materials are highly resistant to corrosion and have a similar strength to stainless steel, but are about 75 percent lighter, making them ideal for equipment containment and personnel shelter applications. They are especially suitable when robustness and rigidity need to be combined with low mass – such as on offshore platforms. They are also ideal for areas where there is a need to mitigate injury to personnel or damage to equipment, such as on sites where there is risk of an explosion.

GRP composite materials also have a much higher thermal resistance than metal. This simplifies the construction of cabinets that provide excellent insulation, greatly reducing the energy required to heat or cool the equipment. It also makes it easier to build cabinets without any thermally conductive links between their exterior and interior surfaces, thereby avoiding creating cold-spots which can lead to problems with condensation.

Intertec is capable of producing single-piece panels of GRP composite as large as 6 x 12 metres. This enables the company to create cabinets of virtually any size. The panels can be chemically bonded to create very tight sealing that prevents the ingress of hazardous gas and reduces the consumption of air, which is used to create the slight positive over-pressure needed for Ex p protection. Any requirement for special air locks to allow unfettered access to equipment inside the cabinet or shelter can be accommodated very easily.

The pressurised cabinets are equipped with a control unit that regulates the flow of inert purging gas or compressed air, and then monitors the pressure inside the cabinet to ensure that it is maintained slightly above atmospheric pressure by automatically compensating for any leakage losses. Intertec works with a number of controls manufacturers to equip its Ex p cabinets with the most appropriate type of purging and pressurisation systems.

Each partially equipped enclosure is then tested by Intertec at one of its manufacturing plants, before being delivered to the system integrator for installation of the analyzer instrumentation. Final safety testing of the complete unit is carried out at the integrator’s facility, prior to its installation at the customer’s site. Intertec is certified by various competent bodies – including PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) – to perform the necessary compliance testing.

 #Intertec #PAuto #Ex

Industrial emissions for examination in Lisbon!

CEM 2016, the international industrial emissions monitoring event, is scheduled to run over three days in Lisbon (PT) from 18th to 20th May. Organiser Marcus Pattison says: “CEM 2016 is a technical event, providing an opportunity for experts to share knowledge and experience in order to further improve the accuracy, relevance and reliability of industrial emissions monitoring.”

Comprised of a technical conference and an international exhibition, CEM 2016 ( is the 12th in a series of events that began in 1997. Since that time, the event has taken place in a variety of countries including Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic and Turkey. However, Marcus says: “The objective has always been the same; CEM events were created to provide the latest information on technologies, methods, applications, legislation and standards in relation to the measurement of atmospheric pollutants including particulates, SO2, NOx, CO, CO2, VOCs, trace pollutants and greenhouse gases.”

The Conference will feature speakers from 13 countries and the Exhibition will include over 50 of the world’s leading providers of measurement technology and analytical services, in addition to regulators and standards organisations. As a result, visitors to CEM 2016 will be able to access the latest help and advice on the regulations that affect their sector, the methods that apply to their processes, the applicable standards and the latest technologies for achieving accurate reliable measurement data that meets the requirements of their environmental permit.

• Registration is now open, and delegates are able to register for single days or for the whole event, which runs over 2½ days. An early-bird rate applies to registrations until 15th April. For those visitors that only wish to visit the Exhibition and poster presentations, a small daily fee applies, which includes lunch and refreshments.

Summarising Marcus says: “With reference to air pollution and climate change, the automotive industry is keen to highlight the significance of industrial emissions, so it is vital that industry continues to provide ‘real-world’ data that can be trusted, and CEM 2016 is designed to help achieve that goal. We are therefore greatly looking forward to welcoming the emissions monitoring world to Lisbon in May 2016.”

#CEM2016 #Environment #Emissions #PAuto

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Pharma & Biopharm experts to discuss MES.

Following an invitation of Werum IT Solutions America, experts of leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies will meet at the 14th North American PAS-X User Group Meeting on May 12th and 13th 2016 in NJ USA.

The MES user conference is the most important annual meeting of PAS-X users in the U.S. and of great value to all participants. “Leading industry experts are discussing the latest trends and challenges facing the FDA regulated industry,” states Benjamin Pieritz, Senior Vice President Operations of Werum IT Solutions America, Inc. “PAS-X users present their best-practice MES implementations and benefit from exchanging experiences with their peers.”

With PAS-X 3.1.8, Werum will demonstrate the latest version of its market-leading PAS-X Manufacturing Execution System for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. PAS-X 3.1.8 unites best in class MES features on latest technology platforms and addresses current trends in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Werum’s customers also have the opportunity to register for PAS-X classes during which Werum consultants explain how to leverage existing PAS-X features and how to incorporate new features into the customer’s processes.

 @Werum #USA

Sales appointment for noise and vibration company.

Svantek is continuing to expand its workforce and has announced the appointment of Debra Gill to the newly created position of Internal Sales Executive.

Debra Gill
Debra brings a wealth of sales and telemarketing experience to her new role. Prior to joining Svantek, she was Sales and Telemarketing Executive at Asphalt Reinforcement Services where she was pivotal in helping achieve a 44% increase in sales. She also spent four years as Marketing and Advertising Co-ordinator at Turpin Barker Armstrong.

In line with Svantek’s ambitious growth plan, Debra will be responsible for business development and strategic account management whilst providing administrative and prospecting support to the British field sales team.

@Svantek_UK #PAuto 

Reducing cyber threats!

Emerson Process Management’s DeltaV™ version 12.3 distributed control system (DCS) and its security project and engineering support services is the first to pass the Achilles Practices Certification (APC) annual recertification of security best practices. Wurldtech, a GE Company, and a leader in cybersecurity solutions for operational technology environments, performed the audit in certifying mission-critical connected systems, devices and practices. The IEC 62443-2-4 standard defines security requirements to be used by integration and maintenance service providers of industrial automation and control systems.

Because cyber threats facing its users are constantly evolving, Emerson is driven to meet APC annual recertification by updating its DeltaV DCS with system hardening and well-informed cybersecurity service offerings. By undergoing Wurldtech’s annual recertifications, Emerson can further deepen its cybersecurity processes and practices, development, testing, commissioning, maintenance and support throughout the DeltaV lifecycle.

Supporting industry standard security requirements set by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Wurldtech created its certification programme to independently verify that manufacturer policies and practices meet or exceed IEC 62443-2-4 requirements.

"Wurldtech Achilles Practices Certification is the cybersecurity certification most widely requested by our customers,” said Emerson Process Management’s chief strategic officer Peter Zornio. “Achieving Achilles Practices Certification demonstrates Emerson’s commitment to help our customers meet current and emerging international cybersecurity standards and regulations. Most importantly, this assists them in protecting their process and assets.”

“Best-in-class companies are proactively taking steps to comply with security industry standards. We congratulate Emerson on achieving this benchmark,” said Nate Kube, chief technology officer and founder of Wurldtech. “By recertifying its DeltaV system and its service practices for project engineering and support, Emerson can better address cybersecurity needs through globally recognised standards.”

@EmersonProcess #PAuto @Wurldtech #Cybersecurity

Fibre optic connector!

Fischer Connectors has launched its new single fiber optic connector (FO1) within its Fischer FiberOptic Series. This miniature, lightweight, rugged connectivity solution is easy to use and ensures premium performance even in harsh environments.

The FO1 connector is available either in pre-configured reels or integrated into custom assemblies for applications in instrumentation, sensing, defense and broadcasting – to name only a few of the various fields for which this new product is ideally suited.

Combined miniaturization and robustness
The new connector fulfills the growing market need for higher data transmission rates over long distances, while reducing space and guaranteeing performance by means of rugged miniature solutions.

The FO1 connector integrates fully into the existing Fischer FiberOptic Series, well-known for its robust and faultless optical performances in any conditions, combined with easy use, cleaning and maintenance even in the field. UPC & APC polishing reduces insertion and return losses, making devices more secure, while IP68 sealing provides highly valuable device protection. The push-pull locking system allows quick and easy connections and disconnections, making these connectors ideally suited for outdoor environments. The removable sleeve holder (monobloc mate adapter) ensures that end faces can be cleaned easily, keeping electronics in top condition.

More flexibility for more efficiency
“We’ve extended our Fischer FiberOptic Series bearing our customers’ needs for flexibility and efficiency in mind”, says Christopher Martin, FiberOptic Product Manager at Fischer Connectors. “The product line’s main benefits – high optical stability in harsh environments, robustness, and ease of use, cleaning and maintenance – remain the same. But we’ve designed this smaller product to be even lighter and more flexible so that it’s easy to integrate into existing solutions, saving time and money for our customers.” As a reminder, the Fischer FiberOptic Series already includes two versions: a rugged fiber optic connector with two or four fibers, and a rugged hybrid connector with two fiber channels and two electrical contacts.

Selecting fiber optic solutions made easy
The FO1 connector can be pre-configured with Fischer FiberOptic Series reels of any required length, a convenient and flexible turnkey solution. To enable customers to choose the right connectivity solution for their specific needs, Fischer Connectors also provides a user-friendly request form that guarantees the mistake-proof configuration of cable assemblies.

@FischerConnect #PAuto 

Food & Pharma symposium almost doubles in size!

ISA conducted its third annual Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Division (FPID) Symposium last week in Cork, Ireland. This year's event—first time held outside of North America—draws nearly twice as many attendees as previous year, says ISA in this account. 

• Read-out's own account on this event is here: Food & Phramaceutical Futures.

Nearly 240 professionals within the automation and control field and the pharmaceutical and food industries gathered last week in Cork, Ireland to explore solutions to automation challenges in food processing and drug manufacture and distribution.

ISA President Jim Keaveney & Ireland Section
President Alan Batemen at the Symposium
The 2016 ISA Food and Pharmaceutical Industries Division (FPID) Symposium, held 14-15 March, outlined best-practice approaches in automation to leaders of pharmaceutical and food processing companies seeking to improve quality, safety, reliability, profitability, cost control and production throughput. The turnout nearly doubled the attendance of last year’s event, which was held in Philadelphia, (PA USA).

This year’s technical program featured 40 technical presentations and the perspectives of 33 subject matter experts. Particular attention was given to how automation can help solve key, front-and-center challenges—such as meeting regulatory requirements, reducing manufacturing costs, and countering security threats—and the role of automation technology and innovation in addressing longer-term global dynamics and demands.

“This was truly an internationally focused event because it tackled the significant issues and trends in automation affecting the food and pharmaceutical industries on a global scale,” emphasized André Michel, President of Efficient Plant, Inc., and the Director of ISA’s Food and Pharmaceutical Division. “The technical presentations and content honed in on the vital concerns of attendees and how they can be overcome.”

Michel added that ISA’s Ireland Section played a key role in promoting the event locally and attracting a large base of attendees. 

Billy Walsh, chair of ISA’s Assembly of Operational Department Vice Presidents and a member of the Society’s Executive Board, said the event brought together a wide range of global experts—across end user and vendor communities and from industry research and development—that were eager to "exchange leading-edge viewpoints and ideas.” 

Conference sessions covered a wide range of essential topics, including:
  • Serialization
  • Track and Trace
  • Data integrity
  • Digitization
  • Cybersecurity
  • Automation/biotech
  • Process optimization
  • Automation to Survive – Industry 4.0
  • Equipment effectiveness
  • Jim Keaveney, ISA President,
    was presented  with a shamrock
    by Cork Mayor, Claire Cullinane.
    The event was held just prior to
    Ireland's national day
    St Patrick's Day
  • Alarm management
Other highlights of the event included:
  • Featured presentations by two visionary experts in automation and control: Paul McKenzie, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Global Biologics Manufacturing & Technical Services at Biogen; and Peter Martin, Ph.D., Vice President and Fellow at Schneider Electric Company.

    Dr. McKenzie’s presentation, titled “Driving Change through Innovation and Standards,” discussed the importance of process and product innovation geared to customer value and standards-based thinking on product lifecycle management and partnership models.

    Dr. Martin’s presentation, titled “Innovation and a Future Perspective on Automation and Control,” investigated: the different levels of innovation; why industrial automation and control may be at an inflection point leading to inspirational innovation; and the prospects of performance improvements for food and pharmaceutical companies.
  • A welcome address to attendees given by Cork County Mayor Councillor Claire Cullinane.
  • A vendor exhibit featuring the products and services of 28 leading companies. Eleven sponsors and eight media partners supported the symposium.
  • The opportunity to gain professional development hours (PDHs).
ISA’s 2017 FPID Symposium is tentatively scheduled to take place in Boston, (MA USA) during March of next year. Symposium organizers are already recruiting volunteers, participants and speakers for the event.

“Given the great success of this year’s event, many of the attendees, speakers and exhibitors I met with are very much looking forward to the 2017 symposium in Boston,” said Declan Lordan, Marketing and Sales Director at Douglas Control & Automation and a long-time ISA volunteer leader in Ireland.

#FPID16 #ISAuto #PAuto

3 Phase logger.

Fluke has introduced the 1738 Three-Phase Power Logger which offers extensive power quality and energy measurements, making it an ideal tool for conducting energy studies, power quality logging and wireless logging of associated analogue data. The Fluke 1738 is enabled with the Fluke Connect® app and the new, optional Fluke Connect Assets software, making it an ideal test tool for storing, archiving and tracking power quality measurement data. Other Fluke Connect 3000 Series modules can be connected to the Fluke 1738 to simultaneously log up to two other measurement parameters.

This Three-Phase Power Logger features an optimised user interface and an intelligent measurement verification function designed to reduce measurement errors by digitally verifying and correcting common connection errors. Setup can be further simplified by powering the logger directly from the measured circuit. The standard flexible current probes cover most applications, and optional current measuring accessories offer the ability to measure very low currents or up to 6,000A on larger conductors.

As part of the family of Fluke Connect tools, technicians can wirelessly transmit measurement data from their test tools to their smartphones for secure storage on the Fluke Connect® Cloud and for team access from the field.* With the Fluke Connect smartphone app, the data from the power logger can be viewed from a safe distance, reducing the need for protective equipment, site visits, and check-ins.

will automatically capture and log more than 500 power quality parameters to give technicians and engineers more visibility into the data needed to make better power quality and energy consumption decisions. It can capture and log voltage, current, power, harmonics, and associated power quality values to deliver comprehensive data for load studies, energy assessments, harmonic measurements, and voltage event. The included Fluke Energy Analyze Plus software provides detailed analysis of energy consumption and power quality and generates reports automatically.

All three phases and neutral can be measured using the four flexible current probes. More than twenty separate logging sessions can be stored on the instrument. All measured values are automatically logged so that measurement trends are not lost: they can be reviewed during logging sessions, and before downloading, for on-the-go analysis.

The bright, colour touch-screen enables convenient in-the-field analysis and data checks with full graphical displays. The instrument provides event waveform snapshots, along with date and timestamp, to capture dips and swells and help pinpoint root causes of power quality issues. The Fluke 1738 has 600V CAT IV / 1000V CAT III safety ratings.

@FlukeCorp #TandM #PAuto