The Siemens Industry Automation Division has announced the launch of Braumat 7.0 in 2014. The new version will be optimized for use with Simatic S7 controls and industrial PCs with Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. While the proven basic structures and project engineering processes will remain unchanged in the Braumat 7.0, an increase in the number of signals or parameters for processing will mean substantially enhanced functional scope. At the same time, the software will be purged of obsolete components. Simatic S5 controls and Windows XP installations will no longer be supported in the new version. Braumat 7.0 is scheduled to roll out worldwide in the first half of 2014.
"With Braumat 7.0, we are adjusting a solution which has now been in successful application for over 30 years and bringing it into line with the possibilities and needs of today's technical standards", says Gunther Walden, Head of Food and Beverages at Siemens. "The new Braumat version is set to upgrade the proven control system operating in hundreds of breweries the world over with modern functional features, and will provide our customers with the assurance that they can continue to rely on Braumat in the future."
Other key new features of Braumat 7.0 will include simplified engineering as well as more effective and additive functions for processes such as material management and automation in the cellar area. Operation of the system will be further simplified by a re-engineered graphic user interface and brought into line with the needs of modern operators. At the same time, new functions will be implemented to address the growing security needs of modern automation technology.
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