Thomson has just launched its new "Solution Center". This website provides developers, designers and end users of linear guidance and motion systems with an interactive online knowledge base that offers sound technical answers to their many questions in and around the topic of "linear motion". The subjects covered include the selection, deployments options, installation, maintenance and general use of linear motion components and systems. Using an intuitive search mask, users can enter any terms pertaining to their question and also select the product category in which they would like to search for answers. The results found can then be sorted by relevance, date posted or frequency of use by other users. For example, if "load" is entered as a search term, the system will provide answers to questions such as: "Can ball screws handle radial loads?" or "Can I operate an actuator above its rated load?"
Alternatively, questions and answers can also be found based on predetermined product categories. If the knowledge base search fails to provide answers to a certain issue, users can also enter indirect questions, which are then processed as quickly as possible by members of the Thomson Support Team.
The product categories covered by the Solution Center include linear actuators, high-precision linear actuators, clutches and brakes, linear bearings, ball and lead screws, special shafts, precision balls, transmissions, linear guides and slide tables, as well as positioning units. The specially compiled contents are always kept up-to-date and continuously extended to include new findings and information – as a way of providing the best possible answers to the many, diverse questions that arise among users seeking to optimize the performance of these mechanical and electromechanical motion solutions.
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