Wednesday 12 July 2017

Making life easier for H&S managers!

Life just got a little easier for health and safety specialists with Cirrus Research introducing the doseBadge5 with its new scheduled monitoring feature.

Taking time off need no longer strike fear into the hearts of H&S managers thanks to the new "Scheduled Measurements" function that allows the ability to automatically start and stop monitoring at pre-set times. And it is all achievable in just 4 steps:

  • Step 1. Activating and configuring the Scheduled Measurement Function is easy using the doseBadge5 via either the NoiseTools software or the dBLink App for iOS and Android devices.
  • Step 2. Then it is simply a matter of setting the start time, duration and end time for the measurement for full peace of mind whilst you are away.
  • Step 3. Colleagues won't be able to complain about being left with the responsibility; all they have to do is collect the doseBadge5 from the charging dock, attach to the shoulder and the measurements will begin at the pre-set start time. The measurement will start at the pre-set time and continue throughout the day for the specified times and durations, collecting all the data you need. At the end of the day, the doseBadge5 back is put back on the charging dock.
  • Step 4. The data will still be there waiting when the H&S manager returns and can be downloaded as normal from the doseBadge5 to generate any reports using the NoiseTools software.

"This is an excellent add-on to the doseBadge5" said Cirrus Marketing Manager Jim Tingay. "Not only does it give real peace of mind for anyone who needs time away from their day to day job -  either for training or holidays - but it is so simple to set up with no effort on anyone else's part."

@cirrusresearch #PAuto #Safety 

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