Friday, 29 June 2018


While videoscopes are commonly used in many applications, industrial inspections require a powerful, high-resolution videoscope that clearly displays the condition of internal equipment components. High-resolution videoscopes allow industrial maintenance teams to quickly identify equipment issues and schedule preventive maintenance measures to avoid costly unplanned shut-downs.

Fluke's new industrial imaging scopes,  800 x 600 resolution DS701 Diagnostic Videoscope and 1200 x 720 resolution DS703 FC High Resolution Videoscope are built for industrial maintenance troubleshooting and quality assurance testing and are designed to stand up to the challenges of a rugged environment.

Each videoscope features:
• high definition probes with dual-view cameras, allowing the videoscope to take images and video either forward or to the side to capture the images in difficult or hard to reach locations
• a 7-inch LCD screen for easy viewing
• an IP68 rated probe (imager) for protection against dust and water projected from a nozzle
• a rugged design, engineered to withstand a 2 metre drop
• Up is Up® technology, which rotates the display screen to allow for appropriate image display, regardless of the orientation of the probe location (available with selected probes)
• a macro to micro zoom function
• adjustable lighting to capture the best image
• processing speeds that render a smooth, clear, consistent image
• an intuitive user interface with easy-to-navigate button technology.

The rugged Fluke DS701 and DS703 FC videoscopes are designed for a variety of industrial applications, such as production (e.g. inspection of bearing surfaces and lubrication; gear helix inspection), aircraft maintenance (e.g. blade inspection; engine hot section contamination), and automotive quality assurance (e.g. testing of casting goods; inspection for cracks, chips, and contamination in HP chambers), and heavy duty maintenance (e.g. inspection of clogged pipelines; corrosion in rotors and stators).

The Fluke videoscopes include an EVA foam protective case, hand strap, neck strap (DS703 only), HDMI and USB cables, and TPAK magnet hanging strap.

@FlukeCorp  #PAuto #TandM

Secure automation on filter controls.

A case study describing how the City of Hot Springs, Arkansas (USA) has implemented Bedrock Open Secure Automation (OSA) technology for water filtration modernization is now available. Bedrock OSA has provided Hot Springs an open, secure control platform, which Brown Engineers, of Little Rock, Arkansas, integrated across the City’s existing Ignition SCADA software, leading to dramatic performance improvements.

“The City projected that the nine filters that were currently operating on its main water treatment plant would not be adequate to handle increasing demand. We replaced the antiquated PLCs with modern Bedrock control functionality on six of the filters. We had already installed a communications gateway based on Inductive Automation’s Ignition SCADA software and it was just a matter of creating a hierarchy of control objects, which we did easily using Bedrock’s IEC 61131 integrated engineering environment,” said Brown Engineers principal, Dee Brown.

The project improvement in the automatic backwash process significantly helps conserve water, improves water quality, and initiates collection of filter data needed for extending regulatory run-time limits. And because cyber security is built into the Bedrock OSA control system, the new controls were protected by industry-leading intrinsic cyber security – at no additional cost.

Well-documented results show how the six upgraded controls perform consistently, as if they were a single unit, while performance of the three remaining filters varies wildly, with flow rates varying from 1400 to more than 2000 GPM. Download the fully-illustrated case history here.

@BedrockAuto #Pauto #Water @TizianiWhitmyre

Thursday, 28 June 2018

European standards for woodburner emissions.

From 1st January 2022, a European regulation will impose Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel local space heaters. Regulation (EU) 2015/1185 24/5/2015 describes the requirements which will harmonise energy consumption, particulate matter, organic gaseous compounds, carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides emission requirements for solid fuel local space heaters throughout the European Union.

John Clements from gas monitoring instrumentation manufacturer Signal Group, welcomes the new regulations, adding: “The latest stoves employ advanced technology that is able to dramatically lower emissions, so a new regulatory framework will help to highlight the benefits of more environmentally friendly products.

“It is also pleasing to note that standard reference methods are specified for the testing of stoves, and we have already started to supply test houses so that they can check existing burners as well as the new products which are currently under development.”

Conscious of the growing public demand for improved air quality and energy efficiency, leading manufacturers are already developing stoves that meet the new requirements, and in some countries testing and approval regimes are in place so that customers can choose products that comply with the upcoming regulations.

Under the Regulation, solid fuel local space heaters will have to be type-tested to measure the environmental performance of the devices, and all measurements of the combustion products are to be undertaken while the product is providing its nominal output and if appropriate at part load.

Organic gaseous compounds (OGCs) from solid fuel local space heaters shall not exceed 120 mgC/m3 at 13 % oxygen for heaters using solid fuel other than compressed wood pellets; and 60 mgC/m3 at 13 % oxygen for heaters using compressed wood pellets. Under Annexe III of the Regulation, OGC measurement, as measured in the combustion products of the appliance, shall be extractive and continuous and based on the use of a flame ionisation detector.

Carbon monoxide (CO) from solid fuel local space heaters shall not exceed 2,000 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen for open fronted solid fuel local space heaters; 1,500 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen for closed fronted heaters using solid fuel other than compressed wood pellets, and 300 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen for closed fronted heaters using compressed wood pellets. Under Annexe III of the Regulation, CO measurement shall be extractive and continuous and based on the use of an infrared detector.

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) from solid fuel local space heaters shall not exceed 200 mg/m3 expressed as NO2 at 13% oxygen for open fronted solid fuel local space heaters, closed fronted solid fuel local space heaters and cookers using biomass; and 300 mg/m3 expressed as NO2 at 13% oxygen for open fronted solid fuel local space heaters, closed fronted solid fuel local space heaters and cookers using fossil solid fuel. Emissions of nitrogen oxides shall be measured as the sum of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, and expressed in nitrogen dioxide. Under Annexe III of the Regulation, NOx measurement of the combustion products shall be extractive and continuous and be based on chemiluminescent detection.

Particulate matter (PM) emissions from open fronted solid fuel local space heaters shall not exceed 50 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen when measured by sampling a partial dry flue gas sample over a heated filter; or 6 g/kg (dry matter) when measured by sampling over the full burn cycle, a partial flue gas sample, using natural draft, from a diluted flue gas using a full flow dilution tunnel and a filter at ambient temperature.

PM emissions by closed fronted solid fuel local space heaters using solid fuel other than compressed wood pellets and cookers shall not exceed 40 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen when measured by sampling a partial dry flue gas sample over a heated filter; or 5 g/kg (dry matter) when measured by sampling over the full burn cycle, a partial flue gas sample, using natural draft, from a diluted flue gas using a full flow dilution tunnel and a filter at ambient temperature; or 2.4 g/kg (dry matter) for biomass or 5.0 g/kg (dry matter) for solid fossil fuel when measured by sampling, over a 30-minute period, a partial flue gas sample, using a fixed flue draft at 12 Pa, from a diluted flue gas using a full flow dilution tunnel and a filter at ambient temperature or an electrostatic precipitator.

PM emissions by closed fronted solid fuel local space heaters using compressed wood pellets shall not exceed 20 mg/m3 at 13% oxygen when by sampling a partial dry flue gas sample over a heated filter; or 2.5 g/kg (dry matter) when measured by sampling over the full burn cycle, a partial flue gas sample, using natural draft, from a diluted flue gas using a full flow dilution tunnel and a filter at ambient temperature; or 1.2 g/kg (dry matter) when measured by sampling, over a 30-minute period, a partial flue gas sample, using a fixed flue draft at 12 Pa, from a diluted flue gas using a full flow dilution tunnel and a filter at ambient temperature or an electrostatic precipitator.

In common with other European countries, the British Government (in its Clean Air Strategy 2018) is seeking to ensure that only the very cleanest stoves can be bought and installed. The new consultation document says: “In 2022 new, tougher emissions standards will come into effect for all new domestic stoves. This will raise the standard of appliances across the whole country. These more stringent emission limit requirements for solid fuel appliances will need to be coupled with a more effective approach to testing.”

In Britain, the Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) has established an ‘Ecodesign Ready’ label - an initiative which is verified and supported by HETAS, a not-for-profit organisation that approves biomass and solid fuel heating appliances, fuels and services. The mark is awarded to wood burning appliances that are verified by HETAS as meeting the five fundamental requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2015/1185 24/5/2015 with regard to the Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel local space heaters.

Looking forward, John Clements says: “Those burner manufacturing companies that already have products which are Ecodesign ready, are securing a marketing advantage over their competitors. More importantly however, they are able to demonstrate compliance with future emissions regulations, which, with increased public and political awareness of air quality issues, will be vitally important for environmental protection and the future prosperity of this sector.”

@GasAnalysers #PAuto #Standards

Award for implants in human & veterinary applications.

Professor Chris Sutcliffe, Director of Research and Development (R&D) at Renishaw’s Additive Manufacturing Products Division (AMPD), has been awarded a prestigious Silver Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE). The award recognises his role in driving the development of metal 3D printed implants for use in human and veterinary surgery.

Prof. Chris Sutcliffe
The RAE Silver Medal is awarded to recognise an outstanding personal contribution to British engineering, which has resulted in successful market exploitation. A maximum of four are awarded each year. The Medal celebrates his successful commercialisation of additive manufacturing products as part of his work with Renishaw, the University of Liverpool, Stryker Orthopaedics and Fusion Implants Ltd.

Chris has worked in additive manufacturing for over 20 years starting at the University of Liverpool where he worked on the first direct metal 3D printing machine in Britain and on a variety of related research projects exploiting the technology in orthopaedics, structural light-weighting, heat exchangers/chemical reactors.

His desire to commercialise his research work led him to join Renishaw in 2011 to head up the additive manufacturing (AM) R&D activity. Renishaw remains the only British manufacturer of metal laser powder bed fusion AM systems and has recently launched the multi-laser RenAM 500Q series. The Renishaw systems are now used across a variety of industries to produce complex metal parts.

As well as his work on AM products, a large part of his research has focussed on metal 3D printed implants for medical applications, particularly on developing a new class of porous bone-integrating implants. The implants were successfully commercialised with Stryker Orthopaedics, which now produces implants on a global scale. Sutcliffe is also the founder and Director of Fusion Implants Ltd, which produces veterinary implants using the porous bone-integrating technology.

“Throughout my career I’ve worked hard to commercialise additive manufacturing technology,” explained Sutcliffe. “As well as AM’s benefit to the aerospace and automotive sectors, commercialisation of AM and associated technologies has been lifechanging for those with musculoskeletal diseases. The award celebrates the successes of the engineers I have worked with to achieve this and I am grateful to receive the award to recognise our work.”

In his role at Renishaw, Sutcliffe runs AMPD’s work with funded projects and universities to extend R&D activities. He also runs a research group at the University of Liverpool, which is supported by Renishaw.

@renishawplc #Medical @RAEngNews

AI drives Daimler forward!

Xilinx and Daimler AG are collaborating on an in-car system using Xilinx technology for artificial intelligence (AI) processing in automotive applications. Powered by a Xilinx automotive platform consisting of system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices and AI acceleration software, the scalable solution will deliver high performance, low latency and best power efficiency for embedded AI in automotive applications today.

“We are proud to announce this collaboration with Daimler on advanced AI applications,” said Willard Tu, senior director, Automotive, Xilinx. “Our adaptable acceleration platform for automotive offers industry leaders like Daimler a high level of flexibility for innovation in deploying neural networks for intelligent vehicle systems.”

Xilinx has a strong pedigree in automotive. For more than 12 years the company has shipped over 40 million cumulative automotive units to automakers and Tier 1 suppliers.

“We are accelerating our product development using AI technology by engaging our global development centers with Xilinx experts,” said Georges Massing, director user interaction & software, Daimler AG. “Through this strategic collaboration, Xilinx is providing technology that will enable us to deliver very low latency and power-efficient solutions for vehicle systems which must operate in thermally constrained environments. We have been very impressed with Xilinx’s heritage and selected the company as a trusted partner for our future products.”

As part of the strategic collaboration, deep learning experts from the Mercedes-Benz Research and Development centers in Sindelfingen (D) and Bangalore (IND) are implementing their AI algorithms on a highly adaptable automotive platform from Xilinx. Mercedes-Benz will productize Xilinx’s AI processor technology, enabling the most efficient execution of their neural networks.

@XilinxInc #Automotive @Daimler

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Gas sensors for IoT.

Poor air quality is a growing threat to the public health. Knowing the information of the air quality will allow us to take appropriate actions to reduce the levels of air pollution at the right place and right time. However, such information is mainly provided by static measurement stations, which normally have low spatial coverage. These stations are run by governments or industries for safety reasons. The main reason is the gas sensing equipment are usually bulky, highly technical and expensive (>$US1000 per module- ca €860), therefore they are inaccessible for individual users.

With the fast development of microelectromechanical systems and internet connectivity, customers now have higher expectations. Asthma patients want to know from their smartphone if one living room is good for them to stay; athletes need a better training plan if O2 levels can be monitored; The ventilation system in the office building will be automated if the air quality in each room is accessible. There is a growing market looking for ultra-low power, low cost, mini-size gas sensors, which can be integrated into vast amounts of devices and connected with each other. Through the rapid spread of internet of things (IoT), the air quality information will be intensively collected, shared and analysed, and eventually will contribute to a healthier society.

In the report Environmental Gas Sensors 2018-2028, IDTechEx predicts a large growth of gas sensors market in the coming years and the market value will be more than $3 billion (€2.6 billion) in 2028. Most of the growth comes from the IoT applications, such as smart city, smart home, smartphone and wearable devices. However, each market segment emphasises different aspects. For example, the smart city project requires the gas sensor to detect different gases simultaneously with high sensitivity and selectivity, whilst size and price are the key concerns for wearable devices. How to choose the suitable gas sensors or find the right market segments to enter is a key question, and it largely varies with the application and sensor detection principles.

In this report, the pros and cons of different detection principles are summerised, as is analysis of their suitability for the applications in IoT and beyond. IDTechEx predicts a significant rise in sales across IoT markets, primarily in the mobile device and air purifier industries.

#IoT @IDTechEx #PAuto 

Improved growth in British automation market.

GAMBICA is the Trade Association for Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Laboratory Technology in Britain.

The GAMBICA Index is an indicator of the level of business for Industrial Automation, Process Instrumentation & Control and Laboratory Technology sectors. It shows the levels of all 3 sectors individually and combined, using the 2012 data as a reference point.

The combined GAMBICA Index shows a 9.3% growth in 2017, the strongest rate in the last 10 years and a second year of growth in a row across all three sectors. Recovery from low oil prices, unlocking postponed projects and currency exchange rates have contributed to all 3 sectors showing growth in 2017.

Process Instrumentation & Control.
This sector has continued to recover from the sharp decline in 2015 caused by the oil price crash and the growth this year is significant at over 10%. Expenditure in the oil & gas sector has remained flat with major gains being led by the pharmaceuticals sector followed by the water, waste and food & beverage sectors. Expenditure in the chemical sector has also continued to show steady growth underpinned by a focus on R&D and operational improvements to preserve the Britain’s competitive edge in the global market.

Laboratory Technology
This sector saw a growth of 8.9% in 2017, the strongest growth since we started collecting data in 2005. When removing exports from the overall number, there is even stronger growth for the British market alone. The strong growth was consistent across chemicals, services and consumables and particularly notable for equipment.

Industrial Automation
Record growth in 2017, with a 14% improvement on the previous year is reported. This growth puts the sector back to the level it would have been without the 2015 downturn that was largely thought to be due to political and economic uncertainty. Projects that were previously put on hold have now proceeded. The continued relatively weak value of sterling boosting exports of equipment is also a factor in the record growth.

@gambica #PAuto #TandM

Dynamic tilt.

A new MEMS based, MTLT305D Dynamic Tilt Sensor Module has been launched by ACEINNA. It combines accelerometers, gyroscopes and a temperature sensor with advanced calibration and correction algorithms to provide accurate 3D acceleration, 3D rate and Pitch and Roll measurement in dynamic, moving vehicle applications.

The MTLT305D uses advanced sensor fusion (Extended Kalman Filtering) and calibration algorithms to achieve 0.5 degree tilt and <10 milli-g acceleration accuracy in a wide variety of dynamic conditions. It is calibrated to accurately operate over a wide temperature range of -40C to +85C. The completely sealed compact module (65 x 66 x 27 mm) with integrated connector is perfect for rugged construction, off road and agriculture applications. It offers high reliability, MTBF >50k hours and is ITAR- Free

It includes CAN J1939 and RS232 interfaces for network connectivity. The miniature plastic housing is durable under hazardous environments (IP68 and IP69K ratings). It includes an Ampseal 16, 6 position connector and supports a wide 4.9 V to 32 V supply input range (qualified for use in both 12 V and 24 V vehicle platforms).

“This new Dynamic Tilt Sensor Module provides the best performance for the price in the industry,” says Mike Horton*, CTO of ACEINNA. “Not only is the MTLT extremely compact compared to competing modules, it is extremely rugged, well qualified and inexpensive.”

Easy to integrate, the MTLT305D supports industry standard SAE J1939 messaging over the CAN bus, and the included ACEINNA NAV-VIEW software provides simple to use graphical interface to display, record, playback, and analyze all the MTLT305D parameters over the RS232 port. NAV-VIEW can also be used to set a wide range of user-configurable fields in the MTLT305D to optimize the system performance for various dynamic applications.

* See also Mike Horton's article, Inertial Measurement Unit – essential in self-driving cars! (26/5/2018)

@MEMSsensortech #PAuto #Automotive 

New products introduced!

Mouser Electronics makes it a priority to stock the newest products and technologies from over 700 manufacturer partners, giving customers an edge and helping speed time to market. Last month (May 2018), the company launched more than 218 new products ready for same-day shipment.

Some of the products just introduced are:
  • Texas Instruments OPT8241 Time-of-Flight Sensor
  • Texas Instruments OPT8241 sensor combines time-of-flight (ToF) sensing with an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a versatile, programmable timing generator. The OPT8241 offers QVGA 320×240 resolution data at frame rates up to 150 fps.
  • Semtech SX1261/SX1262 LoRa® Transceivers
  • Designed for extended battery life with just 4.2 mA of active receive current consumption, the Semtech SX126x sub-GHz radio transceivers are ideal for long-range RF wireless applications and are fully compliant with the physical layer requirements of the LoRaWAN specification released by the LoRa Alliance™.
  • Arduino MKR IoT Bundle 
  • The Arduino MKR IoT Bundle includes a powerful Arduino MKR1000 board — which combines the functionality of the Arduino Zero with a Wi-Fi Shield — and components for 5 IoT projects with step-by-step online tutorials on the Arduino Project Hub online platform.
  • Bourns ChipGuard® ESD Suppressors
  • Bourns ChipGuard ESD suppressors are multilayer varistor (MLV) products designed to protect against electrostatic discharge (ESD) strikes.
Mouser strives to empower innovation among design engineers and buyers by delivering advanced technologies. Arguably the world’s widest selection of the latest semiconductors and electronic components for the newest design projects are stocked. Their website is continually updated and offers advanced search methods to help customers quickly locate inventory and it also houses data sheets, supplier-specific reference designs, application notes, technical design information, and engineering tools.

@MouserElecEU #PAuto #TandM

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Environmental test chamber for gas detection sensor manufacturer.

In a move to further strengthen its quality assurance processes, Ion Science has installed a high performance temperature and climate control chamber at its state-of-the-art plant in Cambridgeshire (GB).

Duncan Johns, Managing Director at Ion Science comments: “This is a tremendously important piece of equipment for the business. The ability to test for extreme temperature, moisture and humidity changes in-house means we can confidently guarantee the market-leading quality and reliability of our PID instruments and even better serve our global customers.”

Chosen for its ability to test to 100% Relative Humidity (RH) at close to 0°C, the Weiss Technik floor-standing environmental chamber unit rigorously tests Ion Science’s handheld and fixed photoionisation detectors (PIDs) to ensure accurate and efficient operation at the required temperature and humidity levels.

Operation is via the 8” colour touch screen installed on the front bracket of the door. The display provides the current temperature and RH in the unit. It also has an acoustic alarm display. The data is archived every minute and can then be imported to a PC for later evaluation.

For reduced carbon footprint, the hermetic refrigeration systems work with environmental friendly refrigerants that are free from chlorine and have no ozone reducing potential (CFC free).

It is extremely low maintenance and a self-cleaning humidity sensor increases the service life of the psychrometer.

The environmental chamber operates at maximum temperature of +180°C and minimum temperature of -42°C. It is also designed for the performance of extreme climate values including long term tests at 85°C / 85% RH.

Ion Science’s MiniPID 2 sensors are incorporated into its wide range of PIDs, such as the well proven Tiger handheld portable instrument and the world’s first benzene specific monitor, Titan.

The new environmental test chamber will ensure MiniPID 2 continues to provide fast, accurate and humidity resistant detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as well as offer greater consistency and repeatability over extreme temperatures.

 @ionscience #PAuto #Environment @elhcomms

Monday, 25 June 2018

Automation e-commerce platform announced.

Endress+Hauser has announced its e-Commerce platform. The platform offers customers a personalized shopping experience with a wealth of new features. The platform allows customers to purchase online and provides 24/7 access to detailed information directly on the website, for both online and offline orders.

Features include the ability to access RFQs, quotes and orders all in one place. Customers now can easily add products to a shopping cart and see their own pricing details. The new experience streamlines customer procurement processes both online and offline.

All transactions are available online, including all purchase documents. It's easy to check the status of current orders and to see order history. Products can be saved in favorite lists for easy reordering and users can assign their own references to products as well. When users would prefer to request a quote first, or to ask for technical support in configuration – Endress+Hauser's broad network of sales representatives can easily be contacted to finalize selection for the user.

Users are able to set up a secure account and password. Once created, users will have access to view and make selections and purchases from Endress+Hauser’s complete portfolio. Users can register here.

@Endress_US #Pauto  

People of calibre sought!

Anglia Components The next phase of Anglia Components' ambitious five year plan is to grow their share of British electronic component distribution market to 10%, with a turnover of £100 million. The company is actively recruiting as it continues to look to outgrow the market and achieve this growth organically.

Commenting Steve Rawlins, CEO, Anglia (Pictured right) said, “Last year we set out a very ambitious five year plan and we have the right infrastructure, inventory and tools in place to hit these targets by 2022. Anglia’s strategy for growth is based on exceptional service delivered by exceptional people. Now our biggest challenge is getting the additional human resource that we need to grow the business over the next few years.” 

He continues, “With the market continuing to be strong, it is harder than ever to find people of the calibre needed, but Anglia is a burgeoning British business that has much to offer our employees.”

Anglia is the country's largest independently owned component distributor with an on-target turnover of £61 million in 2017. It was Britain's fifth largest component distributor in 2016 according to the electronic component supply network (ecsn) and the 27th largest in the world (based on Source ESB figures).

Steve Rawlins concluded, “We are continuing to expand our team as our business grows, adding further exceptional people to maintain our high levels of customer service. Right now, we are seeking additional Field Application Engineers (FAEs), Field Sales and Head Office personnel. The UK market is buoyant, with manufacturing exports boosted because sterling is now at the right level. Our forward order book is now the strongest it’s ever been.”

@angliaComponent #Pauto #Electronics

Facility closes down.

Gooch & Housego has decided to shut down the G&H Orlando business line & facility. This closure is tentatively scheduled for September 30, 2018. G&H reserves the right to change this date to an earlier date if needed.

This facility serviced Light measurement instrumentation and calibration services.

A statment issued : "To support our customers in the best manner possible under these circumstances, we will be offering a limited period for last time orders. Last time orders for new products will be accepted until July 31, 2018, pending review of the complexity of the order. Acceptance of each order will based on part and production availability. G&H Orlando will accept RMAs/repairs/ calibration orders until July 31, 2018.

Given the circumstances, we are not able to offer the standard 1-year warranty on new orders. All sales will be final after June 22, 2018. We will continue to honor our product warranty until August 30, 2018. G&H Orlando will continue to support customer technical issues until we reach our final shutdown date or as long as possible with available resources."

Tf there are any issues through the duration of the process the company advises customers to contact the Sales & Marketing Coordinator, Maureen Knowles.

Their statement concludes: "On behalf of the entire staff, thank you for your years of business - it has been our pleasure to serve you!"

@ghphotonics #PAuto #USA

Friday, 22 June 2018

From weaving to optical sensors.

The 55-year success story of Leuze electronic began with the "cono-pack", an electromechanical packaging machine. With the development of what at the time was the world's smallest reflex head, the key step into the market of industrial automation was taken. Numerous innovations followed. For example, the ASi bus is a Leuze electronic invention, as is the safe ASi. Safety monitors of a wide variety of labels come from the production facilities of Leuze electronic.

The company was directly involved in the development of the I/O link and is also playing an active role as a driver and pioneer of Industry 4.0. Clear focusing and differentiation has turned Leuze electronic into an expert in usability, industrial interfaces and communication and connectivity. Today, the company's main focus is on the areas of intralogistics, the packaging industry, machine tools and the automotive industry, as well as laboratory automation.

The product range of Leuze electronic includes switching and measuring sensors, identification systems, solutions for image processing and data transmission and also occupational safety components and systems. Many years of double-digit growth have meant not only an increase in turnover figures, but also the number of employees. Today, more than 1,200 sensor people at 22 locations are involved in development, production, sales and service – supported by more than 40 sales partners around the world. Leuze electronic demonstrates its consistency in the creation of new jobs.

• Leuze is looking for specialists in all areas, from skilled production workers to product managers and national and international sales managers. Growth also means that more space is needed. Which is why the company will continue to invest in new international facilities. At its headquarters in Owen/Teck, (D), not only additional office space and new staff parking places are currently being created, investments are also being made in the production and logistics departments.

@LeuzeUK #PAuto 

Thursday, 21 June 2018

London's clean air!

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched a new, street-by-street monitoring system that will help to improve that capital’s air quality. From July 2018, and operating for a year, London will benefit from what is being described as the world’s most sophisticated air quality monitoring system. A consortium involving academia, an environmental charity, and commercial partners will install a network of 100 multiparameter AQMesh air quality monitors, whilst also operating two Google Street View cars that will map air pollution at an unprecedented level of detail.
Air Monitors will supply the AQMesh pods and a comprehensive suite of analysers that will be fitted to the Google Street View cars. In addition, Air Monitors will be responsible for the wireless collection of data, so that air quality can be visualised and mapped in almost real-time. Working closely with the Greater London Authority, the project will be run by a team of air quality experts led by the charity Environmental Defense Fund Europe, in partnership with Air Monitors Ltd., Google Earth Outreach, Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants, University of Cambridge, National Physical Laboratory, King’s College London and the Environmental Defense Fund team in the United States.

Air Monitors Managing Director Jim Mills says: “It is difficult to underestimate the importance of this project – traditional monitoring networks provide essential information to check compliance against air quality standards, but this network will be ‘hyperlocal’ by which we mean that it will deliver street-level air quality data, which will be of tremendous interest to the public and also enable the effective assessment of air quality interventions.

“The Google Street View cars will take readings every 30 meters, helping us to find pollution hot-spots, so that AQMesh pods can be positioned in these locations. However, the pods are wireless and battery-powered, so they can also be quickly and easily fixed to lamp posts in other sensitive locations such as schools.”

In addition to nitrogen dioxide and particulates, which are the pollutants of greatest concern, the pods will also measure ozone, nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, temperature, humidity and pressure. Data will be automatically transmitted to Air Monitors’ cloud-based data management system, which can be accessed by PC, tablet or smartphone.

The monitoring data will provide baseline air quality data that will be essential in the assessment of mitigation measures, particularly in London’s expanding ultra-low emission zone. For example, on 20th June 2018, Sadiq Khan, announced the creation of the largest double-decker electric bus fleet in Europe, and the new monitoring network will enable the assessment of this initiative’s impact on air quality.

“This project will provide a step change in data collection and analysis that will enable London to evaluate the impact of both air quality and climate change policies and develop responsive interventions,” said Executive Director for Environmental Defense Fund Europe, Baroness Bryony Worthington. “A clear output of the project will be a revolutionary air monitoring model and intervention approach that can be replicated cost-effectively across other UK cities and globally, with a focus on C40 cities.”

Mark Watts, C40, Executive Director said: “Almost every major city in the world is dealing with the threat of toxic air pollution, which is taking an incredible toll on the health of citizens, public finances, quality of life and contributing to climate change. London is already a world leader in responding to this global threat and with this initiative it will set a new global standard for how street level air quality monitoring can inform strategic policy making. Cities across the C40 network and around the world will be watching closely to understand how this monitoring can deliver cleaner air for their citizens.”

 @airmonitors  #Environment @_Enviro_News 

Efficient connections for the Ex zone.

In environments where there is a high explosion risk (known as Ex zones), connectors must fulfil special safety requirements. Here Howard Forryan of Harting discusses how these challenges may be met.

Harting offers a range of connectors - the Han® Ex series - that meet the safety requirements for ignition protection in Ex zones 1 and 2. The use of such connectors, featuring innovative termination techniques supporting unskilled assembly and flexible hood and housing mating solutions, allows end users and installers more installed site flexibility and keeps costs down through time saving in various hazardous application areas including process automation in the petrochemical, chemical and mining sectors.
Condition monitoring
Operators of oil and gas platforms need to continuously monitor their sites’ ambient condition status through parameters such as gas concentration levels, differential pressures and temperatures. Mobile explosion-proof detectors and transmitters allow such measurements to be made at various different key locations on the platform and then be re-positioned as required. The readings from these instruments are switched and recorded via an explosion-proof central controller. These pre-existing detectors and central controller enclosures will typically already have glanded conduit access points. Because of the stringent requirements of explosion-proof equipment, users need to avoid making any modifications to such certified equipment.

In order to save valuable installation time and to maximise location flexibility of such a mobile detection system onto an oil or gas platform installation, Harting offers an exposion-proof connection solution with the compact Han® Ex 4A cable-to-cable connector system, a product that can be retrofitted without compromising the equipment’s Ex certification compliance. Because all detectors are provided with pre-fitted connector cable ends, they are supplied to site fully pre-tested, which ensures fast pluggable installation.

For the links to the central controller enclosure already located on site, cables can be wired through existing glands and conduits, leaving free ends for cable-to-cable connector termination. Harting provides its mating cable-to-cable connector with tool-less quick-lock termination connector inserts, allowing for quick and simple non-specialist wiring on-site installation.

The application of the Han® Ex 4A cable-to-cable connector system allows the connection between the controller and the detectors to be made outside the explosion-proof enclosure, hence ensuring that there is no modification done to the enclosure and no need for re-certification of equipment.

Lifting cranes
Another offshore oil and gas platform related application where connectors offer significant benefits over hard-wiring is on mobile heavy lifting cranes, which may need to be frequently removed and re-installed at different locations. While the crane platform and operator cabin are installed in the so called “safe zone”, the boom is operating in the hazardous zone, thus making it mandatory to use ATEX approved components. The boom carries a number of different sensors (for detecting angle and load, for example) and a light bar at its tip; near the cabin various connectors are used at a panel where all the sensors are wired up.

Across the general “Ex” sector, the replacement of defective loads such as low-voltage switchgear, generators or pumps is complex: the power has to be switched off before the defective equipment can be uninstalled and replaced. With a hard-wired installation, all cores would have to be screwed or connected individually. Connectors, on the other hand, reduce downtime and support modern and flexible machine configuration through modularisation in hazardous areas. Harting’s Han® Ex series connectors are available in different tool-less contact wiring termination designs, so that no specialist skilled personnel are needed for initial assembly and replacement of components. Similarly, the installers require no special tools, thereby accelerating the switch-out operation while maintaining all safety functions. Crimp termination is also an option for the volume OEM manufacturing producer.

Meeting protection requirements
Intrinsically safe explosion protection is based on the limitation of the power circulating in intrinsic circuits, permitting electrical devices to be operated safely even in an explosive environment. Han® Ex connectors meet the standards for materials that are permitted to be used in potentially explosive atmospheres (DIN EN 60 079-0). Air clearance and material creepage distances are in accordance with the intrinsically safe circuit requirements for zones 1 and 2. Their blue colour provides easy identification of inherently safe circuits and they ensure protection class IP65 when mated or unmated in conjunction with appropriate lanyard attachable loose covers (plastic for Han® Ex B and powder coated blue zinc die-cast for Han® Ex 3A series).

 @HARTING_Group #PAuto #EX #Offshore

40 years serving automation in Ireland.

In May 1978 ​​Pat​ ​J Bonner established the company P.J. Bonner & Company. He had vast experience in the area of​ ​​instrumentation and​ automation behind him and formed the company to utilise that experience for the benefit of Irish industry. Pat still maintains an interest in the company although day to day management​ ​​and ownership has been passed to the next generation.

The company is thus celebrating the achievement of the first 40 year in business this year. From a humble front room start-up to the large, modern offices and industrial unit in Ballymount (Dublin Irl) and to their recently opened new premises in Cork, the company is rightly proud of what has been achieved during their first 40 years.

Managing Director, Patrick M. Bonner, son of the Founder told Read-out, "Our success could not have been achieved without all of our colleagues both past and present that have worked so effectively and professionally, our customers that remain at the focal point of everything we do and support from our long-term supplier partnerships. We have been fortunate that the ethos of the company is only as valid as the staff who work here, and by putting our clients at the first point of everything they do – all the team have developed the company’s reputation that is second to none in our industry."

As they head into the next 40 years, they intend to build on the firm foundations and "look to the future and acting on the potential for the betterment of our staff, our customers and our suppliers."

@pjbonnerco  #PAuto 

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Safety relays are diagnostics enabled!

The new KFD2-RSH safety relays from Pepperl+Fuchs combine a diagnostic function, line fault transparency, and dual redundancy in a 1oo3 (one out of three) architecture. During each switching operation, the function of the switching contacts is automatically checked.

This drastically reduces the effort required for proof testing. Thanks to line fault transparency, the entire signal circuit can be monitored for line faults without the need for additional wiring. The relays are immune to test pulses and are therefore compatible with digital output cards for all common control panels.

The 1oo3 architecture with dual redundant switching contacts is at the core of the new modules. For DTS (de-energized-to-safe) applications, there are three serial contacts. For ETS (energized-to-safe) signal circuits, there are two groups of three contacts each, arranged in parallel. The safety function is ensured, even if up to two contacts in a group fail.
The integrated diagnostics function moves the three contacts successively with a time delay during each switching operation. In ETS applications, all three relays of both contact groups are initially closed with three consecutive switching events. During the delay period, the device checks whether this contact closes the circuit and detects any faulty circuits.

DTS device diagnosis takes place during the restart process. Initially, two relay contacts are closed simultaneously, then the third contact is closed after a time delay. The idea is that there is no current flowing before the third contact closes, otherwise this relay is defective because it no longer disconnects the circuit. Another relay is checked during every switching cycle.

After switching three times, the relay module is fully tested once without any additional effort. The diagnostics results are provided:
• via the LED on the module
• as a collective error message on the power feed module
• by evaluating the test pulses from the control panel
• on the additional relay output

The KFD2-RSH safety relays provide comprehensive line fault transparency. As a result, short circuits and lead breakages can also be detected on the field side through the control system's digital output card (DO card) and assigned to a specific signal circuit. No additional wiring is required.

DO cards on control panels often offer built-in diagnostic functions. The module input effectively filters the test pulses coming from the DO card. This prevents an unintentional switching of the field device as a result of a diagnosis measure or the unintentional display of a line fault in the control panel.

The single-channel devices are certified in accordance with the ATEX/IECEx Zone 2 and UL standards and are suitable for DTS and ETS applications up to IEC61508 SIL 3. The DTS modules are also suitable for applications up to EN ISO 13849 PL e.

@PepperlFuchs #Pauto 

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Loadcells for harsh but hygenic applications.

The new Z6R Bending Beam Load Cell now available from HBM, has been specifically developed for use in harsh environments and applications with high requirements for hygiene.

Designed for maximum capacities ranging from 20 to 200 KG and featuring an accuracy class of C3, the Z6R is particularly suitable for use in food processing, production of pharmaceuticals or packaging of building materials.

Manufactured in stainless steel, the robust enclosure can withstand mechanical stress and is not affected by dirt, humidity or aggressive environments with acids and alkalis. Featuring an innovative design, without any gaps or edges, the Z6R is easy to clean and can therefore help to reduce costly downtime. Furthermore, the new Z6R is also ingress protected to IP68, with IP69K as an option for added protection. In addition, as with most load cells from HBM, the Z6R is also suitable for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (IECEx: Zone 1 + 21, Zone 2 + 21).

Mechanically and electrically compatible with the market leading Z6 load cell from HBM, which has been successfully incorporated into various projects throughout the world, integration with existing systems or load cell replacement is quick and simple. This, combined with a long service life, puts the Z6R bending load cell at the top of its game.

 @HBMmeasurement #PAuto

Industrial thermal imaging.

The ThermoView® TV40, a high-performance industrial thermal imager designed for the most challenging environmental conditions has been announced by Fluke® Process Instruments. Supported by intuitive and powerful analysis software, the new thermal imager provides a fully integrated solution for temperature control, monitoring and data archiving to ensure process traceability and product quality.

Backed by 150 years of industrial application experience, the ThermoView offering consists of the rugged TV40 thermal imager and ThermoView software. It was developed to meet today’s demanding industrial automation requirements and can be used in applications where multiple thermal imagers need to be displayed and operated together.

According to Jeff Kresch, global product manager, Fluke Process Instruments, the ThermoView TV40 provides a thermal imaging solution for monitoring, analyzing and resolving in a wide range of industrial environments. “The TV40 developed software is a turnkey solution intended for factory automation, process inspection and process monitoring applications, which Fluke Process Instruments has served for many years. This versatile thermal imager has the performance and personalization capabilities needed for continuous process monitoring and control.”

The standard TV40 thermal imager is offered with an “on-board” lens, which means that there are no external moving parts. It operates in ambient temperatures up to 122° F (50° C) and is housed in an IP67 enclosure using industrial sealed connectors. The camera has a web interface, and basic setup can be done via any personal computer (PC) with web browser. Remote motorized focus is utilized with sighting options based on IR-Fusion® technology — simultaneous thermal and visible remote sighting for easy alignment and continuous monitoring of process conditions. The camera’s GigE interface allows for high-speed data transfer at 60 frames per second and a Power over Ethernet (PoE) option.

ThermoView full system software offers a variety of analysis and process monitoring tools in a single package. It runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10 operating systems, and multiple language versions are available. Features include

1) Continuous or intermittent inspection of temperature events.
2) Independent emissivity for each Area of Interest (AOI) and user-configurable setup of temperature conditions to trigger events or alarms, which can interface to discrete input/output (I/O) devices.
3) Software designed to interface with process control equipment, receiving synchronization inputs and providing pass/fail logic outputs; perform product inspections, temperature alarming and monitoring; and enable process temperature archiving.
4) Temperature analysis tools for trending and product troubleshooting, as well as I/O alarming for over and under heating conditions.
5) Analysis capabilities for real-time isotherm, subtraction, histograms and trending analysis.

A lite version of ThermoView software is available to help users become familiar with the features and benefits of the TV40 thermal imager. The software displays thermal images from the imager, loads off-line images/sequences and copies images to a clipboard.

ThermoView TV40 Thermal Imagers are available with environmental outdoor enclosures, air purge and other accessories. They are shipped with manuals, calibration certification, a quick reference guide and a safety sheet. All ThermoView thermal imagers are offered with a two-year warranty.

@FlukePI #PAuto

Monday, 18 June 2018

Thermowell reduce fatigue failure in challenging processes.

Emerson has released the Rosemount™ Twisted Square™ Thermowell line, a solution that reduces dynamic stress, simplifies process calculations and provides more accurate temperature measurements. This new thermowell design was developed to address these issues while meeting demanding production requirements, increasing output and ensuring high product quality.
“We wanted to offer a solution that would give our customers more options for thermowells when they run into process design challenges,” said Jack Reuvers, Emerson senior lead engineer. “When changes happen during the late phases of projects it can delay start-up times and add a lot of extra cost and stress. Twisted Square Thermowells not only provide more options, but they can also save on design costs while supplying high-accuracy temperature measurements with a safe, robust design.”

Twisted Square Thermowells improve reliability and reduce risk of fatigue failure through their ability to dampen dynamic stresses caused by oscillating vortex pressures. These dynamic stresses can result in vortex-induced vibration (VIV), which is the primary source of thermowell stress failures.

The new design reduces VIV by over 90 percent. This helps to simplify process calculations by eliminating the need to size thermowells to reduce dynamic and frequency limits, saving engineering time and lowering costs without requiring design changes. It is ideal for use where conventional thermowells fail to meet the globally-accepted ASME PTC 19.3 TW standard for safe and reliable thermowell design.

Twisted Square Thermowells solve these challenges at a time when manufacturers are relying more on applications that require thermowells to withstand harsh or changing process conditions.

Typically, conventional thermowells are shortened and/or the outer diameter is increased to avoid VIV. These changes can result in decreased accuracy and/or slower response times for the measurement point. The dimensional adjustments recommended by the ASME PTC 19.3 TW calculations are often acceptable to maintain an appropriate measurement point, but in some cases, they may compromise temperature accuracy, making it difficult to implement.

 @EMR_Automation  #PAuto @Emerson_News

Flexible probe for hard-to-reach places.

Fluke is now including an iFlex® flexible current probe with its 279 FC TRMS Thermal Multimeter with no increase in price. The iFlex flexible current probe allows users to work in tight, hard-to-reach spaces and make current measurements up to 2500A.

Thermal imagers are invaluable to help quickly troubleshoot electrical equipment, panels and transformers but electricians and maintenance technicians often do not have access to one when they need it. The Fluke 279 FC TRMS Thermal Multimeter integrates a full-featured true-RMS (TRMS) digital multimeter (DMM) with a thermal camera in one device to speed troubleshooting.

The Fluke 279 FC now allows users to save, recall and review saved images on the meter. It is also a member of the Fluke Connect® family of wireless test tools allowing users to transmit results wirelessly to a smartphone and save time reporting to validate work is complete. Fluke is also offering a kit, which includes the 279 FC, the iFlex and a spare re-chargeable battery, all at a special discounted kit price.

The Fluke 279 FC allows technicians to quickly and safely check for hot spots in fuses, wires, insulators, connectors, splices and switches with the imager, and then troubleshoot and analyse issues with the DMM. By combining two powerful test tools into one, electricians and technicians can carry fewer tools and have a higher level of confidence they have the tools handy to solve problems.

The 279 FC TRMS Thermal Multimeter features 15 electrical measurement functions including AC/DC voltage, resistance, continuity, capacitance, diode test, min/max and frequency, with advanced capabilities such as motor drive measurements, min/max recording and display hold. The 3.5inch (8.89cm) full-colour LCD screen makes for easy, clear viewing of images.

The wireless 279 FC is part of Fluke Connect - a system of wireless test tools that communicate via the Fluke Connect app, or Fluke Connect Assets software, a cloud-based solution that gathers measurements to provide a comprehensive view of critical equipment status - allowing technicians to record and share both thermal images and electrical measurements in real time via their smartphones or tablets and automatically upload them to the cloud. Reports can be created and shared right from the job site via email, allowing technicians to collaborate in real time with other colleagues with ShareLive™ video calls, which increases productivity in the field.

The CAT III 1000V, CAT IV 600V safety rated thermal multimeter has a rechargeable lithium ion battery that lasts up to a full work day (10+ hours) under normal conditions.

@FlukeCorp  #PAuto #TandM 

Point-and-shoot thermal imaging.

The new, rugged Beha-Amprobe IRC-110-EUR Infrared (IR) Camera, designed for the professional, offers point-and-shoot functionality to give a visual heat map image for quick and accurate identification of temperature related issues.

It is an ideal tool to troubleshoot electrical connections and motors/drives, HVAC, mechanical and automotive applications, and insulation leaks around buildings to identify potential energy savings.

This thermal camera offers a visual image with five blending modes with the IR heat map overlay (at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) providing a quick indication to the actual hot spot location. The images are also viewable in one of three selectable color palettes for better analytical evaluation - grey scale, hot iron and rainbow. Intuitive joystick navigation enables ease of navigation through on-screen menus and settings.

It is focus free and provides a centre-point temperature measurement, with hot and cold markers instantly identifying the hottest and coldest spots within the image. The distance to spot ratio is 20:1 and the emissivity is adjustable from 0.10 to 1.00. Featuring an Auto-off function, it offers an IR temperature range from 10degC to +500degC.

The Beha-Amprobe cameras are suitable for use in industrial maintenance, commercial facility maintenance, oil & gas maintenance, reliability inspections, building diagnostics, utilities and in research & development.


"World Cup of Automation!"

The agenda for the Copa-Data Global Partner Academy 2018 included presentations and in-depth workshops with experts, practical reference visits and international networking under the event slogan "World Cup of Automation".
This year's Copa-Data Global Partner Academy (GPA) in Vienna (A) had 215 participants representing 98 companies from 30 countries. The third-annual GPA, the worldwide rendezvous for members of the company's partner community, brought together twice as many people as it did in 2016.

Johannes Petrowisch, Head of Corporate Partnerships at Copa-Data, was delighted by this growth, commenting: "This GPA shows the continuous growth trajectory that we and our partners are experiencing worldwide. It is a strong sign that our zenon software is delighting so many experts throughout the world and that automation is advancing in harmony with digitalization. We would like to warmly thank all participants."

One highlight was an insight provided by Ulrike Huemer, lawyer and CIO of the city of Vienna, into city development and planning for one of Europe's largest and, at the same time, most liveable city regions. The city of Vienna has already been following a digital agenda for increasing transparency and decreasing bureaucracy for its citizens for several years now. In the lawyer's speech, she focused on a key challenge for the coming years: interlinking all social sectors that are involved in the digital transformation. International participants at GPA 2018 agreed with her conclusion that only through open discussion and dialogue between economy, industry, society and public authorities can the advantages of digitalization take effect.

Furthermore, Copa-Data partner companies obtained extensive know-how on the new zenon 8.00 and zenon Analyzer 3.20 software versions. Example applications from around the world underscored the variety of solutions that can be implemented with zenon – from ergonomic human-machine interfaces and powerful control stations to cloud-connected production analyses across different locations. GPA participants benefitted both from face-to-face conversations with company technology experts and in-depth workshops on technical and sales topics.

The agenda was rounded off by two reference visits. In the energy distribution sector, participants at Wiener Netz's premises were able to get an idea of how 46 transformer stations and a 28,000 km distribution network provide energy to the city of Vienna and other parts of Austria. In the pilot factory for Industry 4.0, which was initiated by TU Wien, the Technical University of Vienna, GPA 2018 participants gained insights into the future of industrial production with a focus on smart, cyber-physical production systems.

The Copa-Data  British technical & sales team accompanying partners Roy Coleman and Lee Hancock of Applied Integration and Capula.
Photo:Stefanie Starz,

@copadata  #PAuto #Austria

Friday, 15 June 2018

Components award.

Harting is celebrating after winning the Interconnect and Electromechanical Supplier of the Year award at the Electrocomponents Supplier Summit in Amsterdam.
(L-R) Thomas Novak (RS Components), Simon Asbury (Harting), Eric Smith (RS Components) and Edgar P Duening (Harting) at the Electrocomponents Supplier Summit.
Over the past five years, Harting has proven itself to be a strategic partner aligned with electrocomponents worldwide. During this time, they have achieved outstanding growth of 161% in the American market, 65% across EMEA and 47% in Asia-Pacific.

In 2017 Harting was the fastest growing interconnect brand across the globe with average worldwide growth of nearly 30%. Harting has also been a major proponent of both DesignSpark and local designs for both RS Components and Allied Electronics.

Edgar P Duening, the Managing Director of Harting Technology Group and Simon Asbury, Director of Sales and Market Development at Harting LTD were on hand to accept the award.

Afterwards, a delighted Edgar P Duening said: “Harting is thrilled to receive this award from RS Components. The strategic partnership between Harting and RS has been a major contributor to the excellent growth in all regions over recent years. Key to this growth has been the pace of new product development at Harting, coupled with RS’s ability to take these products to market through its multi-channel marketing activities. We look forward to continuing and building upon this excellent strategic partnership in the future.”

 @harting #PAuto @RSComponents

AC/DC Power supply.

The new BET-0900-T, a highly efficient and very robust external AC/DC power supply unit for industrial use with an output of 90 W has been introduced by Bicker Elektronik . It meets the stringent requirements of the US Department of Energy (DoE) for energy efficiency level VI, as well as the current European energy efficiency standard EU-CoC-Tier2. This applies in particular to the power consumption in standby mode, which is less than 0.15 watts and the typical efficiency of 90%.

The external AC/DC power supply with wide-range input of 90 to 264 VAC and active PFC also impresses with its high reliability (MTBF >869,000 hours), which is ensured by the exclusive configuration with +105°C premium electrolytic capacitors and a robust circuit design. Thus, the BET-0900-T is ideally suited for 24/7 continuous operation in the wide operating temperature range of -20°C to + 60°C. Three models are available with accurately regulated DC output voltages of +12V, +19V or +24V. For additional reliability, the BET-0900-T has short circuit and overload protection with auto-restart, as well as over-voltage and over-temperature protection. The isolation voltage between input/output is 4242 VDC. The protective conductor PE (primary) is connected to -Vout (secondary). No base load is required at the output so that the latest generation Intel® Core™mainboards with special power saving modes can be supplied safely. In addition to the current energy efficiency standards, the BET-0900-T has the EN/UL60950-1 safety approvals.

The standard built-in DC hollow connector on the power supply output can be customized for specfic applications by special connectors, such as locking dc plugs. Optional accessories are available from Bicker Elektronik: The Cling Pad KP-01 for quick and easy mounting of the external AC/DC power supply on smooth surfaces, a practical adapter PSZ-1008 (DC jack to screw terminals), the three-pin power cable Y1-132 with IEC-60320-C13 and the DC extension cable CB-TRG-EXT. In addition to the long-term availability of at least 5 years Bicker Elektronik grants a warranty of 3 years on the external AC/DC power supply BET-0900T.

@bicker_de #Pauto 

Advanced manufacturing technology facility open for business.

Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) has opened a new £7.5 million (€8.6 millian) state-of-the-art advanced manufacturing technology facility, supporting its mission to enable more competitive supply chains with increased productivity.
L2R: Claire McAlinden, Director of Operations for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Professor Adrian Murphy; Professor Seán McLoone; Colm Higgins, Head of the Northern Ireland Technology Centre.
Details on the facility were announced at the university’s Manufacturing Beyond the Horizon’ conference. The collaborative investment is one of the biggest in manufacturing by Queen’s, the British Government and Northern Ireland industry partners. It has been supported by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Innovate UK and the Aerospace Technology Institute.
The new facility will have an open door to industry partners, currently including RLC Global Point, Moyola Precision Engineering, JW Kane Precision Engineering Ltd., Travan Precision Engineering and Retec Engineering Solutions.

Based at the distinguished Northern Ireland Technology Centre at Queen’s, the facility is part of the Centre for Intelligent Autonomous Manufacturing Systems (i-AMS), a pioneer research programme at Queen’s which is leading innovation in new technologies for advanced manufacturing. This was also officially launched at the conference.

Through i-AMS, interdisciplinary researchers, spanning the disciplines of Engineering, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Psychology, are working together to
tackle challenges within industry and helping to make Industry 4.0, the new industrial revolution, a reality.

Professor Mark Price, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Queen’s, comments: “I am delighted to announce the opening of our £7.5million advanced manufacturing technology facility, based at the Northern Ireland Technology Centre (NITC) at Queen’s.

“The facility will provide key support to our new pioneer research programme i-AMS. Both i-AMS and the new facility are open for business and are already making a difference to the advanced manufacturing community in Northern Ireland and the UK. This is a great example of industry, government and academia working in partnership to move Northern Ireland forward.”

Professor Seán McLoone, Director of i-AMS at Queen’s, says: “Addressing the challenges of Industry 4.0, the centre and facility are spearheading the computerisation of manufacturing. This includes the use of advanced data analytics, machine learning, intelligent system and autonomous robotics concepts, digital manufacturing and human-robot interaction.

“Through this exciting initiative, we are able to translate advanced research and new ideas in i-AMS quickly through to application in industry through the NITC. This streamlined innovation chain is key to enabling competitiveness in Northern Ireland manufacturing.

“With rapid developments in the Internet of Things (IoT) and it coming together with manufacturing Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), we are very aware of the potential impact of embedding this technology in factories of the future. It is game-changing work.”

Explaining the benefits of the new facility, Head of the NITC Colm Higgins said: “For the last 50 years we have worked closely with industry partners through the NITC to provide support and tackle challenges head on. The demands for industry are ever-changing and as a key partner to Northern Ireland companies, we are delighted to open this new state-of-the-art facility at Queen’s, which will drive forward advanced manufacturing and meet short term and future requirements."

The facility also provides Northern Ireland with an important regional link to the well-established British High Value Manufacturing Catapult and Research Technology Organisations, as well as the emerging Irish Manufacturing Research Centre. All of these help to bridge the gap in technology concept and commercialisation.

Professor Mark Price adds: “The advanced manufacturing technology facility at Queen’s will enable the local industry to be more competitive through the optimisation and digitisation of manufacturing processes, including automation. It also paves the way for more productive, flexible, resilient, responsive and energy efficient manufacturing systems and associated supply chains. This means we can drive down costs, improve product quality, minimise waste and ultimately increase productivity and competitiveness.

“Ultimately, the facility allows us to address the challenges that the industry is currently facing and plan ahead to meet future needs. It also provides an opportunity to train up the next generation of experts in manufacturing. From a very early stage, our students at Queen’s will have had the chance to use state-of-the-art industrial machines, which will be beneficial when they begin their careers in industry.

“We are delighted to be open for business and look forward to the journey ahead.”

#PAuto #Manufacturing @ManufacturingNI @QUBelfast