Sunday, 19 March 2017

Board elected!

At CiA’s annual general assembly, the associations’ members elected the board of directors. New Business Director is Christian Schlegel (HMS above left). The Technical Director, Uwe Koppe (Microcontrol), and the CiA Managing Director, Holger Zeltwanger (above centre), were re-elected.

The following member companies are in the Business Committee: Emtas, ESD, Janz Tec, Microcontrol, and Vector. The Technical Committee comprises Bosch Automotive Electronics, ESD, HMS, Infineon, and Vector.

The budget for 2017 was accepted unanimously. Most of the membership fee is spent for developing CANopen and CAN FD specifications as well as to support the international standardization. Another important part of the nonprofit association’s income is used for promoting activities including stands at EmbeddedWorld in Nuremberg, SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, Interlift in Augsburg, and IAS in Shanghai. Of course, a part of the membership fee is used for the free-of-charge technical e-mail “hotline” answering technical questions.

The international users’ and manufacturers’ group has 615 members. This year, the association celebrates its 25th anniversary. The birthday party was held during the 16th international CAN Conference (iCC) beginning of March. CiA organizes also several CAN 2020 webinars informing about the next steps in the CAN FD and CANopen FD technology developments. These webinars are free-of-charge, but limited in number of participants.

 #CAN_CIA @52holger 

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