Tuesday 7 June 2016

Versatility, Capability and Economy in Industrial Process Monitoring.

A significant upgrade to United Electric Controls' One Series line of explosion-proof, programmable transmitters and switches has appeared. The new line compresses all of the functionality of the preceding line into only five models while adding new operational, programming and diagnostics capabilities.

"“Delivering functionality to addresses the new application needs that have emerged since we introduced the concept of self-diagnostic switches more than 18 years ago had required 18 different models. Now, by incorporating the technology advances we made in developing our One Series SIL-certified safety transmitter, we can deliver all of that functionality plus additional capabilities with only five models. This makes upgrading from mechanical switches easier than ever for customers trying to reduce the cost and improve performance in industrial monitoring and switching,”" said Wil Chin, Vice President of Marketing & Business Development, United Electric Controls.

United Electric Controls One Series instruments provide unique alternatives to both conventional mechanical switches and transmitters for controlling operations such pumps and compressors, lubrication oil monitoring, hydraulic pressure, filter status and other industrial applications based on temperature or pressure. The new One Series line offers these advantages by providing switch only, transmitter only and hybrid transmitter-switch models.

New application versatility
Customers choose from among the following new One Series instruments based on their requirements for integrated switching and sensing, intrinsic safety, power level and power source.

  • For integrated switching and transmitter, model 1XTXSW provides a loop-powered 24 VDC HART enabled smart-transmitter, with two programmable set point fail-safe solid state relays rated at 0-280 VAC/VDC @ 0.3 A.
  • For high voltage, low current switching only, model 1XSWHL provides a 2-wire input powered switch for 110 and 230 VAC and 125 VDC logic solver inputs, with a programmable set point switch rated at 70 – 240 VAC/VDC at 0.1 A max.
  • For low voltage, low current, intrinsically safe switching only, model 1XSWLL provides a 2-wire input powered switch for 24 and 48 VDC logic solver inputs, with a programmable set point switch rated at 7.8 – 50 VDC at 0.1 A max.
  • For high voltage, high current switching only, model 1XSWHH provides a 4-wire externally powered programmable set point switch rated at 70 – 240 VAC @ 0.15 - 10 A
  • For use as a transmitter only, model 1XTX00 provides a loop-powered 24 VDC HART enabled smart transmitter compliant to the NAMUR NE 43 standard.

Both of the 2-Wire input powered switch models mentioned above (model 1XSWLL and 1XSWHL) utilize existing wiring and control schemes and can provide a drop-in replacement for mechanical switches. No wiring or control system programming changes are required, providing easy and cost-effective plant upgrades.

New operability
All One Series models have extensive diagnostics, programmability and trip management capabilities. Configurable I Am Working (IAW™) self-diagnostics provide piece of mind that the instrument is functioning properly by communicating with the control system using a dedicated discrete fail-safe-open output. The integral digital process display shows what is happening in the process at a glance. Powerful plugged port diagnostics flag potentially dangerous sensor clogs and memorizes the highest and lowest process variables for process troubleshooting and learning.

A programmable set point and deadband provides versatile, accurate and repeatable alarm and shutdown switching using the integral keypad. HART® enabled models provide full access and control of all transmitter and switching functions using any registered HART communicator. A programmable trip delay, which holds off the trip decision for tenths of seconds up to several minutes, provides operators time to gather more data before initiating a shutdown. Nuisance trip filtering eliminates unwanted nuisance trips and unnecessary alarms; and an electronic trip counter records trips for up to two relays to assist with process adjustments and troubleshooting.

All models come with a 3-year warranty and are available immediately. United Electric Controls offers a switch modernization program in which they will provide a free, onsite analysis of opportunities for improving industrial operations monitoring and equipment control via integrated sensing and switching.

@UEControls #PAuto #EX

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