Monday, 7 November 2022

Gas detection product of the year fights climate change.

Vaisala’s MGP261 multigas instrument won the Gas Detection Product of the Year category at the Instrumentation Excellence Awards* in London. It measures methane, humidity, and carbon dioxide inside the biogas process pipeline without sampling, even in hazardous environments.
“This unique new technology represents a major breakthrough for the operators of biogas plants,” explains Vaisala’s Product Manager Antti Heikkilä. “Not only are they able to control biogas production more efficiently, and at a lower cost with this instrument, but they can also improve the quality of the biogas. By helping to improve efficiency and financial performance, this technology is also contributing to the fight against climate change. Anaerobic digestion turns waste into renewable energy and reduces dependency on fossil fuels, which is even more important in an energy crisis.” 

Vaisala’s Sales Manager Andrew Williams was also present at the award ceremony. “I am very proud and happy for the win, and want to give thanks to the team that made this possible: starting with our R&D scientists and engineers at Vaisala, but also our customers and partners who choose our technology to provide the measurements that they rely on to drive their businesses forward.” 

Strong stand in sustainable technology.
Vaisala has strong sustainability impact through its measurement solutions; helping to fight climate change in three ways. With Vaisala’s world-class environmental observations scientists can study climate change. By optimising processes with Vaisala’s accurate measurement instruments customers can minimise waste, increase energy efficiency, and improve renewable energy production – such as biogas with the award winning MGP261. Thirdly, precise weather observations conducted by Vaisala’s monitoring systems help societies prepare for and adapt to extreme weather.

*See also: Instrumentation excellence recognised. (28/10/2022)

@_Enviro_News @VaisalaGroup #PAuto #TandM #IEA22 #Britain

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