Anglia has completed its compliance for the latest RoHS standard commonly referred to as RoHS 3*. Anglia is shipping RoHS 3 compliant inventory to customers unless it has received a specific request for non-RoHS items such as those typically required for Military & Aerospace applications. Customers can now also download the updated RoHS 3 declaration for all applicable parts directly from Anglia Live.
Claire Stevenson |
Claire Stevenson, Quality Manager of Anglia, said,
“As a result of diligent stock management during the transition period, we are pleased to confirm Anglia’s inventory complies with the new RoHS 3 standard. Certificates of RoHS compliance can be downloaded from Anglia Live allowing customers to complete their own compliance documentation. Any exceptions are clearly identified within Anglia Live, and remain available to customers with appropriate exemptions.”
She continued,
“Anglia’s inventory was largely compliant over six months before the deadline. Continuing intensive work with our suppliers allowed us to complete our preparations in a timely fashion. We have purged our warehouse of non-compliant stock ahead of the deadline, allowing us to commit to shipping compliant inventory to our customers.”
The latest RoHS (EU 2015/863) standard was announced in 2015 and expanded the list of restricted substances from six to ten by adding four additional phthalates. The deadline for compliance with these provisions was 22nd July 2019. Although it is an EU directive, it has been widely adopted in many other regions across the globe and will continue to apply to British industry following Brexit.
*RohS Guide
@angliaLive #PAuto #Brexit @NeeshamPR
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