Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Modules full of REST.

A RESTful API (Representational State Transfer Application Program Interface) to simplify development of web-based services is now available in Acromag’s BusWorks® NT series remote I/O modules. The NT I/O module system firmware embeds the API to support reading/writing of I/O data. Web services can use HTTP POST and GET requests to exchange information with the NT’s I/O server. This approach allows devices to easily and securely communicate with each other over the world-wide web along a common Ethernet interface. 

Applications for BusWorks NT Ethernet I/O modules include remote data acquisition, status monitoring, actuator control, predictive maintenance, energy management, and more. REST API is a very popular web interface method because it relies solely on the shared universal HTTP protocol standard on Ethernet. Developers can use XML, JSON, HTML, or other languages to build mobile app projects, IoT Internet of Things data interfaces, and more. The RESTful API is very fast and lightweight. It is also very cost-effective since developers can use the same API request across many environments without third-party tools.

NTE Ethernet I/O models have dual RJ45 ports and a webserver allowing remote system controllers to read or write data on connected sensors and actuators. Each I/O module offers up to 16 input or output channels for voltage, current, temperature, and relay control signals. Attaching up to three NTX expansion I/O modules can interface an additional 48 channels with a mix of I/O functions networked on a single IP address. “The NT series RESTful API provides a simple, secure way for web clients to exchange data with NT I/O module servers to monitor or control the status of remote equipment,” explains Robert Greenfield, Acromag’s Director of Business Development.

The NT2000 Series offers a broad variety of I/O signal processing options. Fifteen I/O configurations are available as either NTE Ethernet I/O or NTX expansion I/O models. Analog I/O models feature eight differential or sixteen single-ended inputs for monitoring current or voltage signals. Analog output modules drive eight channels of process current or voltage signals to control various field devices. Discrete I/O models provide 16 tandem input/output channels with either active high/low input and sinking/sourcing output. A six-channel mechanical relay output model is also available. For temperature monitoring, thermocouple and RTD input models support many sensor types, as well as resistance and millivolt ranges. More models will release over the coming months for additional I/O functions.

In addition to the new RESTful API, each module will also support OPC UA and MQTT interfaces plus three industrial Ethernet protocols (Modbus TCP, Ethernet/IP, PROFINET) which are selectable using any web browser to configure the network settings and I/O operation. The modules typically function as a network server, but also offer Acromag’s i2o® peer-to-peer communication technology to transfer data between modules directly or multicast without a host or master in between. Conditional logic capabilities let users control operations with IF/THEN/ELSE statements.

@Acromag #PAuto #Comms #I/O

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