Friday 5 September 2014

Honouring top engineering and scientific innovations

European Engineers top in three award categories

Each year, NI recognizes innovative applications developed by engineers, scientists and researchers using a graphical system design approach with NI technology. Authors in 29 countries submitted 120 application papers. A judging committee of NI technical experts reviewed the papers and selected the 17 contest finalists and winners. European engineers were honored with three awards including the Functional Test and Physical Test and Monitoring categories.

  • 2014 Customer Application of the Year
  • Winner (Japan) Weather Radar: Design-to-Deployment Using the NI Platform.

  • Advanced Research
  • Examples in this category include how research institutions and laboratories investigate and validate the viability of conceptual technologies using graphical system design techniques.
    Finalist (UK): Using CompactRIO and LabVIEW to Monitor and Control a Compact Spherical Tokamak for Plasma Research 

  • Energy
  • Applications in this category discuss how engineers effectively integrate dynamic measurements and advanced analysis as well as embedded control and monitoring systems into their energy applications to ensure safe, optimized operation.
    Winner (United States): Developing a High-Speed Electrical Analysis for Facility-Wide Energy Research, also Intel Internet of Things Award recipient
    Finalist (United States): Controlling a Hardware-in-the-Loop Grid Simulator for the World’s Most Powerful Renewable Energy Test Facility

    German Winning Project!
    A Portion of the NI PXI System
    "With the help of the NOFFZ UTP 9065 and the NI platform, we solved the multidevice testing challenge within the climate chamber application for our customers even better. We reduced test times with the NI VST and have reached our highest test depth. Overall we, and our customers, are satisfied with the NOFFZ and NI solution."
    - Dipl.-Ing. Markus Solbach, NOFFZ ComputerTechnik GmbH

  • Functional Test
  • Applications in this category exhibit innovation in test system design with software-defined instrumentation and address challenges such as increasing efficiency, maximizing throughput, and/or ensuring production or verification quality.
    Winner (Germany): Testing eCall Emergency Call Systems With the NI Platform
    Finalist (Italy): Developing the Elektra Test System, a New End-of-Line Test Bench for Hybrid Inverters 

  • Machine Control
  • Applications in this category discuss how engineers effectively integrate dynamic measurements and advanced analysis into their machines and facilities to ensure safe, optimized operation; industrial robotics manipulation; unmanned systems design; and other applications taking advantage of advanced control tactics.
    Winner (United States): Developing a Portable 3D Vision-Guided Medical Robot for Autonomous Venipuncture, also Humanitarian Award and NI Community’s Choice Award recipient
    Finalist (UK): Controlling a Robotic Manipulator for Nuclear Decommissioning With CompactRIO and the LabVIEW Robotics Module 

  • Physical Test and Monitoring
  • Examples in this category demonstrate how engineers are using NI hardware and software to quickly develop and custom systems to perform any test on any structure.
    Winner (Netherlands): Characterizing Sound Profiles for a New Airbus Aircraft Using NI PXI
    Finalist (Korea): Hyundai Uses a Portable Sound Camera for Buzz, Squeak, and Rattle Studies Based on LabVIEW and FPGA 

    • RF and Communications
    Examples in this category highlight how engineers are testing the RF/wireless capabilities of their products or developing next-generation algorithms for deployed wireless systems using a software-defined platform
    Winner (Japan): Weather Radar: Design-to-Deployment Using the NI Platform, also Application of the Year Award recipient
    Finalist (France): Building a Satellite Navigation Test Platform Using the NI Vector Signal Transceive

  • Transportation
  • Applications in this category use NI hardware and software for design, test, and control for planes, trains, and automobiles. Some of these applications include rapid engine control unit (ECU) prototyping, machine condition monitoring of vehicle components, hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, and in-vehicle logging.
    Winner (Japan): Advancing Subaru Hybrid Vehicle Testing Through Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation, Engineering Grand Challenges Award recipient.
    Finalist (UK): Remote Condition Monitoring of London Underground Track Circuits, also Xilinx All Programmable Innovation Award recipient

  • Student Design Showcase

  • Examples in this category feature student projects that use LabVIEW and graphical system design tools. Topics include student senior design and capstone design projects.
     Winner (Switzerland): Sepios: The Omnidirectional Cuttlefish Robot
    Finalist (Korea): EureCar: KAIST Self-Driving Car
    Finalist (United States): NASA Student Launch Project 

    “I’m proud to see three groundbreaking applications from Europe – covering the areas of functional test, physical test and monitoring as well as student senior design – win the Engineering Impact Awards,” said Rahman Jamal, Technical and Marketing Director, NI Europe.

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