Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Water & Waste event success

November saw the most successful WWEM event since its inception in 2005 with visitor numbers continuing to grow and exhibitors jostling to reserve the best places for WWEM 2012.

WWEM (Water Wastewater & Environmental Monitoring) took place at the Telford International Centre and welcomed a broad selection of visitors from every corner of the environmental monitoring community. As the largest event in the world to focus purely on environmental monitoring, WWEM 2010 attracted delegates from over 39 different countries including staff from regulators, water companies, industrial manufacturers, consultants, education, research organisations, process engineering companies and industrial companies.

It  retained its focus on environmental monitoring, providing the latest information on regulations, methods and technologies. However, the event's growth was partially a result of new features such as a laboratory conference, new partners such as CoGDEM and many of the 120 exhibitors chose WWEM 2010 as the launch pad for a variety of exciting new technologies.

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