Friday, 17 December 2010

DD development & tools added to comms protocol

The HART®Communication Foundation  has released Version 4.0 of the HART Device Description Integrated Development Environment (DD-IDE). The new DD-IDE Version 4.0 supports the HART enhanced Device Description Language (DDL) Specification, HART 7 and the development of Device Descriptions (DDs) for WirelessHARTÒ devices. The HART DD-IDE tool suite is a comprehensive set of integrated software tools for efficient development, testing and maintenance of enhanced HART DDs.
“The release of the DD-IDE Version 4.0 is part of the Foundation’s continuous improvement process and effort to enhance the development and testing of HART DDs for new or upgraded field devices,”
says Ed Ladd, Foundation Director of Technology Programs. “As the HART standard for DD development and testing, the new DD-IDE tool set is receiving widespread support from device developers and system suppliers worldwide.”

Key components of the new DD-IDE Version 4.0 are:  new HART 7 standard DDs; an updated reference host SDC-625 Smart Device Configurator including support for UTF-8 Unicode; an updated XMTR-DD device simulator; an improved DDL Tokenizer that verifies and encodes the DD source code into its advanced format; and new and improved Wizards for DD development. The DD-IDE Version 4.0 increases developer productivity by simplifying DD development.

Device Description Language (IEC 61804-2, EDDL) has been a key element of the HART technology since 1990 and is the HART standard and the only technology endorsed by the HCF for configuration of HART devices. The enhanced Device Description Language simplifies and standardizes the presentation of intelligent device information for both automation suppliers and users worldwide.

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