Tuesday 19 May 2015

Future Vision Day!

The Future Vision Day imaging event, organised by IDS Imaging Development Systems GmbH, global market leader in USB industrial cameras will take place at the Beaumont Estate, (Berks GB) on June 17, 2015.  

With sessions devoted to the latest vision technology, how vision users can get more from their CMOS cameras, the benefits offered by embedded systems and the chance to see the new Ensenso 3D stereo cameras for the first time, this promises to be a highly informative event for anyone involved in machine vision applications. Participation is free of charge, although the number of participants is limited. 

All three main sessions will be presented by vision experts. The first will consist of a short introduction and overview followed by a presentation of the latest sensor and camera technologies and their uses in both industrial and non-industrial vision applications. There will also be the opportunity to find out more about cost-effective 3D machine vision applications based on Ensenso stereo 3D cameras, which will also include a presentation of the new Ensenso N30 series. 

The second session provides users with useful tips and tricks on how the many special features available on CMOS sensors can be used to enhance the performance of cameras in different vision applications. IDS has manufactured CMOS cameras more than ten years and for the last 3 years all new cameras developed by the company have utilised CMOS sensors. 

The final part of the event will be devoted to showing how cost-efficient embedded vision systems can be built with IDS cameras. This will include general information and future trends on embedded systems, together with detail on the IDS embedded portfolio and application examples of practical use.

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