The Orange County (Florida) Utilities (OCU) Water Division will host a tour of their newly constructed Southern Regional Water Supply Facility as part of the 2012 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium (WWAC). Taking place 7-9 August 2012 in Orlando (FL USA), the WWAC symposium caters to the needs of automation and instrumentation professionals in the municipal water and wastewater sectors. The tour is scheduled to take place during the late-afternoon of August 7.
“This tour offers a unique look at a state-of-the-art, ozone-based water treatment facility,” says OCU’s supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) Administrator, Robert Doyon. He looks after the plant’s automated SCADA system and manages the automation systems at several other OCU facilities.
Doyon, a long-time ISA member, is an ISA Level III Certified Control Systems Technician® (CCST®). The plant, which was brought on-line in 2012, uses a highly optimized process for removing the naturally occurring sulfide that is present in much of Florida’s groundwater. “The facility’s fully automated and redundant control system ensures that the plant is able to continuously provide a reliable source of water for both drinking and fire-protection needs in Orange County,” adds Doyon. The tour will give symposium attendees a glimpse at how leading-edge automation is being used in the municipal water sector to minimize costs, increase efficiency and offer enhanced reliability.
Review - Bills Introduced – 2-10-25
Yesterday, with both the House and Senate in session, there were 46 bills
introduced. One of those bills will receive additional coverage in this
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