Friday 4 September 2015

Changes announced at security board!

A number of changes have been announced at the ISA Security Compliance Institute. Ed Crawford at Chevron will serve as Board Chairman, replacing Johan Nye at ExxonMobil. Nye will serve as Vice-Chairman, replacing Crawford. Paul Forney at Schneider Electric will serve as the Technical Steering Committee Chairman, replacing Kevin Staggs at Honeywell. Staggs will serve as Marketing Chairmain, replacing Graham Speake at Yokogawa. Eric Cosman will continue to serve as ISA99 committee liaison to ISCI.

Message from the new Chairman
“It is my privilege to serve as the Chairman of the Board of the ISA Security Compliance Institute. The work that this organization is responsible for is one of the most important in addressing cybersecurity assurance for industrial control systems (ICS).
I want to thank the outgoing Chairman, Johan Nye, for his leadership and guidance that has resulted in the development of the IEC 62443 standards-based EDSA, SSA and SDLA certifications as the model for certifying ICS security.
In an environment of increasing cybersecurity threats and greater need for more intelligent ICS cyber resiliency, it is good to know that ISASecure® is the logo of choice for ICS cybersecurity assurance.”

Ed Crawford, Chairman of the Board
ISCI is led by a Governing Board that sets the strategy and direction for ISCI. Governing Board officers serve two-year terms and ensure adherence to annual plans and budgets. Volunteering for a Governing Board officer position requires a significant commitment from the individual and generous support from the respective sponsoring companies.

“We are pleased to have Ed Crawford as the new ISCI Board Chairman and look forward to his leadership over the next two years,” said Andre Ristaino, Managing Director, ISCI. “ISCI members would also like to thank the outgoing officers, with a special thanks for outgoing Chairman Johan Nye. Johan has provided steady leadership for ISCI and ensured that ISCI maintained focus on the long-term vision of the organization.”

• The ISA Security Compliance Institute (ISCI), a not-for-profit automation controls industry consortium, manages the ISASecure™ conformance certification program.  ISASecure independently certifies industrial automation and control (IAC) products and systems to ensure that they are robust against network attacks and free from known vulnerabilities. 

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