Monday 28 October 2024

Power surge protection.

 Voltage spikes are brief events that rarely last more than a few microseconds. In complex systems, however, even seemingly small events can have serious consequences. This is definitely true of industrial automation systems, in which many different devices need to work seamlessly together in order to maintain normal operations. Computers and communications equipment are essential components of many modern automation systems, and are particularly susceptible to power surges from voltage and current spikes because they typically have low dielectric strength. In these systems, serial device servers are key communications gateways that connect the broader Ethernet network with specific serial devices. A power surge that damages this vital communications link will bring the entire process to a halt.

A voltage spike is a momentary extreme burst of electricity in an electrical circuit. This energy spike may be short-lived, but could still be strong enough to seriously damage the electronics. Voltage spikes cause corresponding spikes in the current impulse.

There are many potential sources of power surges. Two of the most common are spikes from lightning and switching surges:

  • Lightning: Lightning creates substantial electric discharge at the location it strikes. Lightning that directly strikes a building can clearly endanger its electrical system, but there are other ways for lightning strikes to cause a power surge. For example, when lightning strikes a power transmission line, the effects can cause an equally dangerous voltage spike miles away. Even in locations with infrequent lightning strikes, lightning poses a significant risk and its consequences must be mitigated.
  • Switching Surge: There are many malfunctions in electrical equipment that can lead to power surges. Tripped circuit breakers, short circuits, or even power transitions can all create switching surges. These electrical irregularities may be man-made but can cause just as much damage as lightning. A large power substation that regularly cycles on and off generates enough switching surges to threaten sensitive electronic devices.

Gaps in Existing Power Surge Protection.
Industrial automation operators generally understand that power surges pose a serious threat to their systems and take steps to reduce this threat. Not only do power surges damage and destroy equipment, they cause costly interruptions. In the case of serial-to-Ethernet communications, irreplaceable historical data could be lost if the serial or Ethernet ports suffer a power surge.

For a serial device server, there are three major points of weakness that could be damaged by a power surge: the serial line, the Ethernet line, and the power line. Many serial device servers offer surge protection on the Ethernet and power lines to protect against this threat. However, most serial device servers leave the serial line unprotected. As a consequence, the serial line is often the vulnerable chink in a serial device server’s surge protection armor.

Surge Vulnerability in Substations.
Substation automation facilities are at particular risk for power surges because they are highly susceptible to both major sources of voltage spikes. As outdoor facilities, substations are more exposed to lightning strikes. As electric facilities that perform electric transformation and switching, switching surges are also a danger. At the same time, electric substations need reliable serial communications in order to perform essential tasks such as reading power meters. If surge damage occurs on a serial line, then any meter data on the associated line will be lost. This combination of increased risk profile and greater consequences means that robust products with industry-certified surge protection are a must for electric substations. 

 Full Spectrum Surge Protection.
Surge protection is not an option for vulnerable communications links. Effective and comprehensive surge protection reduces downtime and increases system stability by eliminating the most common cause of failure. IEC 61000-4-5 testing is imperative to verify that a device has sufficient surge protection to withstand voltage spikes. IEC 61000-4-5 Level 1 testing is intended for a device that operates in partly protected electrical environments, while IEC 61000-4-5 Level 2 and higher testing certifies that a device can operate in highly electrical environments.

Many manufacturers offer serial device servers with IEC 61000-4-5 rated surge protection on the power and Ethernet lines. However, the same level of integrated surge protection is rare for the serial line. In order to acquire serial line surge protection, device servers are often deployed with additional external surge protection devices. However, this retrofit adds complexity, increases space requirements, imposes additional maintenance costs, and complicates support cases. Industrial automation systems can be complicated enough as it is without an additional requirement to deploy, maintain, and support yet another device just to provide serial line surge protection.

Closing the Gaps in Surge Protection.
Moxa NPort A Series of serial device servers sets itself apart from other solutions with built-in IEC 61000-4-5 rated surge protection on the serial line in addition to Ethernet and power line surge protection. This provides a reliable, resilient serial device server solution in a convenient all-in-one package. With built-in serial line protection, it is no longer necessary to find, test, and deploy an external serial surge protection product. Surge immunity on the serial, Ethernet, and power lines grants the compact, IEC 61000-4-5 certified Nport A series reliability and full-spectrum protection against voltage spikes and electrical noise.

Moxa NPort A Series devices (pictured above right) are 1 to 4 port serial to Ethernet device servers for hazardous locations. They have enhanced surge protection for serial, LAN, and power, and 2 KV isolation for serial signals. They also have rugged screw-type terminal blocks for power and serial connectors, and are C1D2 and ATEX certified for harsh industrial environments.

@Moxa_Europe @OConnellPR #PAuto #OT/IT #PowerSurge

Thursday 24 October 2024

Industrial scales.

Why accuracy makes the difference between success and failure.

Industrial scales are indispensable in a variety of industries. Whether in production, retail or logistics, they ensure that processes run precisely and efficiently. However, to ensure that industrial scales deliver reliable and standardised results, they are subject to strict regulations. These regulations can vary greatly depending on the region and area of application, and ensure both accuracy and safety in the respective industries. Indust-rial scales such as Combics® and Signum® from Minebea Intec fulfil the highest international and local standards to meet the requirements of a wide range of markets.

In modern production processes, precise measurement often de-termines success or failure. From dosing and filling to fill level control and simple weighing, there are specific guidelines for the use of industrial scales depending on the area of application and industry.

International guidelines: OIML and IECEx .
The OIML (Organisation Internationale de Métrologie Légale) sets global standards for measuring instruments, including industrial scales. These guidelines determine how scales must be tested and certified in order to be used globally. "Internationally active com-panies often rely on OIML-certified scales," explains Eren Sagdas, Product Manager Industrial Scales at Minebea Intec. "Certification facilitates export and ensures that our devices can be used reliably worldwide."

IECEx certification is another global standard that applies specifi-cally to devices in potentially explosive atmospheres. This certification guarantees the safe operation of devices in potentially explosive environments, such as those found in the chemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and food industries.

The industrial scales in the Combics® and Signum® series fulfil both the OIML guidelines and the IECEx specifications. This international conformity makes them the ideal choice for companies that operate globally and rely on uniform safety standards in different regions. In addition to their certifications, both scales are characterised by numerous other advantages.

Industrial scales Combics® : Versatility and robustness.
The bench and floor scale Combics® from Minebea Intec impresses with its combination of robustness and precision, making it the ideal solution for a wide range of industrial applications.

The floor scale plays a particularly important role in the phar-maceutical industry, for example in the exact dosing of active ingredients. Thanks to its smooth surfaces and easy cleaning, the Combics® floor scale fulfils the strict hygiene requirements that are essential in this industry. With its high measuring accuracy, it ensures that even the smallest deviations are avoided - crucial for pharmaceutical production and other highly sensitive processes.

The Combics® floor scale is also widely used in logistics, for examp-le for weighing heavy pallets and freight. These measurements are essential for the precise calculation of shipping costs or the opti-misation of warehouse capacities. The high load capacity and durability make the scales particularly suitable for continuous use in warehouses or loading zones. In the food industry, the Combics® floor scale is used in production lines to precisely measure the weight of raw materials such as flour or sugar. Thanks to its robust stainless steel construction, it can withstand the harsh conditions in production halls, including high humidity and strong cleaning agents.

The versatile application options, coupled with the robust design and precise measurement technology, make the Combics® floor scales an indispensable tool in a wide range of industries that de-pend on reliability and accuracy.

Signum precision scales® : Maximum accuracy for demanding weighing applications The Signum® precision scale from Minebea Intec shows its strengths particularly in industries where maximum measuring accuracy and fast response times are essential. A good example is the pharmaceutical industry, where even the smallest differences in weight can have a major impact. In the manufacture of medicines, where precise dosing of active ingredients is crucial, the Signum® industrial scale delivers precise measurement results down to the milligram or even microgram range. Its fast measuring time makes it possible to organise production processes efficiently without compromising the quality of the measurements. 

"We are happy to advise our customers on the selection of diffe-rent material designs, load ranges and readabilities to fulfil spe-cific requirements," says Eren Sagdas.

The Signum® industrial scale is also used in cosmetics production, where strict hygiene standards and precise formulations must be adhered to. In the production of creams or lotions, the scale can measure the exact quantities of ingredients such as oils and fragrances. Because of its robust design, the Signum® is also ideally suited to the demanding cleaning processes in this industry, which emphasises its durability and reliability.

Ideal weighing and inspection solutions for strictly regulated markets.
Industrial scales such as the Signum® precision scale and the Com-bics® bench and floor scale offer companies worldwide reliable solutions that fulfil international, regional and industry-specific regulations. Thanks to their exceptional precision, flexibility and robustness, they are the preferred choice in industries that require the highest standards of accuracy and reliability while com-plying with strict legal regulations.

@SartoriusCH @OimlBiml #PAuto #Pharma

Removing greenwashing from carbon capture.

Vaisala has launched a new measurement product, MGP241, that measures CO₂ and humidity and is specifically designed to bring transparency to CCUS projects. Both governments and private companies need CCUS to reduce and offset carbon emissions if they are to meet their reported decarbonization targets. However, with current technology still not ready for widespread use, constant, and accurate measurement of captured carbon is vital to ensure its continued development.

Carbon capture, utilization and storage, or CCUS, is a field that has sparked a lot of public debate – and investments. Knowing exactly how much and what quality carbon has been captured is essential if CCUS is to become a viable addition to the toolset against climate change. Vaisala’s new MGP241 multigas probe offers always-on data at a third of the cost compared to measurement solutions most used in CCUS processes today.
“No one knows yet if CCUS will indeed grow to be a significant solution in our fight against climate change. The technology is still in its early stages. What we can solve now is how to make measuring these projects as transparent and efficient as possible to leave no room for guesswork or sugarcoating the results – our numbers don’t lie,” says Julia Salovaara, Strategy and Business Development Manager at Vaisala.

Critical industries depend on CCUS.
CCUS has already seen some major investments. According to BloombergNEF, a record $6.4 billion was invested into CCUS technology in 2022, more than doubling from the year before and with the U.S. leading the way with 45% of the total investments. Yet, many projects are behind schedule or not producing their promised results.

The success of CCUS technology is especially critical for hard-to-abate industries like materials manufacturing, energy production, and the chemical industry. With high emissions and few other significant solutions beyond improving their energy efficiency, these industries experience increased pressures from regulators and the public to decarbonize their operations.

One especially crucial industry is the cement industry that alone emits 7% of global CO₂. Additionally, the global demand for cement is expected to increase 12–23% by 2050. One of the early success stories, Carbonaide, helps the cement industry utilize captured carbon dioxide in concrete manufacturing.

Through the carbonization process, Carbonaide’s technology reduces the amount of cement needed in concrete production. While the reduction of cement needed is remarkable, 20–100%, the process also creates a permanent storage for the carbon captured from an emission source.

Carbonaide partnered with Vaisala from the start to make sure they know exactly what is happening in each step of the process and, eventually, how much carbon is stored.

“Globally, Carbonaide's technology has the potential to store 500 megatons of CO₂ annually by 2050 in precast concrete products – roughly the same annual emissions of France and the UK combined. The investment case we offer our customers is entirely based on accurate measurements and transparency. With Vaisala, we can trust that the numbers we share with our partners are correct,” says Jonne Hirvonen, Chief Operating Officer at Carbonaide.

Transparent measuring at a significantly lower cost.
MPG241 measures carbon dioxide and humidity in point source and direct air carbon capture processes, and in different carbon utilization and storage projects.

Julia Salovaara
Unlike traditional gas analyzers, Vaisala’s MGP241 requires no expensive calibration gases, needs dramatically less maintenance, and promises a 10+ year lifespan in heavy-duty use. The compact size and in-situ design of the instrument has allowed for competitive pricing – around a third of the price of most common solutions in the market.

“Our new probe measures directly in the gas flow and shows test results in real time. This level of transparency and proof is essential for process optimization, building trust with stakeholders, and demonstrating genuine commitment to sustainability,” added Julia Salovaara.

The MGP241 is be available now. 

@VaisalaGroup @VantageDC @Carbonaide @_Enviro_News #Environment #PAuto #CCUS

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Compact Ex command devices.

A new series of Ex command devices currently being launched by the steute business division Controltec features flexible and direct integration in machine and plant enclosures within Ex zones 1 and 21.

The Ex ES 97 series is based on the Ex 97 series of position switches. This series is already well established in complex application fields, most particularly explosive zones, and has dimensions to EN 50047.

The switching system of this series (slow action, 1 NC/ 1NO, positive break NC contact) is extremely robust and durable. The separate terminal compartment to ignition protection class Ex e facilitates flexible connection of cables directly inside the terminal compartment of the command device. Thanks to the compactness of the dimensions (installation diameter just 22.5 mm), the Ex command devices are easy to integrate in the surrounding structure.

The new Ex command devices are initially available in three versions: with a push button, a latching selector and a standards-compliant emergency stop button. All variants are suitable for use in Ex zones 1 and 21 (gas Ex and dust Ex). Additional actuator variants are available on request.

This Ex ES 97 series perfectly complements the steute Controltec range of command devices for explosive zones. To date, users could choose between the Ex 14 series with connecting cable and the Ex BF 80 in a robust plastic enclosure with a terminal compartment. This is a third option in the series.

@mepaxIntPR #steute #Pauto #Ex

Leadeship change at photonics provider.

A significant management change has been announced by Laser Components UK. After 25 years at the helm, Chris Varney is stepping down as Managing Director and will be succeeded by Dan Barlow, who takes on the role of General Manager.

Dan Barlow
Dan Barlow, who joined Laser Components in January as head of sales, has an impressive track record in the photonics sector. He holds an MPhys (Hons) degree and brings nearly two decades of experience across markets such as Semiconductors, Industrial Lasers, Fiber Optics, and Optoelectronics and different industries including Life Sciences, Aerospace, and Defence. Throughout his career, he held leadership positions with both established industry players and innovative startups.

“I’m proud and humbled to have the opportunity to continue building on the legacy Chris has created here at Laser Components UK”, said Dan Barlow. “The foundations are good, the team is excellent, and I am confident we can continue to go from strength to strength here in the UK”.

Chris Varney
In his tenure as Managing Director, Chris Varney had played a pivotal role in the company’s transformation from a small operation into one of the Britain's most respected names in the photonics industry. Under his leadership, Laser Components has become a trusted partner to industries requiring advanced technology solutions, such as quantum technologies, oil and gas sensing, and fire detection. Looking back at a successful time in business he is now enjoying retirement.

“We are sad to lose a committed leader like Chris, but this is the way of the world”, said Patrick Paul, CEO of the Laser Components Group. “I am sure that Dan has the forward-thinking spirit that defines the DNA of our company. His deep industry knowledge will help Laser Components UK go beyond borders and into a bright future.”

@LCGermany @lasercomp_uk @PresseBox #Automation

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Durable, visible and functional display.

Touchscreen HMI provides essential visualization and high-performance multitouch control, even in the most space-limited applications.

IDEC Corporation has expanded its operator interface (OI) family with its new HG1J Series touchscreen. This device uses the latest innovations to provide vivid visualizations and responsive multi-touch operation, all in an extremely compact form factor so the technology can be used in more applications than ever before. The HG1J Series is the successor of the HG1G Series HMIs, and it provides an upgrade path for existing installations.

Compact and durable HMI display.
The HMI’s projected capacitive touch panel (PCAP) advanced technology—like what is used for smartphones and tablets—saves space and improves performance. Besides being water- and scratch-resistant, PCAP is very responsive, and it resists false signals when dirt or water droplets are present on the HMI face. Fewer touchscreen layers and better light transmission ratings mean less backlight power is needed, and the display provides an industry-leading 500 cd/m² brightness level featuring 16 million colors and a 480x272 display resolution. In addition to being multi-touch, users can interact with the touchscreen while using thin gloves. The front bezel carries no branding, of interest to many OEM suppliers.

Engineered for any environment.
The glass-top design is wear-resistant even in harsh environments, and it delivers a long life with a 50,000-hour-rated backlight, making these units low maintenance. The battery-free design uses a hyper-capacitor to maintain clock time for 20 days, while magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) provides non-volatile storage for programs, retentive registers, and log data. With a rated input voltage ranging from 12 to 24V DC and push-in wiring connectors that simplify installation, the HG1J is ideal for industrial, vehicle, and solar-powered applications. Ratings for extreme temperatures from -20 to 55˚C, IP66 and IP67 for wash-down areas, IP66F and IP67F for oil resistance, UL61010, UL Type 4X/13, and Class I Div 2 make the HG1J HMI suitable for a wide range of applications and locations.

Intuitive software.
HMI configuration is accessed through IDEC’s standard WindOI-NV4 software, which is easy-to-use and intuitive, with a drag-and-drop interface and extensive image library. Projects can automatically be converted from one HMI size to another within seconds. Script programming, multilingual capabilities, security, trend charts, data logs, alarm logs, and other functions and features are supported for the HMI.

Connectivity and IIoT.
Two USB-A ports support flash drives for data logging, recipes, and program transfer—along with dongles for speakers, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. The embedded Ethernet port provides users with easy access for remote maintenance and communication, and the Modbus TCP/IP, BACnet IP, EtherNet/IP, and MQTT protocols are supported for connecting with other intelligent devices. The built-in RS232C and RS422/485 serial communication ports support Modbus RTU and allow the HG1J to communicate with other serial PLCs or devices, like barcode readers or temperature controllers. A main HG1J can operate up to 15 other IDEC HMI devices over the serial port using OI Link communication, which simplifies wiring and reduces communication loading. The HG1J supports the use of up to four protocols simultaneously.

Many communication options are available for users to create automation and IIoT solutions incorporating multiple industrial protocols, the FTP protocol, remote monitoring and control, email/text messaging, Twitter/X, iOS and Android apps, and custom web pages.

An adept HMI operator interface solution.
The IDEC HG1J HMI packages modern technologies into a conveniently compact display size and form factor, making it the best solution for space-limited industrial applications. The HG1J is ideal for many laboratory, commercial, and industrial applications throughout industries like food and beverage, consumer packaged goods, oil and gas, and agriculture. Designers of test equipment, HVAC systems, pump controls, remote wells and booster stations, and other OEM machines and process skids are finding the HG1J to be the best visualization solution for their equipment.

@IDECUSA #PAuto #Communications

Embedded communication interface.

A soldered-on communication interface that complements the Anybus CompactCom 40 series has been launched by HMS Networks.

The Anybus CompactCom family offers a range of ready-made communication interfaces that can be embedded into any industrial machine or device, enabling connectivity to all major industrial networks. The new Anybus CompactCom B40 Mini adds a soldered-on option to the existing lineup of modules and pluggable bricks.

Each range in the Anybus CompactCom family has distinct characteristics, making them ideal for different industrial applications.

The Anybus CompactCom B40 Mini includes the following features:

  • Compact design: Soldered directly onto the device’s carrier board, it’s 30% smaller than the pluggable brick, making it ideal for small devices.
  • Efficient manufacturing: Delivered in tape-and-reel and ready for automated production through pick-and-place and Surface-Mount Device (SMD) soldering, it’s designed for high-volume and cost-effective production.
  • Versatile network support: Preloaded with PROFINET, Ethernet/IP, POWERLINK, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP, and BACnet Industrial Ethernet networks, or delivered pre-set for a specific network.

These features enable device manufacturers to simplify product design and production with one design and batch for all protocols, while also optimizing stock management and providing end customers the flexibility to choose the network in the field.

"We are delighted to add the Anybus CompactCom B40 Mini to our lineup," stated Andreas Stillborg, Anybus Embedded Product Manager at HMS Networks. "Our customers told us they want a CompactCom that is smaller and delivered in a tape-and-reel format, enabling them to add a CompactCom in space-constrained, cost-effective devices as well as optimizing their manufacturing processes. The B40 Mini meets all these demands, while also offering the quality and high reliability that our customers rightfully expect from any Anybus product. We’re excited about how much it will benefit high-volume device makers looking to connect to industrial networks."

The Anybus CompactCom B40 Mini is soldered onto the device’s carrier board to provide connectivity to any major Industrial Ethernet network.

@hmsnetworks @HMSAnybus @mepaxIntPR #Pauto