Thursday, 31 August 2017

New IR Catalogue.

Laser Components has issued a new catalog covering its extensive portfolio of infrared components on more than 130 pages. Many of the products are manufactured at the company’s own sites in the United States – including pyroelectric detectors, PbS and PbSe detectors, and most of all the highly successful (x)InGaAs photodiodes and sensor arrays. Other components are provided by renowned companies such as Alluxa, NOC, Xenics, and Helioworks.

“Infrared technology has always been one of the most important divisions at Laser Components”, says Johannes Kunsch, Head of Business Unit Infrared Components. “Today, we also profit from the expert knowledge accumulated within the last decades. Therefore, our catalog not only offers an overview of our products, but also technological background knowledge.”

Recently, the Laser Components Pyro Group proved that the company significantly pushes the borders of IR technology. Thanks to integrated differential amplifiers, their new LD2100 series of detectors achieve a signal to noise ratio of 1.4 and higher.

The catalog is available for download on their website, or it can be ordered as a free printed version.

 @LaserComponents #PAuto

Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Partnership addresses changing cybersecurity landscape!

The International Society of Automation (ISA) has announced that it has formed a global partnership with Siemens—the worldwide technology leader in electrification, automation and digitalization—to improve awareness of the need for industrial cybersecurity.
The partnership, forged in response to the changing industrial security landscape and growing cyber-threats to automation networks and systems, specifically focuses on broadening understanding and adoption of industrial automation security standards.

Both organizations will share expertise in protecting automation environments based on ISA/IEC 62443, the world’s only consensus-based series of industrial cybersecurity standards, and appropriate security measures through co-sponsored events, webinars and additional educational resources Together, ISA and Siemens intend to raise awareness and share best practices of industrial security with owner/operators of industrial equipment.

The first activity between Siemens and ISA will be two live webinar sessions, titled “Cybersecurity for Control Systems in Process Automation,” with Siemens Plant Security Services Product Solution & Security Officer (PSSO) Robert Thompson and ISA 99/IEC 62443 Committee Co-Chair Eric Cosman. Click here to register for the European session and here for the North American session.

"Cyber Security needs to be addressed by industrial companies as recent global ransomware attacks have demonstrated the possible impacts in the last weeks. Our customers need to adequately manage the associated cyber risk, arising from the vulnerabilities of IT technology combined with the increased connectedness in our digital age,” says Henning Rudolf, Global Head of Siemens Plant Security Services.

The ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) operates one of the first standardized assessment schemes for the ISA/IEC 62443 IACS cybersecurity standards, and this program has been heavily adopted by Siemens as a leading provider of automation equipment and industrial security services, as well as being a global manufacturing company.

Siemens Plant Security Services adhere to the ISA/IEC 62443 guidelines and are available for existing Siemens customers and third-party equipment, providing a multi-layer protection-level approach, asset inventory and tracking, patch and vulnerability management, network segmentation, industrial security management, incident handling and security consulting services. Siemens also provides a comprehensive Product Computer Emergency Response Team (ProductCERT) for Siemens solutions.

Siemens operates several “Cyber Security Operation Centers” (CSOC) for the production of industrial facilities, with joint locations in Lisbon (PT) Munich (D) and Milford (OH USA). Siemens industrial security specialists based at these sites monitor industrial facilities all around the world for cyber threats, warn companies in the event of security incidents and coordinate proactive countermeasures. These protective measures are also part of Siemens extensive Plant Security Services.

@siemensindustry #PAuto #ISAuto @siemens_press

The Industrial Wireless Reliability Conference.

This daylong event, organised by The ISA100 Wireless Compliance Institute,  will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, and will feature a keynote presentation from Taiwan's Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, as well as presentations from industry leaders in the field of Industrial wireless communications. The event also includes a complimentary catered lunch for all registered attendees!

Attendees will learn about Industrial Wireless technology, reliability & safety applications of Industrial Wireless technology, and ISA100 Wireless technology through real world use case examples. The conference will also feature hands-on product displays. The language for the conference will be English. See programme below!

This is a great opportunity to learn how Industrial Wireless technology is already being used in industry.

#ISAuto #PAuto #Taiwan

Acquisition strengthens sensor technology and test automation offering!

Kistler Group has acquired Vester Elektronik GmbH. This acquisition – Kistler’s third this year – adds a company that has successfully specialised in sensor technology and test automation to the group.
CEO of the Kistler Group Rolf Sonderegger and the existing owners of Vester Elektronik GmbH, Ulrich Renger and Thomas Vester, are looking forward to successful completion of this acquisition (from right).
Taking over Vester, Kistler is not only acquiring decades of knowledge in the field of test automation and sensor technology, it also facilitates the establishment of a centre of excellence for optical measurement in Germany. “This new technology is the perfect ad-dition to Kistler’s traditional measurement technology. It gives us access to new applica-tions that enable us to meet the demands of new and existing customers even more ef-fectively”, says Rolf Sonderegger, CEO of the Kistler Group.

Innovative systems in process monitoring
Since its founding 50 years ago, the family-owned company Vester Elektronik GmbH has specialised in high-quality optoelectronic sensors for controls and process monitoring in the field of punching and forming technology. Testing and sorting facilities for the 100% examination of metal and hybrid parts complete the company’s product portfolio. Its prod-ucts are primarily used in the punching and forming as well as turned parts and fastening sectors. The company is known for its innovative and well-engineered systems for the quality assurance and surveillance of punching and forming processes, as well as for the high level of continuity and quality from a single source.

Local operations with a global network
The takeover benefits both companies and their customers: Vester Elektronik GmbH gains access to a global corporate structure and new resources aimed at increasing its business and developing new markets. With 1,800 employees the world over, the Kistler Group provides the necessary structures and processes for the company, which primarily operates in Germany, to grow. Kistler has branches in 58 locations in more than 30 coun-tries, thereby providing the Vester portfolio access to a global market. Customers in turn will benefit from the Kistler Group’s global service and sales network. Outside managing director at Vester Frank Oppenländer will continue to lead the company and its 80 full-time staff members from the Straubenhardt facility. In the medium term, the site itself and its skilled workforce will be expanded.

#Kistler #Pauto #TandM

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Oxygen analysis in boilers.

Michell Instruments has announced the launch of the XZR250 oxygen analyzer for monitoring combustion control in industrial boilers. It was developed to meet customer demand for a cost-effective, easy to operate instrument with a probe designed to cope with the high temperatures in the flue. Effective combustion control has growing importance for operators as it not only helps increase fuel efficiency but also ensures compliance with legislation on allowable emissions.
The XZR250 uses a zirconium-oxide sensor with a life span of up to seven years (depending on the fuel used) to maintenance to a minimum. A key benefit of the sensor is its fast response of less than fifteen seconds to changes in oxygen concentrations of 90% of the range. It is also accurate to less than 0.25% O2  allowing optimum combustion control.
The instrument is easy to install as it requires no specialised tools, it is also very light to handle and has a fast start-up routine. The probe can be inserted directly into boilers up to 700°C and uses the Pitot effect to ensure the sample gas is sufficiently cooled to protect the sensor from damage without the need for complex sample conditioning. As with any process instrument, regular calibration is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the measurements. It can use air as a calibration gas, making calibration highly cost effective and simple to perform.
The robust sensor ensures maintenance is minimal, but when it does need replacing, this can be done with minimal process downtime. The company has extended its popular sensor exchange programme for dew-point transmitters to customers of the XZR250. Under this scheme, operators order a new sensor block from Michell, which arrives ready to fit. Once fitted, the old sensor block can be returned in the same box and the customer receives a credit.
Typical applications for the XZR250 include oil, gas and biomass boilers.

• Michell products are marketed in Ireland through Instrument Technology.

Software company locates to Cardiff.

The move to Cardiff, the Welsh capital, by Copa-Data UK will allow more space to expand. The new office is based in the heart of the city and will provide the company with greater opportunities on its doorstep, for new business, new partnerships and collaborations, and for recruiting the expanding team.

The move to Cardiff coincides with ten years of Copa-Data’s presence in the British manufacturing and utility industries. In the same year the company celebrates its 30-year anniversary of the company being founded in 1987 by Thomas Punzenberger in Austria.

Martyn Williams
“Cardiff has always had a special place in my heart, having lived and studied here,” explained Martyn Williams, Managing Director. “It’s incredible to see how the city has experienced major transformation in recent years and is fast becoming a hub for digital and technology industries.

“The new office space provides us with room to expand the team as the business continues to grow and, being situated in the heart of the city, the space provides the team and clients alike with an easily accessible, vibrant and dynamic environment to conduct business.”

Copa-Data’s headquarters are based in Austria, but the company sales its software in over 60 countries. The Bristish office handles all sales and services of the company’s software system, zenon, in the Britain and Ireland.

 @copadata  #PAuto #Wales @technicalPR

Monday, 28 August 2017

High-power RF amplifier temperature monitoring.

To maintain the optimal performance and reliability required for its high power amplifier stages, Bonn Elektronik choose Variohm EuroSensor for the supply of custom modified temperature sensors that are an integral part of the amplifier’s performance monitoring.

Variohms’ ETP-RT ring terminal temperature
sensor mounted on BONN Elektronik’s BLWA
 series high power amplifier module
Bonn Elektronik GmbH, based in the southern German town of Holzkirchen, is a designer and manufacturer of RF power and microwave systems with a reputation for exceptional quality and reliability. The company produces standard and customised power amplifiers using solid state, TWT and pulsed amplifier technologies for communications applications that span low frequency subsea to broadband, GPS and satellite - with frequency ranges from the low kHz up to 50 GHz, and power ratings from a few Watts to over 30 kW.

Especially at very high power levels, maintaining amplifier temperature and heating levels is a critical part of the amplifier’s monitoring system – ensuring reliability and preventatively maintaining the long service life required for their customer-oriented specifications. Convenient mounting for the probe is an important consideration and the Variohm ETP-RT ring terminal mounted temperature probe perfectly suits the open chassis design of these power stages. In addition the ring terminal design lends itself to straightforward adaptation for EMC shielding in the very direct vicinity of the potentially high levels of electromagnetic radiation from the power amplifier module.

Variohm adds EMC shielding to the temperature sensor and wiring by adding a coaxial screened cable which is extended circumferentially over and around the encapsulated sensor element and soldered to the actual ring terminal which is then bolted to the chassis’ earth, The complete assembly is then insulated and protected with heat-shrink sleeving.

The Variohm ETP series probes are part of a range available as ring terminal, hexagonal bolt, and PTFE, stainless steel or brass tube designs. They are all available as PTC and NTC versions with a wide selection of standard options for general industrial or scientific precision temperature measurement applications. They are designed for convenient mounting and precision temperature measurement performance in applications from HVAC to industrial or scientific processes. All the various ETP designs include IP67 sealed thermistors with improved encapsulation techniques for best thermal conductivity to ensure fast response times. Typical temperature range is -40 to +125 °C for the 10K3A1B version and -40 to +250 °C for the PT version. As illustrated by this application, they are also available as custom modified temperature probes with higher temperature ranges, modified mounting, connection options and electrical characteristics.

 @Variohm #PAuto

Friday, 25 August 2017

Safety programmable loop display.

The SIL 3 capable SLD Functional Safety Programmable Loop Display for use in Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) has been released by Moore Industries. The SLD has been certified by exida® with full Functional Safety approval after rigorous evaluation to ensure conformance with strict IEC 61508 standards for safety-related applications.

The SLD is part of the FS Functional Safety Series family and the loop-powered SLD provides reliable and accurate display of real-time process status in mA, percent, or any designated 5-character Engineering Units (EGU). Built for Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF), the SLD can be taken out of the loop with the –LMD option (Loop Maintenance Diode) without affecting the integrity of the safety function.

The SLD Functional Safety Programmable Loop Display is DTM programmable with user oriented basic configuration for fast and accurate setup. The SLD can be programed with any FDT compliant host or program such as PACTware utilizing Moore Industries’ DTM and USB communication cable. DTM programmability allows the SLD to be custom scaled to display percent or scaled directly in engineering units to show process measurements such as pressure, temperature, level, or flow. Additional settings for display such as span, zero, input range, display range, and filtering frequency are easy to program. The free software allows users to select square root or linear curve from the library, or quickly create a custom one or even import a curve from Microsoft Excel.

The SLD flexibility doesn’t end there; it is loop-powered using less than 2.3 Volts, includes robust RFI/EMI protection and has an easy-to-read display with two rows of large characters. With 360 degree mounting, the SLD can be mounted at any angle in almost any environment using one of the Moore Industries’ explosion-proof and flameproof housings..

SIL 3 capable third-party certified SLD Functional Safety Programmable Loop Display is the perfect reliable solution to accurately display process status in a safety loop. The SLD has superior accuracy reading any 4-20mA signal, displays information with phenomenal accuracy of ±0.012% of input scale, and flexible enough to mount anywhere. The SLD continues to support Moore Industries’ reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction with exceptional accuracy and long-term stability with up to 5 years between scheduled calibrations.

@MII_Worldwide  #PAuto 

Insights into cybersecurity!

It seems like every week we hear the name of a new, devastating cyber attack. Names like ‘Wannacry’, ‘Petya’ and ‘Stuxnet’ may not mean much at first, until it’s your plant that is affected by these increasingly frequent attacks. That’s why,  an ISA publication, has compiled the extensive Cybersecurity eBook - Advancing Automation-Cybersecurity Insights.

They've been working with leaders from across the industry to deliver a detailed guide to help organizations secure industrial networks and control systems, as well as make forward-looking security decisions to protect the facility before the next attack happens.

This ebook includes:

  • Owl Cyber Defense Solutions’ detailed guide on how to secure your organization when you can’t use patches
  • Indegy’s article discussing the necessary practices to protect your industrial networks and IIoT technology
  • Ultra Electronics 3eTI’s expansion of the US Department of Homeland Security’s 7 strategies for Industrial Control System (ICS) defense
  • Belden’s big picture discussion on who truly owns organizational responsibility for cyber defense strategy

#PAuto @automation_com

Interchangeable probes for transmitters!

The EE220 transmitter from E+E Elektronik measures relative humidity and temperature in the range from -40 °C to 80 °C (-40 °F to 176 °F) with a high accuracy of ±2 % RH and ±0.1 °C (±0.18 °F). The basis unit can be fitted with various pluggable and interchangeable sensing probes. Separate probes for humidity and temperature enable highly accurate loop calibration. The easy-to-clean metal enclosure and stainless steel probes are ideal for clean room applications and use in the pharmaceutical and food industry.

Probe exchange in a matter of seconds
The EE220 basis unit can be equipped with a combined humidity and temperature probe or two separate probes, one for humidity and one for temperature. The EE07 probes can either be plugged directly onto the basis unit or mounted up to 10 m away using extension cables. Thanks to the plug-in system, the sensing probes can be exchanged in just a few seconds. As the calibration data is stored in the intelligent probes, the transmitter does not need to be re-calibrated after a probe replacement.

Loop calibration according to FDA recommendation
The use of separate stainless steel sensing probes for humidity and temperature enables most accurate loop calibration, as recommended by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Using extension cables and without dismounting the EE220 basis unit, the humidity probe can be placed in a portable humidity calibrator and the temperature probe in a dry block calibrator. Thus, the entire measurement chain from the probe to the controller can be calibrated on-site (loop calibration).

The probes can be individually adjusted with buttons on the E220 electronics board. Adjustment and calibration is particularly comfortable using the optional display, which can be simply plugged onto the EE220 board for this purpose.

Accuracy check with reference probes
Two reference probes can be used instead of the regular probes to check the correct functioning and accuracy of the EE220 basis unit. The reference probes simulate defined humidity and temperature values which can be compared with the EE220 outputs.

Optimum sensor protection
The optional E+E proprietary coating is brings relevant benefits in harsh ambient conditions. It protects the sensing elements from dirt, dust and corrosion, thereby considerably improving the long-term stability and lifetime.

Options and accessories
The EE220 basis unit and the EE07 sensing probes are available with polycarbonate or stainless steel enclosure. The current measured data is available locally on the optional display. The EE220 is suitable for wall mounting and rail installation according to DIN EN 50002. A duct mounting kit is also available.

• E+E Elektronik products are marketed in Ireland through Instrument Technology.

#ePulse #PAuto 

EtherCAT connectivity.

Harting has added EtherCAT connectivity to its MICA® (Modular Industrial Computing Architecture) system: an open source platform for industrial applications.
EtherCAT is a real-time Industrial Ethernet technology originally developed by Beckhoff Automation. The EtherCAT protocol which is disclosed in the IEC standard IEC61158 is suitable for hard and soft real-time requirements in automation technology, in test and measurement and many other applications.

The main focus during the development of EtherCAT was on short cycle times (not greater than 100 µs), low jitter for accurate synchronisation (not greater than 1 µs) and low hardware costs.

With the EtherCAT interface, MICA can capture directly from industrial production networks via two M8 connectors, then pre-process it and transmit it to higher-level systems and cloud applications via various standard protocols such as OPC-UA and MQTT.

MICA®s modular Open Source Software Architecture makes it the ideal solution for developing edge and cloud applications in production. Creating the EtherCAT functionality as an internal MICA® function module enables MICA® to deliver further benefits, such as protection class IP67, connectors suitable for industrial use and compliance with major industry standards.

 @Harting #PAuto @EtherCAT_Group

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Ethernet line extender!

Within critical infrastructure applications the loss of data communication at any point is not an option and therefore network resilience is becoming increasingly important. Supporting this demand for network reliability, Westermo has launched a new version of its proven Wolverine Industrial Ethernet Line Extender that includes functionality that helps to overcome both power and unit failure.

The Westermo Wolverine DDW-142-12VDC-BP Industrial Ethernet Line extender is based on SHDSL technology and enables existing copper cables to be used to create Ethernet IP-based networks. This helps to achieve significant time and cost savings when installing new communication networks.

Because old cable networks were rarely installed with resilient data paths in mind, there is a potential risk when using these as part of a modern IP-based network. Should a unit suffer a power failure, the Wolverine Line Extender’s integrated bypass relay short-circuits the two SHDSL interfaces allowing a renegotiation between adjacent extenders; this allows communication to be restored automatically.

In addition, the Westermo Wolverine series offer `power failure resiliency’ ensuring continued network operation in the event of a primary power failure. A dual power supply is now complimented by a 12 VDC option, which enables a battery to provide the power supply redundancy. The transition between primary and secondary power is immediate and seamless, ensuring maximum network uptime.

The DDW-142-12VDC-BP enables networks to be created over distances of up to 15km, offering data rates of over 15 Mbits/s on a single twisted pair cable. Bonded pairs double this rate to over 30 Mbit/s. An integral switch enables two Ethernet devices to be attached and a further RS232 port ensures legacy equipment can be incorporated into an IP network.

The DDW-142-12VDC-BP is very easy to install, with no configuration required for basic applications and a web interface to support simple configuration for more complex networks. The device is ideal for basic point-to-point or multidrop networks in applications where failures can result in significant costs. The WeOS operating system supports secure and resilient multimedia ring networks.

The unit offers exceptional reliability and is certified for installation in environments with high levels of vibration and extreme temperatures such as those found in rail, marine and the utility applications.

@Westermo #PAuto  @westermo_global  @HHC_Lewis 

Multi-Tier lockable IEC Socket.

Schaffner has extended its range of IEC lockable outlets with the introduction of a new multi-tier version available with either 4 or 6 outlets. The integral locking system improves the reliability of electronic systems exposed to vibration or traction.

The new Schaffner C13 multi-tier outlet family features a patented locking system, provides a space saving alternative to separate outlets and is compatible with all standard C14 connectors. Each individual power outlet has its own locking mechanism which protects against accidental disconnections and maintains uptime.

The 4-tier outlet saves 12mm and the 6-tier outlet saves up to 21mm when compared to fitting single connectors and meets the needs of the current trend for panel downsizing. All outlets are powered from a single connection point reducing assembly time.

The Schaffner C13 multi-tier outlet series can be utilized in all applications where reliable mains connection is paramount, including IT, Datacentre and telecommunications systems, medical equipment, laboratories, home appliances or difficult to access mains connections. The locking system can take up tensile forces up to 200N without additional traction relief system.

Installing Schaffner C13 multi-tier outlets offers system manufacturers cost savings by removing the requirement for using individual connectors with traction relief. The C13 multi-tier outlet is supplied by default in black with a red mark on the locking knob clearly distinguishing it from conventional outlets.

C13 lockable IEC outlets conform to the requirements of RoHS and REACH, meet international safety standards and are available ex-stock all over the world through Schaffner global distribution and sales network.

@SchaffnerGroup #PAuto

PLC first awarded Security Certification.

The ControlEdge™ Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) from Honeywell, has received ISASecure® Embedded Device Security Assurance (EDSA) Level 2 certification by exida, the ISO 17065 accredited certification body that conducted the assessment. The certification recognizes the integrity of both the PLC and its development lifecycle, and includes rigorous communication robustness testing as well as functional and software development security assessments.

ControlEdge PLC, from Honeywell Process Solutions (HPS), is the first PLC to be awarded the ISASecure Level 2 certification, which builds on the Level 1 capabilities by providing additional security features such as: the confidentiality and integrity of data at rest and in motion; detection of unauthorized changes; and additional protection against Denial of Service attacks. The ISASecure-compliant controller has advanced features including a secure boot capability to prevent uploading of unauthorized software and a built-in firewall. PLC communication can also be secured using IPSec to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and unauthorised access.

“In the current operational environment, a strong cyber security defense is an essential part of control system safety and availability,” said Andrew D’Amelio, vice president and general manager of HPS’ Process Measurement and Control business. “That defense starts with industrial control devices such as PLCs that are resilient to rogue communications and unauthorised access, and developed with a security mindset.”

The ISASecure program has been developed by the ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI) based upon the ISA/IEC 62443 series of standards, with a goal to improve cybersecurity for industrial automation and control systems.

“ISASecure EDSA is the first of three certifications offered by ISCI, and focuses upon the security of embedded devices and supplier development practices for those devices,” said Andre Ristaino, ISCI managing director. “The level 2 EDSA certification of Honeywell’s PLC is an industry first and demonstrates Honeywell’s leadership in securing control systems technology.”

ControlEdge PLC is used in a variety of balance-of-plant control applications, such as water treatment, pump systems, and material handling. It is part of a next generation family of controllers offering unprecedented, secure connectivity through all levels of process and business operations.

Honeywell’s integrated Distributed Control System (DCS)/PLC approach provides a significant reduction in integration efforts and project costs. This is achieved through seamless integration of a DCS with PLC, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), HART field device asset management, and HMI panel PC. Only Honeywell can serve as a single vendor for all these automation requirements. This combination also minimizes downtime through unified support, and lowers total cost of ownership through an extended system lifecycle. In addition, ControlEdge PLC provides an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-ready open platform using OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) as a communication protocol.

@HWusers  #PAuto #Cybersecurity #ISAuto

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Dedicated to motion control and positioning in Germany!

On March 2, 2016 Aerotech celebrated the groundbreaking for our new Aerotech Germany office in Fürth, (D). Construction and relocation to the new building has been completed and the opening ceremony was held on May 18th, 2017.
Aerotech have expanded with a dedicated building in Germany.
According to Norbert Ludwig, the Managing Director of Aerotech Germany, "We had approximately 40 participants from outside [Aerotech] plus 20 Aerotech Representatives at the opening ceremony. Participants at the opening ceremony included customers and suppliers, architects, and craftspeople. Our special guest was the Major of the city of Fürth.”

After a general welcome, Norbert Ludwig gave a presentation on Aerotech GmbH describing the new, greatly expanded support capabilities in Germany, followed by some greetings and welcome words from the President of Aerotech, Mark Botos. After lunch the Major of Fürth spoke and there was also a presentation of an invited speaker, a Physics professor from a German university, talking about laser structuring of materials using Aerotech components.

The opening ceremony was very well received and the company looks forward to the additional sales, service, and support that our new office will allow them to expand the numbers of their customers in Germany, as well as throughout Europe. The German building now joins a dedicated Britsh building, as well as a network of offices and representatives, in support of other European customers.

 @aerotechmotion #PAuto 

Barometric pressure sensors for portable applications.

Two new MEMS-based barometric pressure sensors from Omron Electronic Components Europe are specifically designed to support height and pressure measurement in drones, smartphones, pedometers and other battery powered mobile systems.

The new Omron 2SMPB-02B and 2SMPB-02E sensors provide stable and reliable height and pressure measurements, allowing changes in elevation of as little as 2m to be reliably recorded.

Developed as an evolution of the successful blood pressure gauge, the new sensors have been specifically remodelled for mobile applications and are smaller at just 2.0 x 2.5 x 0.85mm in size. Due to innovations in the production process and Omron MEMS technology, the devices are very competitively priced.

The new barometric sensors measures pressure with high accuracy based on the built-in low noise 24bit ADC and feature digital control and output via I2C / SPI interfaces. Both automatically power down non-working circuits to minimise the power consumption. Individual calibration parameters are stored in One Time Programmable-ROM (OTP), and are retained when the system is powered down. An integrated temperature compensation circuit helps ensure accurate absolute pressure measurements.

Commenting, Gabriele Fulco, Omron Sensors Product Manager for Europe, said “These easy to use sensors are perfect for the growing variety of wearable, handheld and mobile battery powered applications and have low power consumption making them optimal for smart phones, tablets, pedometers and drones. Usually MEMS sensors are affected by assembly stress, but because these sensors have a ceramic substrate and a metal lid, there is much lower parameter shift during assembly.”

Both sensors are configured to measure the pressure of air between 30kPa and 110kPa. Maximum pressure is 800kPa and the sensors can be used at temperatures of -40 up to 85 Celsius without condensation or icing. The sensors have a pin layout that is compatible with alternative solutions on the market, simplifying integration.

2SMPB-02E matches the features and performance of the 2SMPB-02B but offers a better level of accuracy down to +/-50Pa. The -02B version is +/-100Pa.

Applications are extensive and include wearables, tablets, smart phones, drones, altitude meters, car navigation and floor detection.

@OmronEurope  #Transport  #Pauto

Taking the strain out of USB strain modules!

The FSU-SSB innovative fast USB strain module has been released by Mantracourt Electronics.

Aimed at the precision-orientated Test & Measurement sector, the very competitively priced FSU-SSB is designed to thrive when coupled with dynamic, fast-moving applications that require ultra-high speed measurements. The benefits of the device are certain to be invaluable in the areas of impact, drop, vibration, materials and non-rotational torque testing.

The FSU-SSB simply connects to a PC (via a USB port) and offers a host of features that are sure to make it the go-to product in the field. It’s seriously fast, taking 4800 samples per second, and hugely reliable with a temperature drift of only 5ppm/°C – a fraction of that demonstrated elsewhere in the sector. Accuracy is key with this speedy (and simple to setup) product. A non-linearity reading of 25 ppm sets the FSU-SSB way ahead of the pack – providing unparalleled peace of mind (and value for money) to users.

“Accuracy and precision are what we do best, here at Mantracourt,” says Kelly Voysey, Sales & Marketing Manager at Mantracourt. “We’re always pushing the envelope, and with the FSU-SSB we’ve redefined what exactitude can mean in this sector.”

The device is based on the popular USB strain module (the DSCUSB) which combines high stability and superior performance at a lower rate of 100 samples per second. The DSCUSB remains a perfect choice for lower speed applications.
The FSU-SSB’s operating system builds on the strengths of its predecessors to offer superior functionality and user-friendliness. The Toolkit is free to customers – a gesture that shows the importance Mantracourt places in maintaining life-long relationships.

The powerful, intuitive, feature rich, Toolkit has many outstanding elements. It gives real-time data-analysis, automatically calibrates and captures up to 30 minutes of data at 4800 samples per second. Innovative Scope, FFT frequency analysis allows users to visualise data and establish patterns. The Toolkit’s intuitive navigation and features, combined with key functionality (such as the ability to highlight data of interest and delete unwanted data), confirm the FSU-SSB’s position as the one to beat.

“We’ve been leaders in this field for over 40 years. We constantly invest in people, skills, equipment and product development. That cycle is a central part of our DNA. By obsessively paying attention to details and working closely with our clients, we maximise efficiency. That’s why we can produce products like the FSU-SSB at such a great price.”

The FSU-SSB is just the latest in a long list of innovative products that Mantracourt is justifiably proud of. “The uniquely productive ecosystem we’ve set up, here in the south-west of England,” says Kelly Voysey, “means we’ve taken the strain out of USB strain modules!”

 @mantracourt #PAuto

Versatile device management wizard.

FieldMate® R3.03,  is a significantly enhanced version of the FieldMate device management software tool from Yokogawa. FieldMate software has the versatile ability to configure, adjust, and manage a wide variety of field devices used in factories and other production sites. It will be found useful for Process industries such as oil, petrochemicals, chemicals, pulp and paper, pharmaceuticals, foods, and iron and steel.

In addition to having a function that displays past diagnostic data, this latest version of FieldMate includes new functions that provide a more intuitive visualization of pressure calibration data. Powerful new interfaces are also provided for connecting to devices that rely on non-standard protocols and connecting to host networks.

Development Background
FieldMate runs on PCs and is used to configure, adjust, and manage devices in plants. With its support of a variety of digital communication standards, FieldMate can connect to and manage many different manufacturers’ devices. This is a popular software tool that has been installed on more than 10,000 systems since 2006, and Yokogawa has steadily updated it with new functions that truly make it an all-in-one maintenance solution.

The functions added in Release 3.03 make it significantly easier to adjust, check, and calibrate devices, facilitate the sharing of maintenance information by field and office personnel, and allow the connection to devices and instruments that use non-standard communication protocols.

1. New functions that makes it easier to calibrate differential pressure/pressure transmitters which requires the use of their CA700 pressure calibrator.
Field devices must be periodically calibrated to maintain their accuracy. Differential pressure/pressure transmitters are widely used in plants, and their calibration requires skilled maintenance personnel. To calibrate a transmitter, a field engineer must apply pressure using a hand pump, measure that pressure with a pressure calibrator and a transmitter, and manually record the reading produced by the transmitter. This same procedure must be repeated at various standard pressure levels. Release 3.03 has a new function that clearly displays in real time the pressure calibrator and transmitter readings acquired from the pressure calibrator, and a new function that automatically records calibration data. With these functions, even inexperienced maintenance personnel can easily calibrate these devices.

2. Enhanced visualization of historical data needed to identify device deterioration
This latest FieldMate release comes with a new function that displays previous measurements on a graph, which is useful, for example, in identifying changes over time in the adjustments needed to eliminate an offset from the zero point. Used together with a function that displays a list of diagnostic data, this can help personnel identify field devices and other types of equipment that are in need of maintenance. Previously, such assessments required a good deal of experience in analyzing measurement data. Thanks to the improved visualization of data with this new function, even inexperienced maintenance workers can accurately make these assessments.

3. New external interfaces
A new external interface is now available on a special order basis which facilitates connections to host systems, including those that rely on the Cloud. This allows users to easily share FieldMate-generated maintenance reports with their colleagues in the field and back at the office.

In addition, while FieldMate supports all the major communication protocols used by field devices, some plants still rely on field devices and other types of equipment that use unique, non-standard communication protocols. A new external interface is now available that enables FieldMate to connect to, and handle, data from devices that use such non-standard protocols.

 @YokogawaIA  #PAuto

Key Account Manager, Nordic region.

Mikael Lundkvist is to be Key Account Manager for the Nordic region for ETAL Group.  He will be reporting to Global Sales Manager Michael Nielsen. He brings over twenty years sales and marketing experience to the ETAL team.

Michael Nielsen said, “ETAL is expanding strongly at this time, and Mikael has exactly the right combination of sales experience and enthusiasm to build our business in the Nordic region, our home territory which is always key to our success. Mikael and I have worked together in the past and I have great respect for his professionalism. His strengths are relationship building, account development and new business growth. I am excited to welcome him to the ETAL team.”

Mikael Lundkvist added, “I see great potential in ETAL with opportunities both to strengthen our relationship with existing customers and to explore opportunities in new markets such as electric vehicles and other green technologies. I am looking forward to working with Michael and my new colleagues at ETAL to develop these opportunities fully.”

Mikael Lundkvist previously ran his own business for eight years, focussed on sales, marketing and sourcing assignments in industries including batteries and GPS Equipment. Prior to this he spent twenty years in sales, product marketing and business development positions in the electronics industry. He worked at TE Connectivity, AVX/ Elco and Thomas & Betts.

ETAL Group is expanding strongly and announced the opening of a new British Research and Development Centre with a fast turnaround prototyping and small batch facility in July. It has acquired Sussex-based transformer and wound component specialist Grandchain. ETAL Group expanded its manufacturing capacity in 2016. It now has a 5000 sq mt site at Ratmalana, Sri Lanka and a 2400 sq mt. site in Estonia.

#ETALGrou #PAuto 

Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Change of executive in Automation Society.

"A strong foundation has been laid based on the effort of many passionate volunteer leaders and a wonderfully dedicated staff team that will allow the next Executive Director to hit the ground running." - Patrick Gouhin

Executive Director and CEO of the The International Society of Automation (ISA), Patrick Gouhin, is to step down from his position.

 ISA's President, Steve Pflantz, announced that a Search Committee will be formed in the immediate future to identify Mr. Gouhin's successor. The selection and announcement of a new Executive Director are expected to occur in the months ahead. Dr Peggie W. Koon, CEO & Founder of Leading Change, LLC, will serve as Interim Executive Director.

Pat Gouhin
"Pat has been our Executive Director since 2006 and has been a dedicated employee of ISA," Pflantz said. "Under Pat's leadership, ISA has progressed on many fronts. We will continue to ensure ISA's long-term vitality as we continue our commitment to advance the profession of Automation. The Board is committed to the strategy work that has been done thus far and is grateful for Pat's leadership in bringing us to this point."

"This is an exciting time in the history of ISA, and I am proud of what we have achieved and the work we are doing," Gouhin said. "A strong foundation has been laid based on the effort of many passionate volunteer leaders and a wonderfully dedicated staff team that will allow the next Executive Director to hit the ground running."

During his 11+-year tenure at ISA, Gouhin has overseen many significant milestones in the Society?s history, including the expansion of ISA?s brand family to include the founding of The Automation Federation and the Automation Standards Compliance Institute, and the acquisition of digital media powerhouse The world?s only consensus standard for industrial cybersecurity, IEC 62443, was also developed and expanded under his tenure.

Before joining ISA, Gouhin served as the Chief Operating Officer of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). He also served as the first Vice President of Operations and Technology Transfer for the National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) at Langley Research Center, a start-up resulting from $69 million government contract award to build a world-class research and education institute.

Dr Peggie Koon
Interim Executive Director Dr. Koon's experience and expertise lies in strategy development and execution, leadership coaching, and change management. Dr. Koon is the former Vice President of Audience for the Augusta Chronicle/TAC Media, Morris Communications, LLC. She has over 25 years of experience in IT, process control, and process automation for both discrete and continuous process industries. She was a General Motors Scholar, earning a B.A. degree in Mathematics from Smith College. She also completed 2 years of graduate studies in Industrial and Systems Engineering as a General Motors Graduate Fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and she has a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from Kennedy Western University.

In addition to her experience managing strategic change, Dr. Koon has also been a member and leader at ISA for more than 20 years. She has held a variety of prominent roles in the Society, including Society President (2014), Chair of the Automation Federation (2015), member of the ISA Executive Board (2016), and Chair of Workforce Development for the Automation Federation (2016).

• See also ISA Fires Pat Gouhin, Longtime Executive Director. (Walt Boyes, Spitzer & Boyes, 22 Aug 2017).

#ISAuto #PAuto

Friday, 18 August 2017

Compact pressure & Temp sensors for Formula Student.

Inspiring young technology enthusiasts to pursue careers in engineering is one of the driving forces behind Kistler’s sponsorship of automotive events. The company supports a number of regional student teams that are participating in international technology tournaments, including “F1 in schools” or “Formula Student” (FS). Kistler measurement technology has also been used in a number of successful world record attempts, such as the fastest acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in an electric vehicle by the Academic Motorsports Club Zurich (AMZ) which was founded by students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich (CH). One of the most prestigious automotive engineering competitions at university level is Formula Student. In total, Kistler sponsors 16 Formula Student teams from all over the world.

Precise measurements are the top priority in vehicle tests, so test configurations and equipment have to meet demanding requirements. Back in 1959, Kistler began developing its groundbreaking piezoelectric measurement and sensor technology to capture data on pressure, force, torque and acceleration. Nowadays, holistic measurement and data acquisition solutions developed by this Swiss family-owned company are in operation across the globe.

Founded in 1981, Formula Student is Europe's most established educational motorsport competition. Backed by industry leaders and high-profile engineers, the competition aims to support innovative young engineers and promote careers in engineering. Each team must design a race car from scratch as part of a design and business project that contributes to their academic degrees. Participating students pitch their designs to experts at Silverstone, generating vital feedback that can help the teams improve their designs. In their final year of studies, the students can see their designs become reality as manufacturing of their race car commences. The teams then go on to compete against some of the best teams in the world at Formula Student events. The teams are assessed in six categories. Before being allowed to enter the dynamics competition, the judges subject each race car to a rigorous inspection process. This final stage of the competition usually comprises 100 to 120 teams.

Kistler supports Team Bath Racing

Every year, “Team Bath Racing” (TBR) from the University of Bath (GB) designs and builds its very own single-seat, open wheeled race car for Formula Student competitions. The 2017 team is comprised of 21 ambitious final year engineering students. This year’s race car “TBR17” has a lot to prove: Team Bath Racing currently ranks as the top Formula Student team in the UK and the 6th out of 550 teams worldwide. In the past, TBR won the title of best team in the UK in 2007 to 2009 and 2015 to 2016. Kistler has been sponsoring the Formula Student Team at the University of Bath since 2014. In 2017, Kistler provided the team with its 4080A family of M6 piezo-resistant absolute pressure sensors - the 4080A and the 4080AT. The precise sensors build upon the technology that is used to analyze the performance of the various powertrain subsystems. Type 4080AT, with a temperature probe and integrated signal conditioning, can be installed in the vehicle directly and provides reliable real-time data on pressure and temperature, for example in hydraulic, water or oil circuits for the early detection of problems or for monitoring critical operational conditions.

4080A sensor for brake pressure measurements
The team used the Kistler 4080A130 sensors to measure pressure in the front and rear sections of the braking system. This allowed them to develop a better understanding of the car’s brake bias. “In 2017, we wanted to extend our use of the Kistler 4080A130 sensors in the brake circuit by exploring a hydraulic brake-steer system. This required precise monitoring of pressure in each of the rear brake lines”, explains Pranav Vaswani, powertrain manager at Team Bath Racing. The race team was impressed by the 4080A sensor’s compact size and light weight, which facilitated the simple installation under the pedal assembly. The reduction in size from motorsport-standard M8 to M6 ports made it easier to work in confined spaces.

4080AT sensor for engine oil temperature and pressure measurements
The 4080AT020 sensor was predominantly used to monitor engine oil pressure in order to ensure the continuous lubrication of the engine. The inclusion of temperature measurement in the sensors was not only used to monitor the engine’s cooling performance, but also to control the radiators’ fans and the auxiliary water pump. Both pressure and temperature signals helped ensure the engine operated within the specified parameters and triggered alarms for the driver when the values exceeded the set limits. “Its small size was the reason why the Kistler sensor was used in the oil circuit since a bigger sensor would not fit in the space available. The temperature measurements of the 4080AT were very accurate with a good response rate”, says Vaswani. The dual measurement of temperature and pressure by the same sensor helped reduce wiring clutter around the car as well as the number and size of Autosport connectors. The integrated power and ground meant fewer connections and wires were needed in the wiring diagrams.

“Ready, Set, Go!” with Kistler sensors
The racing team praised the advantages of the sensors. The Kistler sensors 4080A and 4080AT are clear favorites due to their compact size and low weight. They are universally applicable and easy to install. By enabling measurements of temperature and pressure on one sensor, 4080AT even reduces the amount of cables in use.

“This year our car was enhanced by a high pressure hydraulic system for gear shifting. To ensure precise system control, we plan to use the compact 4080A250 sensors, one before and one after our hydraulic fluid filtration system. The pressure signals help control the pressure charging of the system accumulator. The inclusion of temperature sensing greatly reduces the design and manufacturing effort required for the implementation of a well-engineered hydraulic system”, continued Vaswani. “So far, we have had no issues with heat or shock. This is especially promising since the sensors have been subjected to significant vibrations (from a single cylinder engine) and temperatures of over 100°C, but still continue to monitor important car parameters. Furthermore, the media separating measuring element has prevented contamination issues.”

Kistler and the University of Bath have a long-lasting partnership in the field of engine development and have successfully competed in countless Formula Student competitions. “In 2017, we will do our best to defend our current position. We are confident we have the best possible equipment”, Vaswani sums up the rewarding relationship with Kistler.

 #Kistler @TeamBathRacing  @FormulaStudent  @amzracing 

Reorganisation in leading automation publisher.

Some changes have been made in the Publications arm of the International Society of Automation (ISA).

 Rick Zabel
Following the departure of the dedicated manager of the Department, the much respected Susan Colwel, the society has examined how to go forward withthis important department and member benefit.  It has therefore appointed Rick Zabel as Group Publisher with Leigh Elrod and Bill Joss as staff assisting him.

Rick Zabel is currently Publisher of, the leading online resource site for automation and controls professionals purchased by ISA in 2014.  Rick has been with since 2000 when they launched their initial web site, the first job board for automation professionals. Since that initial launch, the site evolved into what is today…an information-packed automation site publishing daily news, articles, application stories, products, supplier directories, jobs, events, training, and more.

He wrote his view on "The next generation of automation media!" in a piece in the December 2014 issue of the Society magazine InTech.

The position as Group Publisher is typically responsible for multiple publications (magazines, websites, brands) within organisations. Given his experience and recognition in the automation publishing marketplace he is is an ideal choice for this new position.

Rick has a diverse background with more than 17 years of experience in the automation industry. Previously, Rick held positions of Marketing Manager, Regional Sales Manager, Account Manager, Sales Engineer, and Application Engineer for an automation product manufacturer, distribution company and systems integrator. Rick is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin – Madison with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering.

All of ISA's extensive products may be seen and purchased at ISA's Online Store. Choose from hundreds of books, digital books, software, technical papers, proceedings, standards, recommended practices, technical reports, training courses, CD's, videotapes, and more.

#PAuto #ISA

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Communication solutions in the railway sector rewarded!

The Harting Technology Group has been known for decades for its high-quality products and solutions. Now, the technology group has received an award for exceptional quality from rail manufacturer Hitachi Rail.

Hitachi Rail presented the prize to three representatives of Harting: Mr. Bernd Fischer, General Manager Corporate Regional Management, Peter Hannon, Managing Director Harting UK and Marcello DiGregorio, Managing Director Harting Italy, as part of a partner day in London GB.

Hitachi Rail had selected Harting from among more than 150 suppliers. Harting is considered preferred connectivity supplier. Harting develops and manufactures cabling for car transitions (so-called jumper cables) for Hitachi’s AT200 and AT300 trains. The cabling ensures secure data transmission.

All rolling stock manufactured by Hictachi Rail is equipped with a wide range of Han, DC1 and DC2 connectors. "We’re very pleased with this award. It not only demonstrates the quality of our products, but also underscores Harting’s expertise in tailor-made customer solutions in the railway sector", says Bernd Fischer, General Manager, Corporate Regional Management, at Harting Technology Group.

 @Harting #Transport @HitachiRailEU

Zero defect moulding.

On the Interplas “Introducing Stage” at 14:00 on the 28th September, Kistler Application Engineer, Duncan Webster, is to deliver a paper on the latest developments of the Kistler ComoNeo cavity pressure monitoring system.

Duncan Webster
Cavity pressure monitoring is a well proven technique for identifying cavity fill problems in real time so that out of specification products can be identified and rejected and moulds protected from damage due to overfilling. This paper describes the latest systems that use cavity pressure profiles to control the injection process to minimise incorrect cavity filling and so reduce rejects. These systems control the injection moulding process and balance the hot runner system, irrespective of the machines, moulds and peripherals used.

Cavity pressure monitoring allows process fluctuations to be corrected during the moulding phase in real-time as the process control system optimizes the switchover point for all the cavities, resulting in balanced injection behaviour across the entire production sequence. The system synchronizes the pressure profiles by individually controlling the nozzle temperatures on the hot runner, stabilizing the process by adjusting for batch fluctuations and other process conditions.

The new approach to production focuses on consistent digitization leading to enhanced product quality and increased cost-efficiency. Moulders using these new techniques are ideally placed to meet the requirements for digital networking demands of Industry 4.0.

This key advantage, compared with systems based on melt front detection, makes the process control more accurate and provides additional benefits for the user.

With over 25 years practical experience within the plastics Industry, Duncan Webster has in-depth knowledge of a wide range of materials and processes from short run prototyping through to high volume automated production to bring real world experience to bear on the problems faced by injection moulders.

#Kistler #PAuto @InterplasUK

Automatic data collection using Ethernet connectivity!

Gemini Data Loggers has announced its new Plus LAN data loggers. Plus LAN loggers collect data automatically: they plug into a network point and send data directly for viewing in the Tinytag Explorer Connect software – an easy to use Windows program – by any permitted user on a network.

They monitor across multiple locations with the data viewed at the convenience of the user’s own desk. Loggers in the range record temperature, relative humidity, and also low voltage, current and count inputs, making them ideal for use with third party sensors to record properties such as pressure, flow rates and footfall. A choice of accompanying thermistor, PT100 and PT1000 probes means they are suitable for specific monitoring applications.

Plus LAN loggers can be mixed and matched with existing Tinytag Radio indoor and outdoor data loggers within a system to meet particular site layout and infrastructure requirements. They are ideal for applications where radio signals may be problematic due to network range or physical obstructions. For example, LAN loggers can be used in metal-lined walk in fridges/freezers, or where a remote monitoring point is required outside the range of an existing Radio System, wherever a convenient network point is available.
Plus LAN loggers are powered through their LAN connection using a plug-in Power over Ethernet (PoE) adaptor and have battery back-up for reliability if this should fail. As with the Radio loggers, LAN loggers will keep recording locally in the event of communications problems, and will transmit their data once the connection is restored. Immediate alarm notifications are generated if conditions fall outside user-defined limits.

• TinyTag loggers are marketed in Ireland by Manotherm
 #Ethernet @tinytag #PAuto 

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

New integrated drive.

Leroy-Somer has announced the launch of Commander ID300, a new integrated drive solution optimized for the control of IMfinity® induction motors.

Created through a combination of Leroy-Somer’s expertise in electronic variable speed control and its longstanding experience in the manufacture of proven electric motors, this decentralized system brings together performance and reliability, offering customized solutions for process, manufacturing and intralogistics applications.

With the transition to Industry 4.0 under way, production is evolving in an increasingly complex and demanding environment. As a consequence, companies require more and more quality, risk management, equipment performance and compliance to standards.

To meet these strategic challenges, Leroy-Somer has designed Commander ID300, a new integrated drive for the control of its IMfinity® induction motors from 0.25 to 7.5 kW. A decentralized system, the motor and drive assembly offer strong dynamic performance and outstanding efficiency levels.

The decentralized configuration offers greater flexibility in machine and plant design. Other advantages include space saving, as no cabinet is required, lower overall costs due to the elimination of cables between drive and motor, lower power losses and reduced emission interference…

Benefitting from IMfinity® motor’s proven mechanical construction, Commander ID300 is extremely robust. This robustness is enhanced by the use of latest generation electronic components for power and control.

To offer a high level of performance, Commander ID300 is provided with advanced features for optimizing machine and process performance: onboard PLC, fieldbus communication, extra input/output or preset configurations such as a pump program for pressure regulation (constant pressure / variable flow).

The motor performance is guaranteed with auto calibration and drive setup carried out at the factory, including optimized starting torque, high dynamics on fast transient load and operation at constant torque using flux vector control across the entire speed range.

Commander ID300 offers energy efficiency standards higher than system classification IES2 (EN 61800-9-2), enhancing energy savings. The drive also features a low power standby mode for applications with significant periods of idleness.

Commander ID300 has been designed on a modular concept: the wide choice of options and adaptations enables configuration in line with machine architecture. The system can also be combined with an FFB brake for dynamic braking and /or gears from the multiposition 3000 range, ensuring maximum adaptability.

Safety remains paramount: to protect users and minimize machine operation downtime, the Commander ID302 variant integrates onboard safety functions for compliance with the highest safety standards SIL3 (Safety Integrity Level 3) and PLe (Performance Level e). The motor is also protected against overloads thanks to thermal protection. On top of this, the optional brake card enables full control of the brake sequencing and power supply.

Due to its large selection of features and options, Commander ID300 is an “easy-to-use” solution, ensuring quick and smooth operation. For instance, time can be saved during installation thanks to the multiple mechanical adaptations and connections that can be made at the factory. Also, to facilitate setup, configuration and diagnostics, the system delivers intuitive setup and pre-configured settings which are application dependent.

Designed for industrial environments as standard, this all-in-one drive solution is ideal for applications in the manufacturing, process and intralogistics sectors.

Commander ID300 is part of the Express Availability offer, the premium Leroy-Somer Service which ensures rapid delivery while minimizing spare and stock requirements.

 @Leroy_Somer_en @EMR_Automation #PAuto 

Visual analytics application upgraded!

The 7th release of Seeq software in just the past 18 months has been announced. This has been driven by input from customers expanding their use of the Seeq visual analytics application for engineers and scientists in process manufacturing organisations. It enables them to rapidly wrangle, investigate, and share insights on production data. Target markets include oil & gas, pharmaceutical, chemical, energy, mining, food and beverage, and other process industries.
“We are very happy to welcome Seeq and its innovative solution for process manufacturing analytics to Microsoft Azure,” says Vasily Mlanin, Senior Program Manager, Commercial Software Engineering at Microsoft Corporation. “Seeq will be a valuable compliment to the investment of Azure customers in IoT Hub and other Azure-based services.”

R18 adds new ease-of-use features, additional flexibility in the way items are displayed in Seeq’s advanced trending interface, and a new Organizer feature to assemble the results of investigations and analytics on time series data into dynamic documents for reports and dashboards. Seeq also announces support for the Microsoft Azure cloud platform, with Seeq availability on the AppSource marketplace.

Prior to supporting Azure, Seeq was already a Microsoft partner with extensive support for Microsoft platforms and products. Seeq runs on Windows Server, supports Active Directory for user management and SQL Server for data access, and can export data to Excel, PowerPoint, and PowerBI for visualization and reporting. The new Azure support includes availability on Microsoft AppSource and support for Azure Active Directory.

“We are excited to expand Seeq to the Azure cloud to support IIoT and data aggregation scenarios for our customers,” says Steve Sliwa, CEO and co-founder of Seeq Corporation. “The combination of investigation and publishing features, for on-premise and cloud deployments, is the next step in our effort to redefine the creation of actionable intelligence from process data."

The new Seeq Organizer module builds on the investigation and analytics in Seeq Workbench, enabling Seeq visualizations from any worksheet to be inserted into a document dynamically generated for any time range and/or operating condition. These documents can serve as the basis for weekly/monthly reports, daily standup meetings, operating period comparisons, batch summaries, incident analyses, and many other scenarios. Insights from process engineers can be quickly accessed via these documents by operators, analysts, managers, and other plant employees.

Seeq’s recent partnering announcements with Inductive Automation, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, OSIsoft—along with support for all the leading historians—make it the most widely accessible and extensively used visual analytics solution among process manufacturing companies. Other supported historians include GE Proficy, AspenTech IP21, Emerson DeltaV Continuous Historian, Ovation DCS Historian, and WonderWare Historian.

“Seeq continues to push the envelope of modern analytics for process manufacturing companies,” says Janice Abel, Principal Analyst at ARC Advisory Group. “To the best of our knowledge, the addition of the Organizer functionality to the company's existing work with Journals for knowledge capture, on top of its visual analytics features, sets Seeq apart from any other offering in this space."