Endress+Hauser has announced
its July 2013 schedule of instrumentation training courses.
Classes typically
are a combination of classroom and hands-on training on either the Endress+Hauser Process Training Unit (PTU™), a full-scale,
working process skid with on-line instrumentation and controls, or live
instruments in training stands, both designed to simulate operating conditions.
Open Space & Guided Wave Radar Level School
Friday, July 12, 2013 in Mobile, Alabama
The Endress+Hauser L-104 Radar Level School is an introductory course (8 hours) on Open Space and Guided Wave Radar Level for maintenance and engineering personnel. The course dedicates a half day to each technology to give a basic understanding of these level technologies.
Level School – Introductory
Monday, July 15, 2013 - Wednesday, July 17, 2013 in Memphis, Tennessee
The Endress+Hauser L-101 introductory course for level provides maintenance and engineering personnel with a basic understanding of level technologies that apply to virtually any manufacturer's equipment. It includes in-depth training on Time of Flight (ToF) technologies that include a variety of radar types as well as ultrasonic level transmitters.
Level School - Advanced
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - Friday, July 19, 2013 in Memphis, Tennessee
The Endress+Hauser L-102 advanced course is for students having completed the basic level school. The Advanced Level School begins with a brief review of current level technologies. Following the technology refresher, the course looks deeper at each level measuring technology including proper techniques of configuration, calibration and troubleshooting.
Flow School - Introductory
Monday, July 22, 2013 - Wednesday, July 24, 2013 in Gonzales, Louisiana
The Endress+Hauser F-101 introductory course on flow measurement will provide maintenance and engineering personnel with a basic understanding of numerous flow technologies, plus in-depth training on magnetic and Coriolis flow meters that apply to virtually any manufacturer's equipment.
Flow School – Advanced
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - Friday, July 26, 2013 in Gonzales, Louisiana
The Endress+Hauser F-102 advanced course on flow measurement is designed for students who have successfully completed the basic Flow School Course. The class will start by providing instrument techs and engineers with a brief section on the basic understanding of numerous flow technologies. Following this introduction, it proceeds with in-depth training on vortex shedding, electromagnetic, ultrasonic, and Coriolis flow meters, plus Density and Viscosity measurements.
Flow School Coriolis
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - Friday, July 26, 2013 in Gonzales, Louisiana
The Endress+Hauser F-103 Coriolis flow course provides maintenance and engineering personnel a basic understanding of the Coriolis principle for any manufacturer's equipment. It also provides in-depth training on density and concentration measurements.
Transportation Chemical Incidents – Week of 1-4-25
Reporting Background
See this post for explanation, with the most recent update here (removed
from paywall).
Data from PHMSA’s online database of transpo...
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