Wednesday, 31 January 2018

LIMS Frequency Testing.

The Frequency (or Selective) Testing Module for the Matrix Gemini LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) from Autoscribe Informatics,  further enhances the versatility of the LIMS. It allows the definition of flexible testing regimes for samples and batches of samples to provide users with time and cost saving benefits during testing.

Frequency, periodic or skip lot testing is a sampling technique that saves time and money by reducing the number of tests carried out for some samples. It is generally used when there is an established history of item quality or the items come from a trusted supplier. However, it also provides for more rigorous testing of new products, as well as products from new suppliers and allows for increased future testing if a batch fails its specification.

The Matrix Gemini Frequency Testing Module can be easily set up using standard settings in the Substance Maintenance screen. It is possible to specify the testing frequency for each test on a substance or product e.g. perform all test(s) every ‘n’ samples registered. The system can also ensure that the first ‘n’ samples of a new substance or product undergo full testing before reduced testing begins.

Full testing can automatically be allocated if a specified time period has elapsed since the last sample of a particular substance or product was tested, or if the test results for the current batch exceed the specified limits.

Matrix Gemini’s built-in configuration tools allow a LIMS to be configured for individual laboratories in a host of industries and frequency testing can be applied to any testing regime from raw materials through to final packaging. The requirements for frequency testing will vary from industry to industry and from product to product and the Frequency Testing Module provides the flexibility to meet such varied demands.

 @AutoscribeLtd #TandM #LIMS

Tackling urban air pollution.

Barely a day goes by without a news item publicising the number of premature deaths caused by urban air pollution, and by particulates in particular. It is pleasing therefore to note investment in an air quality monitoring network.

The British Environment Agency has awarded a contract to Air Monitors to supply real-time particulate matter (PM) monitors to support the Automatic Urban and Rural Network (AURN). According to the terms of the contract, Air Monitors is to supply FIDAS 200 PM monitors for the continuous measurement of particle size for PM10, PM2.5 and as dual instruments which measure both PM10 and PM2.5 size fractions at the same time.

“This is an extremely important award,” says Jim Mills, Air Monitors Managing Director. “Not just because of the size of the award, but also because this new technology will provide greater insight into PM - one of the air quality parameters of greatest concern.”

The FIDAS 200 is certified as equivalent to the PM10 and PM2.5 reference methods both by TÜV and to Defra's MCERTS for UK Particulate Matter Standard. In the process of achieving this certification, the FIDAS passed the field tests with the lowest expanded uncertainty for PM10 of any PM monitor approved for use in the UK by Defra and the Environment Agency. In addition to the performance advantages of this technology, Jim says: “The operating costs are also extremely low; the requirement for consumables is almost nil, no filter is necessary for example, and its power consumption is a fraction of most other monitors. In addition, calibration can be conducted quickly and easily in the field with a simple monodisperse powder test which is only required once every 3 months.”

Employing a well-established measurement technology - optical light scattering of single particles – the FIDAS 200 is equipped with a high intensity LED light source, which is extremely stable, delivering a long lifetime, with minimal service requirements. An optical aerosol spectrometer determines the particle size using Lorenz‐Mie scattered light analysis of single particles. These particles move through an optical measurement volume that is homogeneously illuminated with white light, and each particle generates a scattered light impulse that is detected at an angle of 90 degrees. The particle number measurement is based on the number of scattered light impulses, and the level of the scattered light impulse is a measure of the particle diameter. The mass concentration is then derived by a proprietary algorithm from the number and size distribution.

Designed for reliability, the FIDAS 200 operates two sample pumps in parallel, providing redundancy protection, and the instrument continuously monitors status and calibration. As a result, field installations can exhibit data capture rates exceeding 99%.

Operating with a volume flow of approx. 0.3m3/h the FIDAS 200 is equipped with a Sigma‐2 sampling head, which enables representative measurements even under strong wind conditions. The sampling system includes an intelligent air drying system (IADS) which prevents measurement inaccuracies caused by condensation from high humidity. This means that it will continue to function correctly in misty or foggy conditions but without the loss of semi-volatile fractions of the PM. In situations where users require chemical analysis of the aerosol, it is also possible to fit an inline filter which collects the PM after the optical analysis chamber.

Summarising, Jim says: “This contract could lead to a potential 70 PM monitors being ordered from us over 4 years (2 years plus two 1 year extensions). An alternative type of PM monitor will also be supplied as part of the Environment Agency contract, but in the light of the advantages delivered by the FIDAS 200 we believe that the FIDAS 200 is the instrument of choice. As soon as the contract was awarded we received orders for multiple FIDAS monitors, valued at over £300k, and we look forward to installing many more over the coming years.”

@airmonitors  #Pauto #Britain @_Enviro_News 

See also application is a Scottish Urban area:  Ensuring pure air in Scottish towns. (15/1/2018)

Diagnostics, verification and monitoring.

Endress+Hauser offers Heartbeat Technology with its Liquiline CM44 and CM44R transmitters for use with Memosens pH and conductivity sensors. Heartbeat Diagnostics’ continuous analysis of transmitter/sensor system health status during operation enables recognition of related events when they occur. Heartbeat Diagnostics follows the NE-107 standardized NAMUR-compliant message structure for categorized event severity level with clear remedy instructions provided for operations or maintenance.

Heartbeat Monitoring minimizes the probability of a sudden breakdown or failure of the measurement point, and helps define when maintenance may be needed. For example, detecting increased glass impedance in the pH sensor may indicate glass breakage. In a conductivity sensor, if the coil current is out of range, this may indicate a short circuit or broken wire in the sensor. Monitoring function benefits are sensor health trending, tracking the quality of calibrations and integrating a maintenance timer to ensure optimal sensor performance is delivered.

Heartbeat Verification permits a measurement point to be assessed at any time in situ, without removing the sensor or shutting down the process. This qualitative function checks the entire measurement loop, verifying sensor and transmitter performance. Verification results are provided via an audit safe report automatically generated by the transmitter. The report is saved in PDF format and can be preserved on an SD card for transfer to a computer. These reports can be used when regulatory, quality or safety documentation is needed.

When the Liquiline transmitter is connected to a PLC, SCADA or distributed control system via fieldbus digital communications, Heartbeat Technology provides the host system with a wide range of sensor information that can be combined with process data to identify trends. This information, along with key performance indicators can be used for process optimization and predictive maintenance. Heartbeat Monitoring information is available over Profibus DP, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP or Modbus 485 protocols.

This technology is now available as an option in Liquiline CM442, CM444 and CM448 transmitters and all DIN-rail mount versions, and works with Memosens pH and conductivity sensors, and Liquistation CSF34 and CSF48 samplers. In the future, Heartbeat Technology will be available in Endress+Hauser’s dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrate, chlorine sensors and Liquiline System CA80 analyzers. The Heartbeat Technology option can also be added to existing Liquiline transmitters or samplers by the application of an activation code (Requires firmware version 1.06.04 or higher firmware in the Liquiline platform device.)

@Endress_Hauser  #PAuto @Endress_US 

Temperature & Humidity Data Loggers.

Teracom Ltd. has announced the availability of highly reliable (3-year warranty), affordable and easy to set up and use TCW210-TH data loggers for remote temperature and humidity monitoring applications.

Each TCW210-TH can monitor up to 8 temperature and/or temperature-humidity sensors of various brands and types (up to 24 different parameters each) via either 1-Wire interface and/or the more robust MODBUS RTU over RS485. For example, 4 sensors can connect via MODBUS and another four can connect via 1-Wire, all at the same time.

“Our new TCW210-TH data logger device has a very intuitive setup process and is so easy to configure that most customers will never need to open up the manual,” says Ognyan Dimitrov, CEO of Teracom. “The humidity and temperature records can be monitored on the WEB interface of the device. There is no need for special software and conversions – you only need a standard web browser like Chrome, IE or Firefox.”

Utilizing an Ethernet interface for web and network connectivity, the device monitors real time data for temperature, humidity and dew point, and records all monitored parameters using internal FLASH memory. The records can be made on set time intervals and/or on alarm conditions. The capacity of memory allows at least 36 days logged with data recorded once every minute. The log file can be periodically uploaded on a dedicated server by HTTP Post.

The device is supported by Android and iOS applications, as well as by Teracom’s remote and monitoring software TC Monitor, which provides a free license for up to 10 items.

The logger utilizes a circular buffer in FLASH memory (up to 70,000 records). When it is full, the new data overwrites the oldest one. In this manner FLASH memory can store a full log all the time. For security reasons, there is not a command to clear the log. A copy of the full log is always available for download.

The TCW210-TH can initiate a connection (HTTP Post) to remote dedicated servers. The payload of this post are XML or JSON files. Standard protocols as SNMP, MODBUS TCP/IP, and HTTP API are also available for M2M applications. TCW210-TH also supports communication with ThingSpeak servers. Four different parameters (channels) can be processed simultaneously.

 @TeracomBulgaria #Pauto

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Effective mercury emissions monitoring certified.

The Gasmet Continuous Mercury Monitoring system (CMM) is the first instrument to be certified for monitoring at the low levels required by industry and regulators.

“This is extremely important news,” says Ken Roberts,  Managing Director of their British subsidiary Quantitech. “In the past the low concentration levels in industrial emissions have represented a challenge to monitoring technology, and instruments have been unable to monitor at the low levels that are required. This announcement means that, at last, monitoring technology is available that will enable effective regulations to be implemented in the fight against global mercury pollution.”

The Gasmet CMM has successfully completed EN15267-3 testing using CVAF (Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence) technology for the analysis of Mercury. The CMM now provides the world’s lowest EN15267 certified range for measurements of Mercury. The instrument is certified for operation across a number of different ranges up to 1000 µg/m3, but importantly, the lowest range is 0 to 5 µg/m3.

Meeting regulatory requirements
The award of an MCERTS EN15267 QAL 1 certificate means that the Gasmet CMM meets the monitoring range requirements of EU Directives, and is considered suitable for use on waste incineration and large coal-fired combustion plant applications. It also presents an opportunity for effective mercury emissions monitoring at other types of combustion plant.

Large combustion plants (LCPs) are combustion plants with a total rated thermal input equal to or greater than 50 MW. The Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/1442 established best available techniques (BAT) conclusions, under Directive 2010/75/EU for LCPs and the BAT conclusion was published on 17th August 2017 in the Official Journal of the EU and will come into effect with a four year transition period.

The LCP BREF (Best Available Technology Reference document) includes new BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) e.g. for mercury, and helps European countries to lower the environmental impact of around 3500 LCPs.

“The new ELVs (Emission Limit Values), set by national authorities, will be based on BAT-associated emission levels. The BAT AEL-ranges will be the reference for setting the ELVs, taking into account fuel type, combustion technology and other relevant conditions,” says Roberts. “According to the new BAT conclusions, Mercury should be measured continuously in the LCPs with a thermal input equal to or greater than 300MW. Also, ammonia needs to be measured continuously if SCR (selective catalytic reduction) and/or SNCR (selective non-catalytic reduction) are used.”

“Now that proven technology is available for continuous mercury monitoring at low levels, the operators of combustion plants have an opportunity to implement control measures and demonstrate effective mercury emissions control. It is clear that stricter emission limits will be in place, as described in the LCP BREF document, so process operators can now take steps to ensure that their monitoring is future-proof.”

The Gasmet CMM is a complete emission monitoring system designed to meet the regulatory requirements for continuous mercury measurement at different combustion sources. The new certification also confirms that the Gasmet CMM offers the lowest measurement uncertainty of any other continuous mercury monitor. The system also has a low maintenance requirement and has been designed for the most demanding industrial measurement conditions.

@Gasmet_Tech  #PAuto  @Quantitech @_Enviro_News 

Durable tactile switch.

Omron Electronic Components Europe has released a new ultra-thin sealed surface-mounting tactile switch rated at 1 million operations.

The new ultra-thin Omron B3SE delivers amazingly high durability with a minimum of 1 million operations, offering a long product life cycle. The tactile switch height of just 2mm contributes to the development of incredibly slim devices. The button gives the user positive tactile feedback, contributing a quality feel to the user interface. With a surface-mounting pin type, it’s suitable for high-density mounting. The silver plated switch is sealed conforming to IP67 (IEC 60529) standards providing high contact reliability in dusty environments and sealing against ingress of flux or fluids during manufacturing. The B3SE can withstand temperatures between -25C to +70C degrees with no icing or condensation.

Andries de Bruin, European Product Marketing Manager, Omron comments, “The B3SE will allow designers to really challenge themselves to develop ultra-thin products with absolute confidence in the long term durability of the switch. The crisp click during operation will reassure end users that this is a high quality product.”

The B3SE is perfect for applications including instrumentation, factory automation, consumer electronics, white goods and more.

@OmronEurope #PAuto @OmronAutomation

SIL certified Vortex flow meters.

Facilities with safety instrumented systems can now take advantage of the new SIL 2/3 functional safety certification of Emerson’s Rosemount™ 8800 Vortex flow meters, per IEC 61508, which can help mitigate risk, enhance plant safety, and protect personnel.

“The new addition of SIL 2/3 certification allows Emerson to offer the most comprehensive Vortex portfolio to address the importance of plant safety, process availability, and measurement stability,” said Wally Baker, director of product marketing for Rosemount Vortex flow meters.

The non-clog Rosemount 8800 Vortex portfolio offers safety and reliability features such as online removable sensors to reduce process downtime and a critical process valve for aggressive applications which increases personnel safety by preventing exposure to hazardous fluids. A variety of configurations are available to suit a variety of requirements, including flanged, wafer, reducer, dual, and quad meter body styles, supporting installations up to 12in (300mm) line sizes.

Per an accredited third-party assessment, a single Rosemount 8800 Vortex meter may be used up to SIL 2. The Dual Vortex meter is capable of up to SIL 3 and offers a simple drop-in solution to reduce installation costs. This configuration includes a single or dual shedder bar(s), dual sensing elements, and dual transmitters for redundancy and 1oo2 voting to reduce unexpected shutdowns.

Exclusive to Emerson, the Rosemount 8800 Quad Vortex uses a dual shedder bar, quadruple sensor, and quadruple transmitter configuration to meet hardware fault tolerances and eliminate the need for multiple flow meters. This option offers the highest level of reliability to guard against spurious trips using 2oo3 voting and includes a fourth transmitter for process control.

@EMR_Automation #PAuto @Emerson_News #Safety

Ambitious plans for Irish instrument manufacturer.

Eurolec Instrumentation has enjoyed significant investment in equipment, infrastructure and marketing following on from a successful buyout by Scientific Measurements Pte Ltd in 2017 (see Irish instrument company acquired April 2017),

More than €57000 (£50,000+) was ploughed into the growth of the temperature and pressure instrumentation manufacturer at the end of last year, which has already produced dividends with an extended distributor network and increased international sales.

Eurolec is now represented in more than 20 territories globally and its Ireland-based lab has been technologically enhanced increasing Eurolec's overall capacity for precision calibration certification and product service requirements.

Managing Director Chris Mears said: "2017 was a very exciting year for Eurolec but it looks like that is going to be exceeded by further improvements and progress in 2018.

"Thanks to the investment and support by Scientific Measurements we have been able to introduce Eurolec's first five-year warranty which has boosted interest in our portable thermometers and probes, particularly within the highly competitive HACCP and food markets."

He added: "We also have new product development well under way, together with further enhancement to our existing product range across portable thermometers, manometers and temperature calibration sources.

"Our established portable thermometer (TH & PC Temp series) and manometer (PR and PC mano series) portables have already been restyled and have received something of a makeover in advance of new ranges to be announced in the near future.

"Investment in new reference instrumentation in Eurolec's calibration laboratory has also resulted in an improved temperature calibration service from the company with stated uncertainties of measurement now as low as ± 0.03°C."

Eurolec is also the official Britain and Ireland distributor for the Ono Sokki range of specialised engine tachometers, FFT analysers, rotary encoders and linear gauges with further announcements due shortly on developments in this promising sector.

@Eurolec #PAuto #TandM @cirrusresearch

High performance optical sensor head.

The AQ2200-232 is a new high-performance optical sensor head which joins Yokogawa’s existing family of optical power meters modules (AQ2200-215 and AQ2200-221) in the company’s modular optical test platform.

The sensor head is used in conjunction with the dual-port AQ2200-202 interface module, and is targeted at making accurate measurements in challenging applications such as power testing of laser chips in free space light, I/L curve measurement of laser-diode modules and multicore fibre measurements (with an MPO connector adapter).

Key features are a 5 mm diameter cooled detector, ideal for measurements in free space, a wavelength measurement range from 800 to 1700 nm, and a power measurement range of +15 to -90 dBm. It also offers best-in-class uncertainty of ±1.8%, high stability with constant-temperature control, and a wide single-range power range of 30 dB.

“With the launch of the new optical sensor head, Yokogawa is expanding its multi-application modular optical test platform in line with market demands for higher-speed automatic testing of optical devices in free space, which helps to reduce testing time - and hence costs - compared to fibre-coupled tests.”, says Terry Marrinan, Vice-President Sales & Marketing, Yokogawa Europe & South-East Asia: “Post-production testing of laser diodes needs to be fast because the increasing market demand requires higher quantities and cheaper products, and the fastest way to measure their output is by measuring it in free space to eliminate the time involved in connecting and disconnecting the optical fibre to each laser produced.”

Until now sensors currently available on the market were not sensitive enough to obtain high-precision test results. The sensor's reading should also be as accurate as possible because certain lasers emit low power by design (to respect international safety regulations) and their characterisation must be very precise to be sure the laser is emitting the highest possible power without breaking the relevant safety laws.

“Yokogawa recognised these challenges and have addressed them by working closely with the manufacturers of laser diodes in order to develop the AQ2200-232,” adds Terry Marrinan: “The combination of a large-diameter photo-detector surface and the 30 dB power range of the new sensor head allows it to measure signals at high resolution under optimum conditions – hence the best-in-class sensitivity and accuracy.”

 @Yokogawa_Europe  #TandM

Happy 50th birthday.

Founded in 1968, by the late John Moore, the future of the business Mr Moore built, Pickering, is bright, with sales in 2017 up by 30% on the previous year.

“Fifty years of designing, manufacturing and distributing Reed Relays means that we have a very good understanding of the product we are selling and consider ourselves to be the leaders in Reed Relay technology” said Graham Dale, Technical Director at Pickering Electronics. “Since 1968, we have gradually evolved our Reed Relays from very large, relatively crude parts to the small, ultra-reliable parts we have today. Production methods and quality systems have improved a great deal over that time, and costs have been radically reduced.”

“When I started designing Reed Relays in the late 1970 some were saying that these electromechanical devices would have a limited lifetime. Instead, the market for high-quality reed relays has increased into areas that were inconceivable in those days.”, he added.

In 1983, Pickering established SoftCenter® technology, as well as the former-less coil construction which really set them apart from other reed relay manufacturers. Softcenter® protects the sensitive glass/metal seal of the reed switch capsule, thereby increasing contact resistance stability and improves the life expectation of the relay. Former-less coil construction maximizes magnetic drive and increases packing density.

Pickering has now become renowned for designing Reed Relays for high density applications. Just last year at Semicon West they released the World’s smallest footprint Reed Relay – the Series 120 4mm²™, switching up to 1 Amp, whilst stacking on a 4mm x 4mm pitch.

The Pickering Group is now comprised of two privately owned companies, who are leading suppliers of high reliability switching solutions; Pickering Electronics, the leaders in Reed Relay design and manufacture, and its sister company; Pickering Interfaces, who since 1988, have been designing and manufacturing modular signal switching and simulation for Switching Systems. The Pickering Group now employ over 380 people worldwide, with manufacturing facilities in the Czech Republic, along with additional representation in countries throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australasia.

The company’s success is due to its unique ability to design high quality products, a strong vision from their founder, the speed in which they get innovative designs to market, a good relationship with their suppliers and commitment from their much-valued staff.

To celebrate 50 years in business Pickering Electronics have various celebrations planned, including a party for all their staff, as well as publishing a book about the company’s first 50 years. The book features various milestones in Pickering Electronics’ history, along with stories, quotes and personal photographs from their founder, directors and employees. The book will be available to download from the Pickering Electronics’ website from the beginning of February.

@PickeringRelay #PAuto 

Monday, 29 January 2018

IoT solutions to improve uptime and operational performance.

Covestro, one of the world’s largest polymer companies, has selected Emerson to provide Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to help the chemical manufacturer achieve its goals of minimising risk and improving uptime at nine high-utilisation plants. As part of the €11.30 million ($14us million), five-year contract, Emerson will provide remote monitoring and predictive maintenance to help Covestro optimise these manufacturing facilities for improved production, safety and reliability.

The Emerson programme is a tenet of Covestro’s comprehensive digitisation programme called Digital@Covestro that considers and implements new Industrial IoT strategies and operating procedures to deliver improved performance and meet defined financial targets. Covestro’s reliability programme will leverage strategies, solutions and technologies in Emerson’s Operational Certainty programme designed to help manufacturers achieve Top Quartile performance. Emerson data shows that Top Quartile companies spend half as much on maintenance compared to average performers and operate with an additional 15 days of available production each year.

Emerson will remotely monitor and maintain 40 of its DeltaV™ distributed control systems at Covestro plants in China, the United States and Germany. Remote teams at Emerson’s Innovation Centre in Austin, Texas, will monitor and provide best practices-based maintenance strategies for local Emerson teams to implement at each Covestro plant.

“By collaborating with Emerson to stay proactive about plant availability, we can drive toward always-on production and continue to satisfy customers in our high-demand market,” said Klaus Schaefer, chief technical officer, Covestro.

The Emerson-Covestro agreement reflects an emerging business model in industry, where manufacturers rely on a strategic supplier’s software solutions and deep automation expertise to monitor and execute maintenance, equipment health or energy management programmes, allowing customers to focus their attention on critical operating functions that drive plant performance.

“Covestro and Emerson have a shared focus on driving Top Quartile operational performance,” said Jamie Froedge, president of Emerson’s Process Systems and Solutions business. “Connecting Covestro’s global product manufacturing expertise with our remote and local service capabilities allows the right expert to be available, real time, to ensure reliable operations.”

This global reliability programme is the result of a long-term strategic relationship between Emerson and Covestro. In 2015, the two organisations embarked on a 17-system pilot programme with Emerson’s lifecycle services, including Guardian™ Support and DeltaV System Health Monitoring Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions that resulted in higher plant utilisation and a clear return on investment.

Covestro is the global leader in polyurethane, polycarbonates, and raw materials for premium coatings, adhesives, and sealants used in every aspect of modern life from mattresses and building insulation to cosmetics and cell phones.

@EMR_Automation  #PAuto @Emerson_News #IoT

Strengthing display range.

Anglia Components has signed an agreement to distribute and support the Mitsubishi Electric range of displays in both Britain and Ireland. The agreement greatly strengthens Anglia’s display portfolio, and extends its 10-year partnership with Mitsubishi covering RF devices.

LtoR: Yoshiaki Okamoto (Manager, Product Marketing Europe Industrial TFT – LCD. Mitsubishi), Xuesong Liu (Application Engineer Industrial TFT-LCD. Mitsubishi), Dr Ashley Rhodes (UK Sales Manager. Mitsubishi) and David Pearson (Technical Director, Anglia Components Limited)
Steve Rawlins, CEO, Anglia, said, “We are delighted to have added a world class range of industrial displays to our strong display portfolio. Mitsubishi is highly regarded around the world for the quality, reliability and performance of its display products, and we are confident that Anglia customers will welcome this addition to our range. Potential applications include designs for factory automation equipment, test instruments, medical systems, transportation systems, marine electronics, avionics, point of sale terminals and kiosks.”

Mitsubishi’s new relationship with Anglia will help it gain greater penetration of the industrial display market. Dr Ashley Rhodes, UK Sales Manager, Mitsubishi commented, “Anglia has an outstanding and proven track record in designing in display solutions, especially into the industrial market which is core for Mitsubishi. They are ideally placed to achieve long-term growth with our displays in this market. Our relationship with Anglia is strong and successful and it is good to be able to expand on this.”

The new agreement covers the full range of Mitsubishi display products for industrial and other applications. Mitsubishi’s display range includes TFT-LCD modules with standard operating temperature range of -30 to +80 degrees and -40 to +85 degrees for models utilising Mitsubishi’s Toughness Technology. The displays have long life LED backlighting with optional integrated resistive and projected capacitive (PCAP) touch screens. Other features include high brightness (>500cd/m²) or super high brightness (>1000cd/ m²) line-ups for use in all light conditions including outdoor sunlight readability, and a 170-degree super wide viewing (SWV) angle architecture. Mitsubishi offers display modules in standard and wide aspect ratio formats in all the standard resolutions with sizes from 3.5 inch up to 19.2 inch.

Anglia Components will offer the most popular models from the Mitsubishi display range on its Anglia Live platform.

@angliaComponent #PAuto @MEUKAutomation @NeeshamPR

Setting new benchmarks in China.

Only five years after the most recent expansion in China, the Endress+Hauser Group has once again increased production capacity with a third plant in Suzhou, 100 kilometers west of Shanghai. The 16,500-square-meter facility will help the Group meet disproportionately high growth in the Far East.
The opening of the new building, which is situated in Suzhou Industrial Park, a 450-square-kilometer campus that is home to more than 20,000 companies, was celebrated today in the presence of representatives from government and business, as well as customers and employees. The new plant will give the centers of competence for flow measurement engineering, liquid analysis and temperature measurement engineering additional capacity.
Suzhou Plant

“The roughly 44 million euros investment underscores the tremendous significance of the Chinese market,” said Dr Bernd-Josef Schäfer, Managing Director of flow measurement technology specialist Endress+Hauser Flowtec, headquartered in Reinach, Switzerland. The spacious, modern and well-lit production halls and offices provide the ideal conditions for continuing to fulfill the requirements of the Chinese market and the wishes of the customers.

New flowmeter calibration system sets new benchmarks
Apart from an extensive portfolio of measurement instruments, Endress+Hauser also offers a wide range of global services that allow customers to optimize their processes along a plant’s entire life cycle. The result is increased productivity and competitiveness through features such as the fully traceable calibration of measurement instruments.

To date the facility in Suzhou has been capable of calibrating flowmeters with nominal diameters between 2 and 1,200 millimeters. The Group’s largest and most modern calibration facility is now setting new benchmarks. In the future, the company will be able to calibrate electromagnetic flowmeters in China with a nominal diameter of up to 3,000 millimeters with a maximum measurement uncertainty of ±0.05 percent. That corresponds to a variance of only 100 milliliters for 200 liters of medium – or one champagne glass for a bathtub full of water.

Water and wastewater industries driving growth
Electromagnetic flowmeters with large diameters are commonly used in the water and wastewater industries. One of China’s most important goals is the improvement of water supply across the entire country. Over the last few years, Endress+Hauser has established itself in this growth market through high-quality measurement instruments that reliably and precisely measure the flow of water in treatment plants and distribution stations.

“In order to react quickly and flexibly to regional changes and growth opportunities in local markets, and to stay constantly close to our customers, we are continually expanding production facilities around the world,” explains Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group, reflecting the Group’s sustainable growth strategy. “This is particularly important in a highly-dynamic market like China.”

Laboratory analysis specialist Analytik Jena also maintains a strong presence in China with around 100 employees. The Endress+Hauser subsidiary has operated four locations in the Middle Kingdom since 2001 with a focus on analytical instrumentation and life sciences business.

#China @Endress_Hauser  #Pauto 

The Threat Within - OT Cybersecurity.

SolutionsPT, together with Schneider Electric, is hosting an OT cyber security event in Cork (IRL), aimed at helping manufacturers protect their industrial control systems and critical infrastructure.
Taking place on Thursday 15th March 2018, the event will address why industrial environments are becoming more vulnerable to cyberattack, while also providing guidance on securing OT architectures and defence in depth solutions.

Keynote speaker Jay Abdallah, Global Security Director at Schneider Electric, will discuss ‘The Threat Within’, covering how the move to open standards such as Ethernet, TCP/IP and web technologies has allowed hackers to take advantage of industrial control systems and critical infrastructure, before moving on to ‘Defence in Depth’. Other sessions to note include guidance on building secure OT architectures, disaster resilience, managed services and a panel discussion.

The afternoon session will then give attendees the opportunity to take part in a series of workshops. The first will focus on Wonderware System Platform 2017, SolutionsPT’s responsive control platform for SCADA, MES and IIoT solutions, before concluding with optional Citect SCADA and ThinManager hands-on workshops.

Susan Roche, General Manager of SolutionsPT, said: “Following the success of last year’s roadshow, which was well received by Irish manufacturers, it was an easy decision to bring our OT Cyber Security event back to Fota Island. This event will help manufacturers secure their operations and ensure their systems are more secure than ever.”

The event runs from 8:30am until 5:15pm and is free to attend. Delegates must register in advance.

 #Cybersecurity @SolutionsPT #PAuto @SchneiderElec

Strain gauge webinar.

Following on from a successful series of webinars, HBM has announced the date for its latest free webinar, ‘Minimising Measurement Uncertainty: how to set up strain gauge based precision measurement chains’, which will take place on February 22nd 2018 at 9am (GMT).

Aimed at all measurement engineers in charge of planning or taking measurements, as well as users performing measurement data analysis, this latest webinar from the HBM Academy, will offer a general introduction to strain gauge based high precision measuring chains and is designed to help individuals choose the right reference transducers (force, torque and pressure).

Presented by Dr. André Schäfer, Development Manager for High Precision Measurement Chains at HBM, this 30 minute webinar will discuss the factors which can influence strain gauge based measurements and reveal the requirements for precision bridge amplifiers. Also offering a selection of valuable tips and tricks, this webinar will also provide participants with a series of practical application exercises.

Designed to fit in with the challenging time constraints, which can often make attending relevant training courses difficult, this webinar can also be easily accessed at a later date or simply used as a refresher course. As an added benefit, all registered participants will receive a link to the webinar, via email, after the presentation.

All HBM webinars are free of charge and open to anyone, regardless of experience. However, spaces are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis.

@HBMmeasurement  #PAuto

Friday, 26 January 2018

Pipeline management.

Yokogawa has announced the release of Enterprise Pipeline Management Solution (EPMS) R1.03, the latest version of an enterprise level pipeline applications suite that was first released to the market in June 2015. The EPMS suite is the product of over 20 years of Yokogawa experience in implementing oil and gas pipeline management solutions across the globe and is particularly targeted at oil and gas upstream/midstream pipelines and associated facilities.
Shigetsugu Betchaku, Yokogawa’s global business development manager for the oil and gas midstream sector, had the following to say about this new release: “With multi-product pipelines, EPMS R1.03 will bring significantly enhanced flexibility in the management of batches, interfaces, and scrapers.”

Developed for deployment at the heart of the pipeline operations management environment, the EPMS supplements a core SCADA platform with specific gas and liquid applications that enable a pipeline operator to manage delivery contracts and associated logistics in a safe, cost effective, and efficient manner.

Many pipeline SCADA systems that are in use today have been tailored to suit a specific set of circumstances. They lack both a standard system foundation for supporting pluggable application modules and a core design that ensures interoperability with enterprise IT environments and policies. The maintenance and upgrade of tailor-made applications that often have a complex system architecture for protection from security breaches poses increasing challenges for pipeline operators.

The EPMS suite is a sustainable solution made up of pipeline applications that may be used in combination with common supervisory and monitoring functions, and is based on a well-designed modular platform that is both IT friendly and secure. As no two pipeline applications are identical and operational philosophies can differ from one pipeline operator to the next, the EPMS suite allows the easy modification of templates and functions, without having to call in pipeline application experts. Furthermore, the EPMS can be offered in combination with advanced pipeline simulation solutions that both reduce commissioning time and enable the full simulation of the pipeline operations management environment for the training of operators.

New Functionality:
1. Enhanced interface management
When transitioning from one product to another in a pipeline, a trans-mix that is of a certain volume, and varies in quality, will be formed at the interface between the adjacent fluids. With EPMS R1.03, multiple product cuts from the same interface can be performed, for the easy management of quality gradations. Furthermore, the use of product density meters to detect variations in interface quality based on color and sulfur content are now supported.

2. Shared use of physical devices
For the delivery of products to different tanks, EPMS R1.03 allows multiple flow paths to share use of the same physical meter. This is made possible by the assignment of a so-called “logical meter” to each flow path. The assigned logical meters are then associated with a specific physical meter. This is cost effective as it reduces the number of physical meters that are required to cover a specific application.

3. Enhanced batch management
For greater flexibility, continuity, and energy efficiency, EPMS R1.03 supports side stream injection and stripping as a product batch passes an intermediate delivery or receiving site. The main benefits here are the opportunity to easily adjust the volume of a main batch and to more efficiently manage sudden changes in demand. For further optimisation, enhancements are provided for split/merge and local batch operations.

@YokogawaIA  #PAuto #Oil 

Mini-vacuum pump.

After the launch of the LEM, a new generation mini vacuum module integrating, in a smaller size, all the functions of the vacuum pump, COVAL has entered a new phase with the LEMAX. Emphasis with this new product is on energy saving through continuous monitoring and regulation.

Areas of use
COVAL recommends using the LEMAX for gripping airtight pieces in the following materials: glass – plastic – treated wood – sheet metal …
Industries concerned are: Packaging - Robotics - Plastics
Applications: Clamping, transfer.

What makes the difference
• ASC technology : energy consumption reduced by 60 to 97%
• Integrated regulation : energy savings, reduced consumption and noise level
• Reduced size : assembly near the suction cups for better efficiency
• Holding time : Two times faster than multi-stage technology
• Non-clogging : Thanks to the through-type silencer, no maintenance necessary
With this new mini-pump, the guiding principle is energy saving. The LEMAX integrates ASC (AIR SAVING CONTROL) technology for the very first time. It generates energy savings of between 60 to 97%, depending on the applications.

Air is only consumed to create the vacuum and to enable gripping and moving the piece. Once the regulated vacuum level has been reached, a valve closes, enabling the piece to be held without any consumption of energy. If the vacuum level drops, an air intake is generated until it returns to the initial value.

The ASC analyses the application and adapts to airtight or porous pieces in order to optimize energy use and consumption.

Compactness: the LEMAX integrates all the main functions in a single module: pressure control, pilot solenoid valves, non-clogging through-type silencer, electronic vacuum switch, M8 connector (Plug & Play direct connection), and adjustable blow-off. Its reduced size and weight (130 grams) enables it to be connected as close as possible to the suction cups for reduced gripping time without drop in pressure.

Communication: The LEMAX supplies accurate information to the user at each operation phase. It has a dialogue façade which operates directly on the electronic card, controlling the main functions and settings.

Modularity: the LEMAX adjusts itself to the needs of the integrator and user. It is available in 6 configurations: three standard nozzle diameters (1; 1,2; 1,4 mm) allowing an intake flow of 29 à 70 Nl/mn (90% maximum vacuum).

It can be provided with a normally closed (NC) or normally open (NO) solenoid valve. This alternative is recommended for applications where safety of the gripped piece must imperatively be ensured during an inadvertent power failure, this even in the case of leakage (fail-safe).

It is possible to combine several LEMAX on island assemblies with a single pressure supply.


Thursday, 25 January 2018

Coriolis massflow meter with ProfiNet I/O.

The Krohne MFC 400 signal converter is now available with PROFINET I/O option. Hereby, all OPTIMASS x400 Coriolis mass flowmeters (compact and field versions) can be equipped with Industrial Ethernet communication, complementing the existing HART 7, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, PROFIBUS PA and DP as well as Modbus communication options.

With PROFINET I/O, all measuring, process and diagnostic information from the meters is available real-time via a single communication channel, allowing for convenient integration of new meters: the MFC 400 supports network functions such as Auto-Negotiation, Auto Crossover, Auto Polarity and Network diagnostics, and is is automatically added to the communication path topology when connected to the network. It also supports Media Redundancy Protocol: in the event of a line or device failure the MFC 400 instantly switches to an alternative communication path when installed in supporting topologies. A web server is not required, standard functions such as zero flow calibration or counter reset can be performed directly.

One or two M12 (D coded) connectors allow installation in all topologies with data transfer speeds of up to 100 MBps. An additional external switch is not required as it features an integrated managed Ethernet switch, providing additional functionality including diagnostics: conforming to the NAMUR standard NE 107 for status and error handling, the MFC 400 provides extensive self-checking of internal circuits and information regarding the health of the measuring sensor as well as information about current process conditions, e.g. indication of 2-phase flows, density or temperature.

@krohnegroup #PAuto 

Training military veterans!

Endress+Hauser is to provide training to military veterans on process instrumentation, as part of the twelve-week Academy of Advanced Manufacturing (AAM) program offered by Rockwell Automation and ManpowerGroup. Professionals from Endress+Hauser will be teaching process instrumentation as part of the larger AAM curriculum starting in January 2018, and being offered at no cost to veterans.

“We are very excited to be collaborating with Rockwell Automation on this project. Our customers continue to tell us they have difficulty finding skilled workers to fill the many open positions that are created by the large number of personnel retiring from the workforce,” said Jerry Spindler, customer and field service training manager, Endress+Hauser. “We are proud to be involved in helping to solve this skills shortage by providing quality training on our instrumentation. With the training classes, we not only get to help our customers, we are helping those who have served our country.”

The technical curriculum being taught by Endress+Hauser will offer in-depth training on technology and instrumentation for monitoring and managing temperature, flow and pressure for machinery and equipment in industrial process industries. Endress+Hauser will lend its time and expertise in process instrumentation to help train military veterans for careers in advanced manufacturing, while enhancing the technical talent pool and helping to bridge the skills gap that exists globally.

“We are pleased that Endress+Hauser is part of the ranks of the AAM, and are bringing their instrumentation and process automation expertise to the program,” stated Joe Allie, business manager, global competency, Rockwell Automation.

According to a white paper published by ManpowerGroup, more than 21 million military veterans live in the United States and more than a quarter of a million service members are discharged every year. That number represents one of the largest sources of highly-skilled and loyal talent in the country.

Over the next decade, the United States manufacturing sector is estimated to produce up to 3.5 million highly-skilled, technology-based jobs. Nearly 2.5 million manufacturing workers will be retiring by 2025. With the skill shortages in the U.S. this leaves up to 2 million manufacturing positions unfilled and forecasts a major challenge that needs to be addressed with a solution. The AAM program is aimed at reducing these potential future challenges.

@Endress_US  #PAuto @Endress_Hauser 

Massive turnover increase reported.

The Management Board of the HARTING Technology Group pushed the button launching the Harting Digital Business Platform (HDBP):
Dr. Michael Pütz, Dietmar Harting, Margrit Harting, Maresa Harting-Hertz, Philip Harting, Andreas Conrad and Dr. Frank Brode
The Harting Technology Group in Espelkamp (Kreis Minden-Lübbecke) massively increased its turnover for trading year 2016/17 (to 30 September). The family owned and managed global company saw a 14.7% in turnover, taking it up to €672 million (previous year: €586 million) – the highest figure in the company’s 72-year history. The increase exceeded the Management Board’s forecast at last year’s annual press conference in December 2016 by some way.

Digitalisation: vital area driven forward
The company sees digitalisation as a major issue for German industrial policy over the next ten years. Everything that can be connected will be connected. Harting addressed the issue closely at an early stage. “The company is highly aware of the consequences of the effect that digitalisation will have. We know that, in order to remain competitive, we need to digitalise all the necessary processes,” said the Chairman of the Board, taking a clear position at the annual conference and seeing it as the duty of the German Federal Government to invest in the country’s digital infrastructure.

And the issue is being driven forward overseas. Harting is also looking for momentum as a member of the Robotation Academy, founded in Foshan, Southern China in October, where around 1,000 industry representa-tives will be working on seminars and conferences on technology trends every year. ”We want to work with our customers to expand our Industry 4.0 skills and technology,” said Philip Harting. But he sees the increasingly strict Cyber Security Regulations in China as burdensome. And not just there - increasingly complex data protection rules and protectionist requirements are hampering free trade in other regions, too.
“We are really pleased with the growth in business”, enthused Company Chairman Philip Harting. “We are still on course towards becoming a global company. More than ever before, our success relies on our global corporate network of development, production and distribution companies. Customers see our products as some of the world’s best connectivity solutions and services in our industry.”

The Technology Group is progressing its international growth strategy and extending its global production network, with new plants in Chennai (India) and Agnita (Romania). There was also major expansion in Sibiu. Components for charging points for electric cars are manufactured in Sibiu and Agnita. Harting produces encapsulated cables and cable harnesses at the new plant in Silao, Mexico. Following the initial “ramp-up phase”, staff numbers are scheduled to be increased significantly from the current 35 over the next three years. Mexico is the partner country for HANNOVER MESSE 2018. “And we are expecting plenty more momentum from this”, says Philip Harting.

Strong turnover growth and investment in the future have had a positive effect on personnel development, explained Dr Michael Pütz Senior Vice President Human Resources. The number of employees (including trainees) rose to 4,639 in the 2016/17 trading year (previous year: 4,286) – an increase of 8.2%. 104 (4.3%) new jobs were created in Germany, and 249 (13.2%) new people were taken on at international production plants and subsidiaries. As of 30 September 2017, a total of 2,500 people were working at German Harting locations (Espelkamp, Minden and Rahden) and the overseas figure stood at 2,139. Outside recognition for personnel development

Training and further professional development have enjoyed high status at the Technology Group for decades now. 152 commercial and technical/business trainees and dual students across 22 different professions are currently preparing for a future career at Harting – twice as many as in 2009. Numerous awards and excellent exam results are evidence of the high quality of training, as illustrated by Dr Michael Pütz, Senior Vice President Human Resources. Pütz was delighted with
the 45 trainees who graduated with an average grade of 2.0 (“more than ever before“) and when four trainees were honoured at an award ceremony in Bielefeld by the East-Westphalia Chamber of Commerce (IHK).

Harting has overhauled the careers pages on the homepage to make the company an even bigger attraction to potential applicants: they’re fresh, bold, modern and inspiring. They also offer new digital services to simplify the application process.

Partner Margrit Harting talked about how the Harting Technology Group always stands up to the competition, performing as an excellent employer and source of momentum for the local area. Awards from around the world for quality, products and sustainability and the Group’s local and regional commitments were the main drivers. “We cannot rest on our laurels and must continue to prove ourselves. This is the only way to the future and long-term security for the company and its employees.”

@harting #PAuto

MES software makes manufacturing data work smarter.

Lighthouse Systems has released version 7.0 of Shopfloor-Online MES Software. The new application delivers a completely new user experience, with increased configurability, enhanced analytics and reporting functionality. Built to run on any devices, Shopfloor-Online 7.0 supports the mobility of workers in the manufacturing environment without any limitations whilst delivering real-time factory information to managers and executives, anywhere. Manufacturing organisations have the choice to host the MES on premise, in the corporate data centre or in the Cloud.

"This is not just another release of Shopfloor-Online MES. We have rebuilt the application from the ground up in HTML5 so that Shopfloor-Online 7.0 breaks away from its original dependency on browser technology. Whatever devices and platforms manufacturing organisations may choose for the delivery of their plant operations data, i.e. Safari/Apple; Chrome/Android; Edge/Microsoft, etc. Shopfloor-Online 7.0 makes it accessible," says Garry Marshall, Technical Director of Lighthouse Systems.

A great number of jobs on the factory floor are still carried out at PC stations when these could be done far more efficiently using a mobile device at the location where the activity is taking place. This applies for exampLightle to maintenance engineers carrying out checks and procedures on machines, and quality engineers doing inspection and audits on the lines, or in the warehouse or WIP location for picking, deliveries, receipts and shipping.

For shift supervisors and production managers, Shopfloor-Online 7.0 provides easy access to real-time shift data anywhere on the shop floor, directly improving control level and responsiveness.
Management at all levels can make decisions based on key data updated in real-time and 24/7, on their mobile or tablet across a range of KPIs.

Lighthouse Systems have pioneered web-based MES since Shopfloor-Online version 1.0. As organisations gradually turn to cloud-based infrastructure, Shopfloor-Online MES 7.0 becomes an even more relevant choice. "We support customers in their Cloud strategy. Shopfloor-Online can be moved from on-premise hosting, to the corporate data centre, to their Cloud provider of choice, seamlessly, and we also have customers who choose Cloud first," comments Garry.

With Shopfloor-Online 7.0 Lighthouse Systems is continuing its commitment to delivering a world-class Enterprise MES Platform that enables manufacturing organisations of any size to embrace the Smart Manufacturing revolution through a flexible approach to the digitisation of plant operations, standardisation of processes, and data analytics.

@ShopfloorOnline #Pauto  #MES

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

IIoT Gateway for Machine Builders.

The eWON Flexy 205 is a versatile Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) gateway and remote access router from HMS that is designed for machine builders. In addition to VPN remote access with eWON Talk2M remote connectivity services, it allows you to enable alarm notifications, machine data reading, historical logging in order to monitor and collect vital key performance indicators (KPIs) for analysis and predictive maintenance.

On top of these functionalities, it can be tailored to meet your specific connectivity needs by adding extension cards, now or when a future need arises. You can make it as simple or full-featured as you need it to be. In addition, it is also possible to integrate data into your own systems or cloud platforms using the Talk2M application programing interface (API), HTTPs scripting or MQTT to name a few protocols that are supported.

“Machine builders are now looking to include value-added services by collecting data in addition to remote access. At the same time, it needs to have a compact form factor to fit inside their electrical cabinet” says Jon Jacobsen, Marketing Manager for the eWON Business Unit. “Combined with the selection of extension cards and the compatibility with major PLC brands, it makes this device the ideal IIoT gateway for machine builders”.

HMS and eWON are also proud to team up with world-class IIoT Software partners to provide turnkey, secure and powerful IIoT solutions for performance monitoring, reporting, analytics and maintenance features to give sense to data collected from industrial equipment. All these IIoT partner software are tested and verified to be used with eWON Flexy 205.

 @ewonrouters #Pauto #IoT

Partnership renewed.

Beamex is to continue as an ISA partner for the fifth year in a row.

The company will continue to work with ISA to co-develop informational and educational resources, such as custom webinars on vital issues in calibration and instrumentation process improvement—which are offered at no charge to ISA members and customers worldwide.

To date, ISA and Beamex have co-developed 15 free webinars attended by 5,625 registrants. The recorded versions of these webinars, accessible on ISA’s YouTube Calibration Channel, have been viewed nearly 84,000 times. In addition, complimentary “how-to” videos can be found on Beamex’s own YouTube channel.

As a thought leader in calibration solutions and process instrumentation, Beamex is uniquely positioned to communicate to ISA and its stakeholders and to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of ISA’s members and customers in this important field.

Beamex specializes in calibration solutions for pressure measurement, electrical measurement, frequency measurement and temperature measurement. The company’s team of experts also focuses on calibration process improvement services, calibration software and intrinsically safe calibrations.

“Beamex brings a unique view of calibration to the automation world, and its customers value precise, accurate measurement to improve efficiency and quality in their plants,” says Jennifer Infantino Halsey, ISA’s Director of Marketing & Communications. “These are goals that our members and customers share, so it’s a great fit for a partnership.”

“Our mission at Beamex remains to be the benchmark in providing the most innovative calibration solutions that improve efficiency and quality. This can only be done with the right partners and ISA is for us, a perfect match. We are very pleased to continue our partnership with ISA and look forward to working together to introduce new concepts and practices as well as positively impact the people working in the field,” states Greg Sumners, President of Beamex, Inc.

• The ISA Corporate Partnerships Program offers companies a customized, tailored approach to sponsorship within the organization. Partnership packages include year-round promotion, prominent association-wide access and recognition, and turnkey service from a dedicated team of professionals.
Companies can bundle ISA products and services with marketing opportunities, providing a more streamlined approach to corporate sponsorship. 

@ISA_Interchange #PAuto #TandM @BeamexGlobal 

Developing, deploying and managing automated T+M systems upgrade!

A new release of LabVIEW NXG, the next generation of LabVIEW engineering system design software is now available. Engineers can now test smarter with LabVIEW NXG - quickly set up your instruments, customize tests to your device specifications, and easily view results from any web browser, on any device.

This new version of LabVIEW NXG introduces key functionality and reinvents long-standing benefits, particularly for engineers developing, deploying and managing automated test and measurement systems. This release introduces the WebVI, a VI type for building web-based user interfaces (UIs) that can be deployed to any web browser – PC, tablet or phone – with no plug-ins or installers. Additionally, to reduce hardware configuration time, the new SystemDesigner feature automatically discovers connected hardware, displays installed drivers and directly links to available NI and third-party instrument drivers if they are not yet installed.

Furthermore, this latest release expands hardware support to thousands of box instruments and NI’s high-performance PXI modular instrumentation. Now, LabVIEW NXG also delivers programming capabilities such as object-oriented programming and integration with the industry-leading TestStand test management software.

NI designed several features in LabVIEW NXG, such as the WebVI, for use with existing LabVIEW applications without the need for extensive software refactoring. Engineers can reuse test code, including code written with LabVIEW NXG or LabVIEW, through a new package manager interface built on industry-standard package formats.

“By building test systems using LabVIEW and LabVIEW NXG, I can work with both versions and take advantage of the unique strengths of each,” said Brian Hoover, test software architect at Samsung SDI. “With this next phase of LabVIEW NXG, I can integrate new ways to visualize data, either on the desktop with vector-based UI graphics or in the browser for secure hosting, into my existing LabVIEW applications to simplify reporting test results.”

As NI builds on its more than 30-year investment in software, this latest update to the next generation of LabVIEW continues a series of fast-paced releases aimed to expand engineering capabilities from design to test. Whether you are buying LabVIEW for the first time or have been on an active service contract for years, you can access both the new version of LabVIEW NXG and LabVIEW 2017. From simple DAQ applications to building complex test systems and smart machines, LabVIEW helps reduce time to market and accelerate engineering productivity.

@niukie #TandM #Pauto @NIGlobal

Asset optimisation software supports digital transformation.

The new ABB Ability™ Ellipse software solution delivers a cross-enterprise approach to connected asset lifecycle management. The comprehensive solution suite will enable electric power utilities to optimize asset utilization, drive down maintenance costs and reduce equipment failures and system outages.

Electric utilities are increasingly challenged to maintain high asset availability, performance and reliability against the backdrop of aging infrastructure and financial pressures. In addition, the number of new assets entering the grid is exploding – from smart meters and switches, to distributed energy sources such as solar and wind, to electric-vehicle charging stations.

Meanwhile as grid complexity grows, utilities face rising customer expectations and new regulations requiring higher levels of service reliability and resilience.

“We understand the challenges electric utilities face in driving greater levels of performance in an increasingly complex grid" said Massimo Danieli, head of ABB’s Grid Automation business within the company’s Power Grids division. “With ABB Ability Ellipse, utilities can now use a single, streamlined solution for the management, maintenance and monitoring of assets enabling a stronger, smarter and greener grid.“

The new ABB Ability Ellipse solution offers utilities a proactive approach for predictive maintenance that combines an asset management system with collection and analysis of performance data and a comprehensive workforce management solution for dispatching crews and maintaining critical assets. Specifically, the solution unifies the functionality of ABB’s world-class solutions for Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Workforce Management (WFM) and Asset Performance Management (APM).

“The biggest risk utilities face on the journey to digital transformation is the inability to unify applications and data,” said Kevin Prouty, Vice President IDC Energy Insights. “One of the most obvious starting points for utilities is to address the silo approach to asset management and workforce management in their organizations. As Asset Performance Management becomes a focal point for transforming the modern grid, it is vitally important that utilities manage their assets and labor with a cohesive strategy.”

ABB Ability Ellipse is the latest offering in the ABB Ability™ family. The solution embeds industry best practices and business processes and leverages real-time equipment data and the Industrial Internet of Things to connect predictive analytics and asset management systems to the mobile worker in the field. It is available either as an ‘on-premise’ or ‘Software as a Service’ solution for electric utilities and other asset-intensive sectors like renewables, transport and mining.

 @ABBPowerGrids #PAuto @ABBgroupnews

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Vibrators for concrete.

The Wyco® Sure Speed® 2.0 and 995 Electric Motor Vibrators have been released for use in the concrete finishing industry. They are designed for effective consolidation of concrete to help optimize quality and production on demanding construction projects. Wyco is part of the Badger Meter group.

The Sure Speed 2.0 Electric Motor Vibrator provides a solution for the most challenging concrete consolidation applications, including difficult advanced mixes. The vibrator employs computer control to automatically maintain head speed in varying conditions, and requires less power consumption by using only the energy necessary for job completion. Its innovative "square head" design produces uniform and repeatable vibration every time, and maintains a longer life span than competing products. The user only needs one motor to power any shaft length and head size. The Sure Speed's lightweight, ergonomic configuration minimizes labor hours and fatigue, and a soft-start brush extends brush life.

The 995 Electric Motor Vibrator builds on the legacy of Wyco's proven 994 vibrator, which offers legendary Wyco performance. The 995 provides greater durability than the earlier model while incorporating the latest features from the Sure Speed line, including a rugged molded motor enclosure, reliable electric switch and easy-to-service motor brushes.

Both of the new Wyco vibrators meet the highest safety standards in the industry, including UL60745 Electrical Certification, Conformité Européene (CE) Listing and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Certification to ensure job site safety. They also comply with the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.95 regulation for noise levels.

Mike Pilger, product manager, construction, Wyco, said, "Industry experience shows that the quality of concrete can be significantly enhanced by vibration. The advantages of this technique are now so well established that vibration is an accepted job site practice. Badger Meter, through its best-in-class line of internal vibrators, is committed to helping customers achieve consistently superior concrete finishes, while providing greater durability and ease of use."

The Sure Speed 2.0 Electric Motor Vibrator has all the state-of-the-art capabilities contractors need to improve their concrete finishing performance. For example, users can maintain head speed regardless of slump, load, shaft or head size. The vibrator is lightweight with an ergonomic handgrip and shoulder strap, and provides quiet operation to eliminate the need for hearing protection. It handles easily to reduce operating fatigue, and consolidates concrete quickly and efficiently.

The 995 Electric Motor Vibrator offers utmost versatility to power through rigorous concrete consolidation tasks. The unit allows operators to easily change from quick-disconnect to threaded shafts, and drive any head and shaft combination, with a single motor meeting all of their consolidation requirements.

#Pauto @Badger_Meter