A group of embedded computing manufacturers have formed a registered association to drive standardization of embedded computing technologies called The Standardization Group for Embedded Technologies (SGET) e.V. The proclaimed aim of the association is to speed up the development of new standards for embedded hardware and software. 23 companies signed up to support the founding principles during the inaugural meeting, among them Advantech, congatec, Data Modul, Kontron, MSC and Seco.
"While there are many board manufacturers among the founding members, SGET also has a clear focus on tackling related issues such as software," points out SGET chairman Engelbert Hörmannsdorfer. Software plays a key role in enabling board compatibility and interchangeability and its impact on system decisions has been increasing for years. Once a group of at least three members, no matter in what area, feels the need for action, they can set up a standardization working group. SGET supports this group by providing the appropriate infrastructure that will facilitate the efficient implementation of the standardization idea.
The SGET statutes and objectives as well as the working group regulations and voting rules (SDT Rules, Standard Development Club) are now available for download on the SGET website. "The first two working groups have in principle been established," said Hörmannsdorfer. "The working groups will convene before the end of June 2012 and start to work." Communication channels include the SGET website as well as blogs, newsletters and social networks.
Other companies from the embedded computing industry are invited to join the association and contribute their ideas. In addition to embedded computer manufacturers at board and system level the invitation also extends to chip and connector manufacturers, research and educational institutions, embedded system integrators, OEM solution providers and industrial users.
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